You couldn't help but feel hurt when you ran away from him after what was supposed to be another make out session behind the track field bleachers, the only place on your school's campus that was safe enough to do what you two were doing.

You know you shouldn't have missed him so much, but the dull ache in your chest didn't let you think rationally.

He promised you that it was an emotion free tryst, something that would end as soon as high school was over. None of your friends had to know, you remember him saying something along the lines that your friends and his are all oblivious and no one would find out. You agreed of course, there was no denying the attraction between the two of you and since it was senior year... Well, why the hell not?

Oh, it was fun. You still remember the laughs you and him had when he took you out on a joyride. Or the late dinners he would drag you to, always picking a different diner to go to every night. And while you knew you shouldn't have agreed to his offers of driving you home or his help on your physics homework you just couldn't say no to those eyes.

It was easy at first, as it always is. You didn't even talk to him outside your usual public banter, in fact the only thing you two did was just look at each other with hungry eyes. At that time the only thing on your mind and his was sex and touching and kisses.

But then... Well, the rest was history. Your heart swelled with pride when he won a race at a track meet. And your eyes glazed over with happiness whenever you two were in each other's arms. Before you knew it, you fell hard and there was no way to just pick yourself up.

And you know that he felt the same. You could tell it from the way he wants to protect you even though you could take care of yourself and the way he grins and listens intensely to your rants.

It was funny to you how it went from just sex to late night talks. And how you two seemed to be texting all the time. Even the forever oblivious Conner noticed how you spent most of your time on your phone.

You found yourself nervous around him, trying to ignore the soft touches you let happen when he was close. And you definitely tried to not look in his eyes, those emerald eyes. They were so honest and so loving and-

Ugh, you hate how you have to force to keep him off your mind. Even now as you run away you have to keep yourself from staring at him. It doesn't work though and you keep stealing glances.

Your heart breaks at the sight of him. He's kicking the bleachers and shouting, you can't hear his words but the runners of the track team can. His cousin, the kid who is always wiggling his eyebrows at you because for some reason he knew about the two of you, was the only one who stopped and talked to him. You know that he's gonna talk about it to his cousin, tell him that you broke his heart. And just when it was getting to be such a good thing.

You know it was going to be a good thing, something that steady and safe but still full of passion and happiness. You couldn't risk it though.

You always had that nagging feeling that something was going to ruin it for you, something like your sister getting to him or your father just ripping you away from the life you made in Happy Harbour as he always done before. It just overtook you and finally you gave in.

Maybe it was a mistake or maybe it wasn't

You grit your teeth as you walk down one of the school's paths that swerves around the track field and stops in front of the entrance of the west wing. You're relieved that no one you know is around, you don't want them to see your red face and your angry scowl. It would raise questions and you didn't want to answer any. And while there are students of Happy Harbour High School who around but they know not to bother you.

You take out your iPod and shove the ear buds into your ears because you don't want to hear the sounds of the school and music can help you distract yourself.

Just get home, you think. Get home and you'll be fine and then talk to mom, she's gonna understand.

Because she does, she's the one who has been there waiting for you when you came home late after a night of laughter with Wally. She's the one who smiled and listened to you gush on and on about your days with him and she's the one who made him three sandwiches for the first picnic you and him went on.

You're almost halfway to the entrance of the school when you feel a hand on your shoulder, stopping you right in the middle of the path.

You take a deep breath and turn. You catch his eyes, desperate and beautiful eyes, and you're silent.

Damn, he's fast.

You don't kiss him nor does he hug you. There was no point for that. You two just look into each others eyes and while the music from your iPod blocked out the word you couldn't help but catch glimpses of the students nearby who are whispering and you just don't care.

It could work. The simple statement runs from him to you. And for some reason you trust him.

You nod and let a smile take over your lips

Now that you think about it... It must have been so cheesy that he ran after you and stopped you in the middle of you running away.

But you don't want to know what would happen if he didn't do so.