Hey guys!

Okay, I know that starting a new story is completely nuts and so crazy but I have had a burst of inspiration these last few weeks that I wanted to write this story and put this out there. To my TAF and Hunter fans, do not worry I have not abandoned the stories, just waiting for that burst of inspiration and I should have a posted chapter of both within the week.

Anyway, this story came to me while reading other stories and it made me think that we need more Aussie Mary Sue stories…now I know that some people might hate those kind of stories but I promise to keep them funny, loveable and just plain nuts as it is about four Australian nurses stuck in a world of dwarves, elves and hobbits. I have a plan for this story and hopefully people will like it. If not, well that's their problem.

Anyhow, this story is about four Aussie nurses who suddenly find themselves stuck in the land of Middle Earth. I am thinking a Thorin/OC, Killi/OC and maybe either a Filli/OC or Bilbo/OC. Not too sure yet. Anyway, enjoy this story, read, review and if you hate, you are welcome to leave your view if not, still review on how much you liked it and what I can do to change it. Also, I have read the books and I am a fan but not a diehard one and I'm also Australian, which should sum it up, so there will be some mistakes and some things won't make sense but let me know if there is a big mistake or a small one and I will change it.

Love blackNdeadly

Chapter One: On the Road

I sighed, looking at the clock and back down at my exam paper. So far, I had done only the essay questions and the short answer questions. I still had yet to do the multiple choice questions. You would think those are the most basic and really easy questions but no. The university had a very unique way of expressing themselves when it came to exams. No matter how much you studied the week before or sometimes the night before, the university had ways to make you really think and use your brain and then you are forced to throw your hands in the air and give up on the spot. And the questions…to be honest, studying was bloody pointless when it came to uni exams and we really shouldn't bother studying at all.

I looked at the page in front of me and rolled my eyes. Sitting next to my left was my best friend Moya, who like me was trying to figure out what was the point of studying if you're just going to stuff up anyway. She looked at me and pretended to shoot herself with her hand gun and sighed. To my right was my cousin Anna, and she looked like she was going to die of absolute boredom. In front of Anna was her sister Tamika, who was happily writing away in her papers. Then, as fate would have it, the lecturer announced that time was up and that we had to hand in our exam papers.

I jumped up from my seat, not caring the fact that I only almost done and that I still had a little bit left to do but meh, I was confident that I would passed the unit as I had kicked arse in the assignments and various mini tests and quizzes throughout the semester. Being a premed student is not easy and took a lot of work to do including a lot of time and commitment. But I was happy to do it. I wanted to be a doctor, a OB/GYN doctor to be exact. I loved babies and the natural process of pregnancy and childbirth.

I handed over my exam papers to the lecturer and walked outside. Anna jumped up behind me and Moya walked next to me.

"Where's Tamika?" I asked. I stopped outside the building where the exam was.

"Still talking with the lecturer. I swear she is crazier about uni then she was about high school. In high school she wasn't like this." Anna replied.

"That's because she only graduated, like what last year? She was the popular girl and didn't have much time for studies because she was too busy being the queen of the world and now that she has time, she can focus on her studies and put them first instead of some person or party." Moya said.

I looked at Moya. "Right…Nah, there's a reason why."

"Yeah, she's got a crush on the lecturer." Anna sniggered. I smiled then cleared my throat when Tamika walked out.

I smiled at her. "Had a good chat with the lecturer?"

She nodded. "Yes, just talking about stuff."

"Cool. Now, shall we get going or shall we have lunch first and then get going? Or have lunch on the road?" I asked.

The girls agreed on lunch and hitting the road. Since it was the last day of exams, we had planned a celebration trip to celebrate the passing or the 'getting through the semester' trip. We were going to do a road trip from Cairns all the way down to Bundaberg, as my grandparents owned a farm there. We were going to drive through the various landscapes and forests and just really spend all of our hard money from our jobs. I worked at the hospital as midwife, with Anna and Moya working on cadetship as student nurses. Tamika, who was a first year nursing student, was working at Maccas as a manager and loved it. So did us, as we could free Maccas.

We walked to the car park and jumped into my awesome Baby. Baby is a beautiful red RAV 4 that I brought as a graduation when I finished my degree in midwifery. I know that owing a huge car like Baby is strange, but I grew up around 4 wheel drives and Holden commodores.

I started up the engine and drove out of the parking lot at JCU. I started to make my way to the Maccas where Tamika worked. I plugged the audio cord into my iPod and blasted out 'Battle Scars' by Guy Sebastian and Lupe Fiasco. It was our song and I smiled Anna who was sitting in the front seat. Tamika and Moya were sitting in the back.

"Oh yeah Kira, crank it up!" Shouted Tamika from the back seat.

My name is a weird one. Alkira Therese is my name. Yes, I have two first names as a name. My parents were weird but I loved them. My parents were a touchy subject.

In the car, the girls and I started singing along to the song.

These battle scars don't look like they're fading
Don't look like they're ever going away
They ain't never gonna change

I nodded my head to the song Lupe started rapping and Moya rapped along with him.

Never let a wound ruin me
But I feel like ruin's wooing me
Arrow holes, they never close from Cupid on a shooting spree
Feeling stupid cause I know it ain't no you and me
But when you're trying to beat the odds up
Been trying to keep your nods up
And you know that you should know
And let her go
But the fear of the unknown
Holding another lover strong
Sends you back into the zone
With no Tom Hanks to bring you home
A lover not a fighter
On the front line with a poem
Trying to write yourself a rifle
Maybe sharpen up a stone
To fight the tanks and drones of you being alone

Tamika and Anna took over and sang the next verse.

I wish I never looked, I wish I never touched
I wish that I could stop loving you so much
Cause I'm the only one that's trying to keep us together
When all of the signs say that I should forget her
I wish you weren't the best, the best I ever had
I wish that the good outweighed the bad
Cause it'll never be over, until you tell me it's over

We all sang the chorus and laughed. I sometimes think that we should have become an all-girls singing group as we were good at singing. Become like the Sapphires or like those girls from the movie 'Dreamgirls'.

After grabbing our food at Maccas, we were on the road heading to our first stop, which was Kuranda, which was in the Tablelands. We were going to go through the Tablelands, then head to Paronella Park and camp out for the night, before making our way to Townsville.

Yep, we had a plan. I just didn't know that plan was going to bust.

We had made to Kuranda and were walking through the beautiful forest greenery. I stopped to take photos with my iPhone and was loving the look of flowers and birds. Anna and Tamika were bickering over the latest episode of 'Revenge' and Moya was playing a game on her iPhone. I could faintly hear the sounds of angry birds and I rolled my eyes. I turned around and saw that the girls were still agreeing over the episode. I already knew what was happening in the series as I was always on Wikipedia but as Australia is behind in TV, we still watching old episodes

"No, Jack is in love with Emily but doesn't know she's really Amanda and the girl that he's with now who claims she is Amanda but is really Emily." Anna was saying.

"But, if he's in love with her, why not be with the blonde chick and not the other chick?" Tamika asked.

"Because she's pregnant." I said.

"And?" Tamika asked.

"Because he's doing the honorable thing, in so choosing to stay with his child and hence the reason he says to fake Amanda that he's there for their child but with her. If you asked me that is just plain stupid." Moya replied.

Tamika frowned. "Seriously? Okay."

I laughed and kept walking. I walked till coming to a Y-bend and frowned. I turned and faced the girls.

"What?" Anna asked.

"Uh, we've come to a Y-bend. I didn't think that this hike had one." I said.

Anna frowned. "It shouldn't because it doesn't say so on the map." Anna pulled the map out of her pocket and looked at it. "Nah, it doesn't say on here."

"Maybe it's a mystery Y-bend and that if chose the dangerous road it could lead to our destiny." Tamika joked.

I laughed and turned back to the bend. Both roads looked like they were okay and were safe. The only difference was that one road was going up the hill and the other was going down. I decided to be lazy and take the down route, hoping that it could lead us back to our car but most likely it might come to a stop and force us to turn-around. I began to walk down the road when I looked at the road. Some parts were dry but parts were wet because of the recent rain we've had. I decided to be careful and only walked the dry parts but that didn't so much when all of the sudden I slipped and fell down the road. In an effort to try and help, Moya grabbed my hand but it didn't do so much because she fell down with me and if that didn't make matters worse, Anna and Tamika slipped and so, all four of us were rolling down the hill. It wasn't a soft road too, and I knew we were going to get some hefty bruises. We finally came to a stop and to make matters even more worse, we had collided with someone. The last thing is saw before I blacked out was a group of short men on ponies and a man, with reddish brown hair and big feet. Seriously, big feet?

I was dreaming about Benedict Cumberbatch when I could hear someone calling my name. I groaned and mumbled and opened my eyes. Staring at me was the man with reddish brown hair. I started to sit up slowly and looked around me. Standing in front of me was the group of short men. Men so short that they could mistaken as dwarves. Not the ones seen in society today but the ones that could only could have come from a book or a fantasy movie. They were dressed in tunics, vests, pants and had beards braided and basically looked a little ridiculous. The ponies were no different, as they were smaller than a horse but bigger than a show-pony. I looked around me and saw that the girls were coming to and looking around as well. I looked back to the group and standing amongst them was a man in a grey robe, a pointy hat who reminded me of a character from a movie I watched ages ago but couldn't remember what it was.

"Are you alright Milady?" asked the man. "You fell down quite a hill."

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just slipped. Can I asked what the hell you mob are wearing?"

The grey-haired chuckled. "I might ask you the same question Milady."

I looked at my clothes and frowned. I looked at the girls and they too had frowns on their faces. We were wearing normal clothes. I was wearing jeans, a beige blouse and sandals. The girls were also wearing jeans too, but different shirts. Moya was wearing an 'angry birds' t-shirt, which had the red bird and yellow bird flying into pigs and converse sneakers. Anna and Tamika were wearing similar blouses but one was red and the other was black.

I turned back to the group and stared. I scanned my eyes over the different sizes and shapes of the men and their hairstyles. All except two had huge beards that were braided and in different colours. Some were white, some red and some black and gold. I continued my scan over the group when my eyes rested on a pair of piercing blue eyes. I gasped at the intensity of the blue eyes and I look at the face of the man. Dark black hair with strips of white and the beard was black but not as big as the others, which seemed to suit him. But his face was beautiful but had traces of sorrow and pain and it told me that this man has had a hard life, just like me.

But this man also had a scowl on his face. "Can I ask what four ladies are doing on this far from home? I find it a bit suspicious that four ladies just happen to be the same path as us. Surely ladies like you should be at home, doing womanly chores and not out walking into parts unknown. It is not maidenly. "

I opened my mouth to say something but was stopped by Anna.

"Excuse me mate, but we were just on a hike and decided to take a different route which ended in us all falling down and hitting our heads and gaining bruises. So excuse me if I'm rude and all but we don't have to answer to you." Anna said.

Tamika scoffed. "Well said."

"Thanks." Anna smiled.

One of the men gasped and stared at Anna. "Do not speak to our king like that. He is a leader and deserves some respect."

"Say what? Anna asked, standing up and all of us following her. "Look I don't care if he is king of the universe, no one speaks to me like that, like some housewife and you're seriously asking me for respect? Mate, you need to earn respect before I give it. You give respect to me, I'll give it back."

I sighed. "Anna, calm down. Look, like Anna said, we were just hiking and we fell and now we just trying to find our way back. So if you're kind enough can you please show us the way back to the car park and we'll be on our way."

The grey-haired man frowned. "I do not know of this car park that you speak of, but I can ensure we have nothing that here in Middle-Earth. I can point you the shire, if you wish."

I groaned and looked at the girls. "No, if you don't know where it is – wait, Middle-Earth? The Shire?"

Moya frowned. "What?"

I knew where I recognized the grey haired man. He was Gandalf. He is Gandalf the Grey, the wizard from the Lord of the Rings. Oh shit…

I looked at the girls. "As in Lord of the Rings?"

The girls still didn't get it.

"As in Frodo Baggins?" I said.

The reddish hair man scoffed. "That's Bilbo Baggins milady. Frodo is a distant cousin."

I gasped. "As in Legolas? You know Orlando Bloom with blonde hair?"

Moya gasped. "Oh shit…"

I could feel myself getting faint. "Yeah…nah…this can't be real. I cannot be standing in front of a bunch of characters from a book. I mean, I'm studying to be a doctor. Not just any doctor, an OB/GYN doctor…this cannot be happening. This cannot….be…"


So, should I continue? Or should I just stop this silly idea and focus on the Accidental Fiancée? Bearing in mind that I will work on both…

Read and review and all reviews are welcomed!

Love bNd