Author's Note: Hey guys! Okay, so in this story there are two pairs that I set out: OzXAlice, GilbertxOC. I hope you guys don't mind if I pair Gilbert with an OC. You'll find out who she is in the story. So, enjoy the story. Oh! By the way, this story is sort of Alice-in-Wonderlandish. Just a heads up out there. Anyway, I hope you guys like it.


"Alice! Wake up already!"

A girl with long messy brown hair groaned on her bed in annoyance, covering her entire head with her pillow to pretend that the voice she heard didn't exist. She hoped that the voice would just disappear so she wouldn't have to get up from her cozy, warm bed. After a while of silence, Alice relaxed in her bed. Finally, I don't have to get up this time. But something doesn't feel right...Whatever. The girl let her head rest on the fluffy pillow and let her mind go back to sleep. It wasn't until her blanket covers were torn away from her, letting the cold wind get to her.

"Alice, I told you to wake up 5 minutes ago," ordered a voice.

I knew it. Alice groaned and sat up on her bed. She opened her eyes with a scowl on her face to find her older sister, Veronica, standing in front of her. Her older sister had dark midnight blue hair and indigo eyes. She looked just like an older form of Alice but with longer bangs that covered most of her forehead and framed her face. The older sister looked at Alice with an annoyed face while Alice glared back but the elder sister was unaffected. Ugh, why do you have to be invincible to my glare? Alice thought.

"Alice, get up. You're going to be late for school," she ordered.

"I don't want to," Alice complained. She fell back on her bed and pulled the covers on top of her again. But Veronica didn't let it go. Pulling the covers away from Alice, she took the girl and left her in the bathroom with her uniform and a bath tub filled with warm water.

"Take a bath and get dressed. If you're not down by the next 20 minutes, you can say good bye to your pork dumpling lunch and steak for dinner," Veronica said on the other side of the door.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll be down there!" Alice yelled. She heard footsteps leaving and scowled at herself in the mirror. "I hate it when she uses meat against me. She knows how much I love it." Sighing, she decided to hurry up with her bath since her sister could get pretty harsh when she gets annoyed.

Veronica Baskerville went downstairs to the kitchen to eat something for breakfast. After waking up Alice, the elder girl was very annoyed. At their dining room, in the small, cozy house they owned by themselves, was a small round table with Alyss, the younger twin of Alice, sitting there. When Alyss noticed Veronica, she placed the glass of orange juice she was drinking back onto the table.

"Good morning, onee-san," she greeted sweetly. Veronica exhaled to calm herself down, since she didn't want to get annoyed at Alyss, and went over to grab her mug of hot coffee that she prepared earlier on.

"Moring, Alyss," she replied. Taking a sip, Veronica went over to the table and sat right across from Alyss.

"Did you wake her up?" Alyss took a bite of her french toast and placed it back down on the plate.

"Yeah." Veronica put the mug down on the table and sighed. "She's as stubborn as always."

"Are you talking about me?" The two girls looked up to see Alice walking down the staircase with her school uniform on. Both Alyss and Alice wore the exact same uniform; a black blazer over their white dress shirt, a red tie, a red skirt, and black thigh high socks.

Even though Alice and Alyss were twins, telling them apart was easy because Alice had dark brown hair while Alyss had white. Both also had very different personalities; Alice was more bashing and Alyss was more polite. Alyss was the youngest and the "good girl" of the three. She was obedient, polite, and well-mannered, unlike her older twin who was the complete opposite. Their sister Veronica was neither like the two of them; she was calm and collected but easily annoyed and tempered like Alice except she doesn't like to show much emotion.

"Yes, we we're," Veronica answered bluntly. Her mood suddenly dropped. She picked up her mug and stood up from the chair. "Come on, eat your breakfast already. I still have to drop both of you off at your school. I don't want to be late for mine."

"Roni-nee * you're already 21. So why do you still have to go to school?" Alice asked. She sat down at the seat where Veronica used to sit and took a big bite out of her toast.

"Alice, Roni-nee teaches remember?" Alyss said as a matter-of-factly. The other twin kept chewing on her toast staring at Alyss and Veronica with blank eyes, letting the information process.

"Ehh? You serious!" she yelled with toast still in her mouth.

"Yes, Alice! And don't talk with food in your mouth!" Alyss chided.

"But why didn't I know that!" Bits of french toast flied out of her mouth.

"Alice, for once can you just pay attention to one of us?" Veronica asked. She had one hand on her hip while the other was on their black granite kitchen counter, next to her mug of coffee.

Alice swallowed the food in her mouth and took another big bite afterwards. She gulped down her orange juice and finished the last of her breakfast in a few more bites. Alyss watched as her twin take huge bites that could choke her. She knew it was no use to tell her but she couldn't ignore it.

"Alice, you should take smaller bites so that you don't end up choking."

"So?" came the reply.

Veronica sighed for the 4th time that morning. "Really, Alice. You are just unbelievable," she muttered.

The twins both got up and went over by the door to put their shoes on. Veronica picked up their empty plates and left them in the sink before she followed the two to put on her shoes. Alice completed her attire with white laced boots while the younger twin put black dress shoes with a small white bow on them. Veronica matched her short leather boots with her attire and opened the front door to lead the two. The three left their small home and drove off to their school.

It was her fourth period history class when Alice couldn't take her boring lesson anymore. The teacher went on and on and on about something she didn't particularly care about to remember. The girl blocked out whatever her teacher was saying and looked outside the window. The sky was bright blue and clear and the sun just shined like there was no tomorrow. Alice looked beneath and a familiar blonde head caught her eye. She checked on the teacher to make sure she was safe before she slid closer to the window to get a better look. The young boy was walking towards the school with a tall, curly dark-haired man right beside him. Could that really be him? Thoughts raced through Alice's mind as she remembered her memories with a sweet, blonde 7 year old boy.

"Miss Alice, do you mind paying attention to my lesson instead of the window?"

Alice snapped away from her thoughts and turned to her scowling teacher. He had one eyebrow arched, his mouth a straight line, and a look that said 'pay attention or get out of my classroom'. The silent threat didn't scare Alice but after the teacher resumed his lesson, she paid attention. Or at least, that was how it looked.

While she kept her eyes on the board, her mind went back to the mysterious blonde haired boy. She wondered who he was or if it could possibly be her childhood friend that suddenly disappeared. For a moment there, she remembered that she didn't care anymore; that she wasn't supposed to care, to remember. Only to forget. Forget what just happened, Alice, she thought to herself. You promised not to care. You promised was what she told herself.

Alice shook her head to erase her unwanted thoughts. Unfortunately, the teacher caught her not paying attention once more.

"Miss Alice?" he called. Alice stopped shaking and looked up at him. "Would you mind walking down to the office where you could get me a detention slip to give to you?" The man smiled sarcastically as he watched Alice frown as she got up and walk towards the door.

"Oh, and I hope you don't mind that once you return from your little trip, you'll be more interested in learning. Otherwise, you might need to run and get me another one," he warned just before Alice closed the door softly behind her and walked down to the office.

A/N: So? How was it? I love Pandora Hearts, especially the OzxAlice pair. Oh, the star means:

*Roni-nee: This is Alice's nickname for her older sister, Veronica. It comes from the r-o-n-I of veRONIca. The -nee part just means that Alice is addressing Veronica as her big sister.
