Sorry this took so long and is so short! Lyric writing is hard. Hope y'all enjoy, and I should have more on its way in the semi-near future.
"This forest gives me the creeps," Sam said, commenting on the dark wooded area that he and the others had entered some twenty minutes earlier. Bones crept warily at his side, followed by a very serious Castiel and, finally, a moping Dean.
"Yeah, well Micheal Jackson's nose gives me the creeps, but you don't hear me complaining," Dean said moodily.
"I don't understand-" Castiel began.
"It's not important," Dean cut him off.
"What do you think is in there?" Sam gave a nod toward the trees. Dean shrugged.
"In this candy land nightmare who knows. Unicorns or something. If we were back home it'd probably have, I dunno, vamps or demons or shifters, with our luck."
"Vamps?" Sam asked.
"And demons?" Castiel repeated, furrowing his brow.
"And shifters," confirmed Dean.
"Oh my."
The travelers spun around to face whoever had said this, the voice having come from somewhere on the the path behind them. They were met with the smirking face of a man, clad in a lion suit- complete with ears, tail, mane, and whiskers.
"Gabriel!" Castiel said, frowning and taking several steps toward the angel. "How did you get here?"
"Good to see you too," Gabriel replied dryly, "It appears that I got caught up in your ascension, little brother. I suppose that's what I get for being as close to the warehouse as I was. Easy to avoid someone when you're right under their noses, you know."
"Did any of the other-" Castiel began.
"Keep your feathers down, Cassie, it's just me. I must have been right next to you when I started my ascent," Gabriel said, then sighed dramatically. "Could have been such a clean getaway too."
"You know, we're headed to this wizard dude," Dean said, waving a hand in the direction that he imagined Oz was. "Maybe he'd be able to give you some masculinity,"
Dean chuckled at his wit, but the laughter immediately stopped when music began to issue from the trees.
"Oh, you have got to be joking me," Dean said, "Another one?"
Gabriel grinned at him.
When you're anything but daring,
Your valor nigh or sparing,
Completely void of gall.
But I could die like my bros,
Death painful, horrible and slow,
If I only had the balls
Though true that I'm a wuss
I'm still alive, and that's a plus
Content ignoring family calls,
But I would die with some pride,
Castiel tilted his head and sang, "Commence as an angelic guide,"
Dean grudgingly added "Let sensibility decide,"
Sam finished with "So long as we don't get denied when we call."
"Then I'll finally get some sense," Dean sang miserably.
"My grace," Castiel added.
"Back home," Sam said.
"The balls," Gabriel hummed.
Dean frowned at his brother as the music slowly ebbed away.
"I am confused," Castiel said somberly. Dean rolled his eyes. "Do you actually desire the metaphorical male genitalia?"
"No, not at all," Gabriel said. "I love being a coward. I would like my grace back though."
"Well why didn't you just say so at the beginning?" Dean cried. "We could have been out of here a whole musical number ago!"
"Because someone already did a song on grace, and we can't have any repeats, can we?" he looked at Castiel. "Honestly, Castiel, I'm disappointed with your lack of originality. You couldn't have sung about your angelic doubt and growing humanity or something? That would of ruptured a few ovaries."
Castiel gave his brother an extremely confused look.
"Come on, we're not getting any closer just standing here," Gabriel said. "I want to get out of this musical disaster just as quickly as you three do."
The four travelers and Bones began picking their way back down the golden path.
"Do you ever get the feeling that a demon is watching you in a crystal ball and plotting to drug and kidnap you?" Sam asked.
"Not usually," Dean replied.