Disclaimer: Pokemon doesn't belong to me.

I apologize if some of the information of the characters, setting, time and other information are inaccurate.

GreenXRed (Namelessshipping/Originalshipping)

It was the same day…

It's raining again.

I keep on walking towards the next city as the rain keeps on pouring over me. A cold wind hits me, making me shiver, but I continue on. I look up and see a flock of Pidgeys flying south. I can use my Fearow to transport myself to Saffron city but I'm not in the mood, and the fact that I just saw a flash of lightning tells me that I should not be in the sky, flying like an idiot.

Did I do something?

The trees around me sway a bit as another wind blow past me. I'm gonna get a cold by the time I arrive.

As soon as I get there, I will be challenging the gym leader. I heard from some trainers she's a hot chick with issues. I don't really care. As long she doesn't try to get in my pants, like some women I've met, I'll defeat her quickly and leave. Seriously, what's wrong with them? I'm a freakin' sixteen year old. Then again, I am tall for my age, and a lot of people told me that I'm so handsome and that I should work for a modeling company. Heh, no.

Just, no.


For a second, I stop. Then, I start to walk again. I need to busy myself, this rain is getting to me. Let's see, what Pokemon will I use for the battle…I'll use Venasaur, of course. The gym leader is a user of psychic types, so, I should get my Beedrill. Damn, I should have caught that Haunter I saw at the Pokemon Tower. I'll have to use Jolteon then…



I must have scared the Pokemons hiding in the forest. I can't hear any noise except for the rain, as I stood there, my fists clenching, as I try to drown myself in the rain. And I wish it can. I look up again. Droplets of rain hitting on my face, and all I see is the dark sky.

I start to walk, and before I know it, I was running. Running to wherever my feet takes me. I keep on telling myself that I don't know what's wrong, but deep inside, I know.

I lessen my pace until I completely stop. I try to compose myself. I am not like this. Pull yourself together Green. You're a fighter for Arceus' sake!

That's right focus. Focus on the goal. I did that because…because…

We'll be friends forever, right?

And there he is. The cause of my nightmares.

I tell myself that I should ignore what I'm seeing right now and go on my way, but a part of me wants to go to him.

I hate my conscience.

I walk towards the boy who was sleeping soundly at a waiting shed. Typical. I notice he's wet as I make my way to the shed. He must have try to avoid the rain, but failed to do so. As I took shelter, I loom over his sleeping form and stare at the black-haired boy. Droplets of water are dripping from his bangs and his wet clothes are sticking to his body. I sigh and sit down beside him, I bend a bit and rub my hands on my face, then, I observe the scene in front of me. I let those buried memories appear before my eyes.


A small boy can be seen shouting at a second-floor window of a house. It opened and revealed a brown-haired boy.


"Come out and play."

He sighed and smiled. "Alright. I'll be down there in a sec."

"Hey Green!"


"I really like your smile! It's nameless!"

The boy blushed. "Quit it! And it's priceless, not nameless!

"I'll call it your nameless smile!"

"That sounds wrong."

The boy laughed. "We'll be friends forever, right?"

Green smiled again. "Yeah."

"So? What do you want to do?"

The two boys were walking along a river bank, enjoying the scenery as the sun started to set.

"I don't know."

"Oh come on Green, you always think of the best games to play."

"I know."

"Then think of something fast!"

"Alright, alright! Geez! Let's see…"


"We could play…Nah.."


"How about…"


"What? What is- What the-?!"

In front of them was an Arcanine, and it was dangerously growling at them. Then, it used flamethrower at the boys, luckily they managed to avoid it.

Green was already running away when he noticed that Red was still on the ground while the Arcanine loomed over him. He went back and before the Pokemon could use flamethrower, with much force, he pushed it into the river.

Red on the other hand was amazed at what had transpired. Green had to pull him up and they ran away until they were safe.

"You idiot!"

Red just stared at him.

"Are you crazy?! Why did you just sit there?! That thing could've killed you!" The boy started to cry and he felt bad. He hugged the boy and stroked his head.

"It's okay. We're safe now. I won't let that thing hurt you, I promise."

"I don't want to be friends with you anymore."

It was raining. Two boys can be seen taking shelter under a big tree on top of a hill. They were both silent as the unanswered question looms over them.

"…Can we still play?" asked the black-haired boy.

"No. I don't want to do anything with you."

"Why? Did I do something?...I'm sorry…"

"You didn't do anything."

"Then why don't you want to be friends with me anymore?"

"I have my reasons."


"From now on, I want you to stay away from me, alright?"


"Nothing happened between us!"

I'm the reason.

I have hurt you so much for you to become like this.

A stoic, aloof…rival.

But we both know that this day would come...and here we are.

If only I could…

I look at him for the last time, and as I got up, I feel a hand over mine. My eyes quickly look at my- our hands, then I divert it to the boy gazing at me with his deep red eyes. We gaze at each other, as words are not needed. We know, the presence of the other is enough, but I guess he wants to make sure...

"Please... just this once…"

I intertwine my fingers with his as he lay his head on my shoulder.

My only answer is my nameless smile.

Reviews are much appreciated.