And so, the butterfly seemed to hover, watching as it's man waved back at her. The butterfly flapped her wings and as her man walked away, the butterfly flew off in the opposite direction, ready to move on for the few days she had left. Because, no matter how strong her love was for the man, they couldn't be together, since they were man and butterfly.

The End.

Johnny looked up from the book, closing it. It was unbelievable that Kitty had managed to get a book of hers published. He put it in the drawer next to his bed and moved into a sitting position, thinking.

The book had been surprisingly good, even if Kitty was only 14. She had spent months writing it, getting a book cover done, etc. She had given the first copies to everyone at the Dumping Ground, and everyone had started reading it.

So far, a lot of people had really enjoyed it. Johnny really had, for sure. But the thing that made him curious was the thing Kitty wrote on the first page, before the story began.

Dedicated to the man/boy in my life, that's like Lucas in this story. He made me feel like this butterfly, and I've never given up hope that he will realize that.

But who Kitty had meant, nobody could be sure. Everybody had asked her so many times, but Kitty's answer had always been the same.

"You'll find out one day." She said, over and over, but the kids' curiosities were peaked.

They'd mainly given up, though often they tried to surprise-attack her with the question. But her answer remained the same. She was too clever to fall for anything like that.

Johnny got off of his bed and opened the door. He stepped out and walked towards Kitty's room, knocking on the door.

"It's open." Kitty called, and Johnny opened the door, closing it as he stepped in. "Hi, Johnny." Kitty said calmly.

"I finished reading it." Johnny said.

"Did you enjoy it?" Kitty asked.

"Yes." Johnny nodded. "But that bit at the start…it's been driving me crazy since I've trying to figure out who could possibly make you feel so…sad and in love. You're my best friend, after all." He pointed out.

"I know. But I couldn't possibly tell you even if I wanted to." Kitty said.

"Why not? I thought best friends told each other everything?" Johnny said, hurt.

"They do, but…this is complicated, Johnny." Kitty said.

Johnny sat beside her. "I wouldn't be sad, you know. I know that you've realized about my crush on you, but the fact that you like somebody else does not upset me. Well, it does, but if it makes you happy then I'm happy too."

Kitty looked him in the eye. "What makes you think it's somebody else?" she whispered.

Johnny looked at her, frowning, but then his eyes widened. "Wait…are you saying…"

"Yes." Kitty said. "It's always been that way."

Johnny bit his lip. He hadn't noticed, all that time, and she'd felt like the butterfly; upset, alone, and yet hoping that one day Lucas would understand.

Johnny gently put a hand on Kitty's cheek, making her face him. He ran a finger across her lips, licked his own, and then leaned over, kissing her lips softly.

Kitty returned the kiss softly, sweetly.

"I'm yours, butterfly." Johnny whispered, before bringing their lips together again.

The book fell out of her hands, cover upwards so the title was visible.

The Man of the Butterfly.