
Summary: A girl who is obsessed with Marko is driven into the world of the Lost Boys. Will Marko show her what love is really like or end it just as fast?

I hate living in the 21st century. Why couldn't I have just been born in the 80s when everything made sense and the music was actually worth listening to. Not to mention I wouldn't be considered "weird" for the way I dress and the kind of stuff I like. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tori and I live in this hellhole formally known as the year 2013. The 2 things that keep my heart beating are music and The Lost Boys. Most people know vampires as being pathetic, sparkly things who walk around during the day and don't sleep. Well, they obviously have not seen the Lost Boys. And if they think Edward Cullen is attractive then they have obviously never seen Marko. Anyways, enough complaining about the crap of today's millennium; I'm here to tell you my story, aren't I?

It all started when school let out for the summer. The warm California sun felt great on my back as I walked home. The neighborhood that I grew up in was typical, small suburb. Everyday was like the one before. When I walked in the house my stepmom, Stephanie was there. There's only one thing I could compare her with, and that was a Barbie. I swear that woman had more plastic than brains. She was also too young for my dad anyways, when I was in 8th grade she was a senior. I walked straight to my room without saying a word to her. I switched on my stereo and turned on my Lost Boys soundtrack, "Beauty Has Her Way" By Mummy Calls blasted out. I swayed my hips slowly to the rhythm and sang along

"I know what you want, I know what you need. Better than you do"

I changed out of my clothes into a Black Sabbath shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, and my black creepers. I heard Stephanie calling me in her annoying, high pitched voice,

"Tori honey, I made you a sandwich,"

"I'm not hungry," I replied coldly. I honestly didn't feel like speaking to anyone right now. All I wanted to do was go in my room and watch my favorite movie. That's basically how I planned my summer would go. I wouldn't really leave my room except to eat and go to the library.

I loved to read. It was the only escape that I had in the world and nothing could take that away from me. The only writing I had attempted was Lost Boys fanfictions which failed hopelessly. It was like I had my own world in my mind and if I tried to get it out on paper, it just didn't work.

Most people at my school would describe me as "goth" or "emo." I would just say im original. Ever since my dad remarried, he didn't pay much attention to me and Stephanie wasn't usually home so it was I like I was living by myself.

The cool part of where I lived was that I lived 42 miles from Santa Cruz, where they filmed the Lost Boys. I had been to the boardwalk there a couple of times when my dad let me use his car. The feeling was surreal; the only thing that could have made the experience even better would be hearing the sound of motorcycles and yells of the Lost Boys approaching in the distance. I had asked my Dad the week before if I could borrow the car for the weekend to go up there again since I had nothing better to do. It wasn't like I had any friends anyway. Reluctantly, he had said yes. He often told me he was worried about me on rare occasions when I actually saw him instead of just talking to him over the phone.

I had a plan to stay at a hotel that my Dad's friend owned by the boardwalk. I would be home by the following Monday morning so my dad had the car to drive to work. Seemed like a simple enough plan. Since I didn't feel like spending any more time around Stephanie, I started to pack my bag and I would leave as soon as my Dad got home.

Grabbing a red Jansport bag, I threw a bunch of random clothes and bathroom necessities in it. I grabbed my laptop and put it in there too as well as my phone charger and a wad of cash I had stolen from the jar on top of the fridge. My dad probably wouldn't even notice, the man had more money then he knew what to do with. He arrived home at about 8:00. I didn't bother saying bye to Stephanie because she was too busy talking on the phone and watching "Keeping up with the Kardashians."

"Leaving already, honey?" asked my Dad.

"Yeah, got nothing better to do anyways," I replied as he handed me the keys and continued into the house. I sighed and got in the car. I threw my backpack in the back seat carelessly and I was off into the night, heading towards what would soon be the true start of this story.

So yeah, that's the first chapter of "Fate" PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review. Criticism is not only accepted, it is also ENCOURAGED!