This canon is of Hetalia. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS. I only own my posts. In this short story, I was roleplayig as Prussia, and Germany was roleplayed by some stranger from one of those yaoi-RP-forums, that I recently got banned from :)
It isn'complete, but I will still like to share it with you guys! 3
Germany- Germany was rudely jarred from his sleep by a harsh ringing at the door, followed immediately by the Blackie's shrill yapping and Berlitz' deep growl.
"Oh, for zhe love of - !" He growled and yanked a pillow over his head, soundly cursing every name that came to his mind as the aggravating sound continued to grate at his ears.
Rolling to his feet Germany stumbled out of the bedroom, grabbing his coat on the way out and muttering a few more choice curses under his breath. Aster tramped at his heels, barking madly at the door and skittering out of the way as Germany caught his toe on the desk leg, spewing out an explosive fit to shame any experienced sailor.
"All right, I am coming," he rolled his eyes, buttoning his coat to assume a halfway decent semblence of his typical uniform.
"Probably Italy again," he muttered with a shake of his head. "Nobody else vhould be so stupid as to vhake me up in zhis late hour of zhe night."
Blackie was scrabbling madly at the door and Berlitz was throwing himself against it in his effort to reach the intruder. Germany waved the dogs away irritably, straightening his coat meticulously before unbolting the door and swinging it wide.
"Yes, vhat is... it..."
Germany's words trailed off as he realized there was no one there. The pattering of footsteps indicated that his rude awakener had fled. He growled under his breath and would have given chase had it not been for the rather... unexpected... parcel left on his porch.
"Oh, not again," Germany threw his hands in the air. "Prussia, how many times have I told you I am not signing for your packages? Vhy do you bring this crazy stuff in anyways?"
The "package" in question was a large dog crate, much like the ones Germany employed whenever he caught Blackie chewing on the couch. Simple yet secure, it was lined on the bottom with rumpled forest green and slate fabric. A whisp of light colored fur flicked out of view and Germany raised his eyes heavenward.
"I do not believe zhis, you ordered a stray?" He demanded of his absent brother. "Vhat did you - Vhy vhould - Augh, I do not believe zhis!"
Muttering the things he would like to do to his brother the moment he returned Ludwig grabbed the front of the carrier and tilted it upwards, peering into the gloomy interior. Nothing could be seen in the poor lighting but a pale blob, and Germany was tempted to abandon the pathetic creature until Prussia returned to deal with it properly. Still, he was reluctant to leave any animal out in the cold, and so with a grunt of disapproval he hefted the carrier and brought it inside, dodging around his dogs as they sprang with renewed vengeance upon the animal enclosed within.
"Be off vhith you," Germany ordered sharply, baffled at their odd behavior. They were quite intent on tearing apart whatever creature was locked inside the cage, and it was after no small struggle that Germany managed to push the last sharp fanged muzzle out of the way and slam his bedroom door on the rampart mutts.
"Prussia, you are going to pay for any scratches zhey make on zhat door," he glowered at the wooden barrier, setting the cage down on the floor and flicking on the light switch.
"Now, vhat are you...?" Germany dug a flashlight from his dresser drawer and adjusted it to the lowest setting so as not to harm the eyes of the ... whatever it was. Kneeling on the floor he carefully shone the light inside, frowning as he saw what he was sure to be a German uniform lying defiled on the floor of the cage.
"Ignorant beasts," he muttered, turning his gaze to the object of his dogs' frenzy.
Germany's eyes widened as he realized the light color of the animal was not to be blamed for its snowy coat. Tufts of white fur only covered pointed ears and a long, elegant cat's tail, but besides that...
"Vhat in zhe vhorld?" Germany gasped. His jaw dropped as he caught sight of an all too familiar face.
Prussia- Unlike his brother, no one feared Gilbert. The other countries only would sigh and comply with his comments to quickly quiet him down. Whenever he spoke, his voice would elevate to prove a point with a bunch of swears. He mostly got into a lot of arguments with Arthur, comparing wars and their younger brothers and historical colonizations.
But this meeting was different, sure Prussia had got the last laugh as he slammed his cup down on the table in triumph, though his brother didn't seem to be so amused. He was never amused and hardly ever looked up to his older brother anymore. It was quite saddening, but he didn't acknowledge it. It was too sentimental for his taste. Besides, he was still proud of his younger brother. The two always had a rocky relationship, unlike Arthur and Alfred. He wondered if they ever quarreled and if respect was ever given.
The only difference was Arthur still had his country and Alfred's liberal defiance was like any old regular 'parent'-child relationship. Being that Prussia lost his kingdom, his only grandfather, and now lives off of his younger brother, which only created a disturbance amongst the Germanic brothers.
At the end of the meeting, the Prussian felt a bit nauseous and tired all of a sudden. He stumbled out of the room, pass the talkative nations, and into the nearest bathroom. The hazy feeling worsen. The albino found himself hunched over the sink, slipping in and out of conscious before plummeting to the floor.
He had been out for hours, every so often peering his eyes open to whatever faint sounds he heard. His limbs ached something terrible. His eyes felt as though they weighed a ton and it was dark too. The figures that stood before him were blurred. He could hear a familiar voice, actually two. One of them sounded worried and rather angry while the other continued to dialect in a different language before stopping abruptly, "Quiet, you wanker!" The book then fell out of his hands, with a loud thud to the floor as a bright flash of green blinded the two.
Withering on the floor, Prussia felt the most excruciating pain ever. His ears and above his tail bone burned, his senses were blinded by an unknown force that left him immobilized.
"Look what you made me do!" Arthur exclaimed. He wanted to inspect the effects, but he wasn't sure if any of the dark magic from the book lingered around them, "Now what?"
Alfred wasn't sure what he was looking at or what he had jus witnessed, "...sounds personal..." While shrugging his shoulders, he backed up towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Arthur yelled as he threw his hands up out of frustration, "He can't stay here."
"Psh, you brought him here, so you take him back," Alfred then left, leaving his brother with another failed attempt of witchcraft.
Arthur stood there for a minute, pondering up a way to send the Prussian home without waking him. Since it was late, he figured it would be easy for him to cross Germany's territory without being noticed.
"Brilliant!" After rummaging around the dim lit room, he found a large enough cage to shift his failed experiment back.
Through the whole transitioning, the Prussian found himself drifting in and out of conscious again before the cage settled down into a room that filled his nose with familiar scents.
The loud barks of his brother's dogs made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He remained coiled up with the clothes that were stripped from his back. He didn't want to face those dogs and definitely not his strict brother.
As the hazy, nauseous feeling was starting to wear off, his white eyes perked up from hearing his name. With a groan, he slowly sat up, trying to shift around the cage before realizing where he was, "What...the hell!" his hands touched the secured bars, "What are you looking at? Let me out of here!" he hissed at the light that was being flashed at his face, still oblivious of his appearances.
Germany- "Gilbert?" Germany repeated, stunned by his brother's... er... unusual appearance. He sighed in frustration, his bafflement overwhelmed by frustration at Prussia's less than dignified appearance.
"I should have known," he berated Gilbert in an aggravated tone. "You vhould be zhe one to get drunk and arrive home completely naked. And vhat is zhis? Vhere you attending a costume party, to be vhearing this outlandish garb?"
He opened the cage door and tugged at one of Prussia's ears, letting out a startled gasp when Gilbert cried out in protest. "Vhat... did I hurt you?"
Feeling slightly concerned now Ludwig grasped Prussia under the arms and dragged him out of the cage, cringing at the awkward situation of having his brother naked in the middle of his floor. If zhe others ever find out about zhis...
His attention was distracted, however, by the swishing appendage clearly adhered to Prussia's lower back. Was ist das?
Experimentally he gave the tail a sharp tug, his eyes widening when Prussia let out something very close to a cat's yowl.
"Was ist das?!" Germany shouted, nearly jumping out of his skin in sheer astonishment. "Zhis... it is attached to you?" He gaped openly, his customary eloquence silenced by the enigma lying before him.
"Vhat happened to you?" he finally managed, taking hold of Prussia's tail and flipping it around. His expression was a mixture of bewilderment and derision as he stared at Gilbert, demanding an answer.
Prussia- He winced in pain from the heavy tugs on his furry appendages, "Quit it! And I wasn't drinking..." The albino's legs were numb and weakened from being cramped up in the cage for hours. He wasn't too surprised by the sudden changes in his appearances, since he couldn't see himself. Was it normal for the Prussian to come home without any clothes? For a minute he felt a bit exposed as his brother over reacted.
His face slowly started to heat up as he was bombarded with questions, "I'm tired, and my legs hurt. I'm cold and you're hurting me." he replied dryly as he slapped and scratched away at Ludwig's hands.
He then tried to stand up, scrambling for anything sturdy and nearby to support his weight, "Arthur is what happened, one of his stupid magic tricks!" his ruddy eyes darkened as he grimaced, raking his nails into the sturdy object in one long swipe, almost losing his balance.
The albino then noticed his brother's eyes that wondered about, "W-What is it? Am I hideous or something?" he asked curiously as his head tilted slightly.
Germany- "Vhatch it!" Germany growled, jerking his hand away as Prussia's needle sharp claws grazed his skin.
Prussia ducked away from his grasp, seemingly oblivious to his current state. "I'm tired, and my legs hurt. I'm cold and you're hurting me."
Was he actually flushing? Ludwig knew his brother could be slightly unstable in his erratic moments, but this was a step too far for Gilbert. He seemed to be taking the situation badly, and he did look quite miserable, with his ears drooping and his tail delicately tucked... between his legs...
Germany looked away, trying not to think about that particular notion as he grabbed Prussia's coat from the floor of the cage and wrapped it around the elder's shoulders.
"I suppose I vhas harsh," he said gruffly, weaving Gilbert's arms through the uniform sleeves and deftly buttoning it up to his chin.
The Prussian twisted out of his grip and stumbled to his feet, muttering something about Arthur's sorcery attempts as he swerved about in a drunken manner. Losing his balance he stumbled against Germany's oak dresser, dragging his claws across the impeccable siding as he almost fell.
"Vhatch vhat you are doing!" Ludwig shouted, leaping forward to inspect the damage. Three long streaks had been clawed through the polished finish, and he planted a fist against his forehead as he calculated the cost of repairing the marred wood.
Gilbert stared at him, his gaze perplexed as he questioned, "W-What is it? Am I hideous or something?"
Germany was completely at a loss. Was Prussia so foolish to be completely ignorant of his state? After shredding apart his brother's furniture he had to have some idea of the changes in his body.
"All right, zhis has gone far enough!" Ludwig glowered at the swaying Prussian, still angry about the claw marks on his dresser. "I did not drag you inside just to have you destroy my furniture. Now go to your own room before you destroy zhe entire house with zhese... zhese..."
Germany grasped Prussia's wrist in an iron grip, holding his fingers aloft where Gilbert could see razor sharp claws where his nails should be.
"And you vhill be paying for zhat dresser, not matter vhat Britain has done," he reminded brusquely.
Prussia- Gilbert's scarlet eyes watched his brother, it was sickening and rather sad at the same time. He cared more about inanimate objects than the lives around him.
He yelped in pain from Ludwig's grasp, "I came home in a cage and all you care about is a fucking piece of furniture..." he muttered unable to yell as he stared at his hand that was forced in his face. The nails were too long and sharp to make a proper fist. He trembled slightly at his hand and the feeling of fur brushing up between his legs.
Hearing his brother's overpowering voice and nags only annoyed him, "I'm not a child, little bruder." his ears perked downward, a low menacing growl eluded from his lips as he tugged his hand away. Gilbert then stumbled pass Ludwig over to the staircase, "Money never will solve problems. I thought you would be smart enough to know that." he said, trying not to acknowledge his brother's selfish remarks.
His numb limps ached with each step. This time he wasn't laughing or joking around about the situation. He didn't find it funny or humorous. It was embarrassing and proof that their relationship was falling apart and Prussia had failed terribly as a guardian and as an older brother. They weren't getting anywhere, "I'm sorry..." he bit his tongue with a small hisses as he stopped, not daring to face Ludwig.
"I'm sorry, ok? For everything..." he repeated louder then ventured up the stairs not expecting a response.
Germany- "I came home in a cage and all you care about is a fucking piece of furniture..." Gilbert muttered, staring in mingled detachment and horror at the claws on his fingers.
Germany felt a brief flash of guilt. He was not accustomed to Prussia backing down from an argument. His brother's boisterous challenges he could handle, but for him to withdraw in such a manner? Germany was not sure how to respond to the situation.
"I forgive you - " he started to respond in his usual brusque manner. He was cut off as Prussia continued to admonish him.
"I'm not a child, little bruder." Gilbert pulled away from his grasp and trudged away from him, swaying on his feet and grimacing as though he were in pain. "Money never will solve problems. I thought you would be smart enough to know that."
Ludwig was at a loss for words, not having expected this from his loud mouthed, ever boasting brother. Gilbert was never one to show emotional vulnerability, and to see him in such a state was... unnerving. The worst blow was yet to come, however, as Prussia hesitated on the steps - was he trembling? - and said in a voice so low Germany could barely catch it,
"I'm sorry..." Prussia took a deep breath and repeated - still avoiding eye contact - "I'm sorry, ok? For everything..."
Germany felt a sudden odd concern for his brother, one he might have compared to his worry for Italy's stupidity had it not reached much deeper.
"You do not need to apologize," he responded in a subdued, if still gruff manner. "Zhis is probably all a dream and one or zhe other of us vhill vhake up in zhe morning and everything vhill be back to normal. You should get some sleep. Oh, and vhatch out for zhe dogs; they seemed to - "
He spoke the warning too late as Berlitz came tearing around the corner, Blackie and Aster close behind. "Halten! Stop!" Germany shouted, grabbing the two of the dogs' collars and jerking them to a stand still. Blackie and Aster strained at his grip, barking madly at the neko standing but ten feet in front of them.
"Gilbert, lauf!" Germany commanded harshly as Berlitz charged towards Prussia, teeth bared and a viscous growl escaping his throat.
Prussia- A dream. He wished it was. Ludwig's appeasements weren't helping much. Avoiding the hidden message wasn't going to help. The Prussian was tired of holding back his emotions, and thoughts. Sure he was a loud mouth person, but certains things he could not say. He was too prideful and arrogant, but he was very self-conscious and self-reflective upon his reasons and motives. That was a secret, something he would not want to share with anyone.
Gilbert quickly snapped away from his thoughts when he heard the vicious growls of Ludwig's dogs. Because of his feline scent, the dogs no longer recognized Prussia.
"Mein gott!" With his cat-like instances, he jumped up before taking off up the stairs, with a husky dog chasing after him. In one swift motion he pulled the door open, then closed with it with a thud. Without a doubt, he was scared for his life, "How fucking embarrassing!" he exclaimed as he threw himself on the bed.
A former solider afriad of some dogs, he thought as he brought a hand up to touch one of his ears. To his dismay, they were real and twitched just like the tail that coiled every so often. He just wanted to go to sleep.
Germany- After some difficulty Germany was able to drag Aster and Blackie back into his room, closing the door firmly against them before retrieving Blitzer, who was quite intent on smashing down Prussia's door.
"Dummkopfs," he scowled, slamming the door shut and rubbing a hand across his face as he imagined what damage the frenzied mutts might create in his room.
"Zhis is not going to be a daily occurence," he swore. Sighing heavily he trod up the stairs to his brother's room, an unfamiliar sense of regret distracting him as he recalled Prussia's terrified expression when Blitzer attacked. He had never seen his brother so afraid for his life. It was against Prussia's nature to show his fear, and although Germany had lost his sense of hero worship for his brother long ago, he was shaken to see Gilbert so emotionally compromised. It made him feel almost... protective.
Germany grunted and shook his head. Prussia was nothing like Italy, the stupid, peace loving dummkopf who followed him around like a cheery shadow. Prussia was a loner, content to be by himself with no sensible morons to interrupt his rambling nonsense. For certain he had a healthy fear of Russia, though his confidence had been bolstered once he realized how strong Germany had become, but he had never been placed in a position where he was terrified of a mere dog.
The concept was disconcerting and too much for Germany to think through. With a muttered oath he rapped his knuckles against Prussia's door. "Gilbert?"
There was no reply, and with a shake of his head Germany pushed open the door, wondering why he was cringing against entering a bedroom located in his own home. Poking his head inside he cleared his throat, acknowledging his presence before taking a closer look at his brother.
Prussia was splayed out across the bed, his uniform coat only covering his torso while that confounded tail continued to rest gently between his legs. His face was tucked into his arm and he trembled slightly, looking more vulnerable that Germany had ever believed possible. The effect was... entrancing. A cloying desire rose unbidden and Ludwig clenched his fist, grinding his teeth against the sudden yearning to prove his position of control in this household and -
He abruptly turned off that train of thought, perturbed that such a concept would come to mind. Incest had no place in the army, and certainly not with an older sibling. Still... the notion was almost... pleasing. He would have liked to see Gilbert writhing in his grasp, his impertinent tongue finally shut up by -
Get a grip! Germany berated himself, slamming his fist against the wall and shaking his head wildly to clear his thoughts. He was here to ensure his brother's well being, not to entertain his sick mindset.
Assured his thoughts had been reined under control Germany approached the exhausted Prussian, sliding a blanket out from under Gilbert and tucking it around him. He found he... liked... this idea of looking after his brother, perhaps even comforting him after Prussia's close call with Berlitz. Ludwig had never seen any reason to show concern for Prussia after their history of quarrels, but to be placed in the position of the protector rather than the younger sibling was a responsibility he was growing accustomed to faster than he expected.
Gently Ludwig swept Prussia's hair away from his face, massaging at the base of one albino ear as he would to Germouser or one of his dogs. His hands moved down and he began rubbing slow circles around Gilbert's shoulders, his firm hands having a profound effect as the Prussian soon relaxed his tense posture, a contented sigh alike to a purr escaping him. Smiling at the response Germany continued the administrations, moving from the shoulders to the lower back until he was sure Prussia was lost to the world.
Tucking the blanket tighter around Prussia's shoulders Germany studied his brother's peaceful expression with a sort of fondness, his hand trailing without thought over the bare leg extending from beneath the comforter. The sensation was strangely... erotic... and he repeated the action with a firmer hand, curious as to the feel of his brother's smooth, almost translucent skin beneath his own strong fingers.
Abruptly he jerked his hand away as though burned, turning an about face and striding from the room without a backward glance.
Later that night - or morning, as it was already three o'clock a.m - locked safely in his own room with Aster, Blitzer and Blackie curled around him, he buried himself in one of his porn novels and tried to erase the memory of the touch from his fingertips. Zhis... zhis is merely an overreaction. Too much liquor vhith too little sleep. I vhill feel better in zhe morning, and all vhill be forgotten.
Determined to overcome the dirty, glorious thoughts overcrowding his mind Germany switched off the light and collapsed onto the bed, falling with merciful swiftness into an exhausted, dreamless sleep.
Prussia- With a loud yawn, the feline woke up feeling much better than last night. Though he had the oddest dream, but it felt so real. Maybe those feelings he had for his brother were too vivid. Without thinking, he touched and rubbed his one of his ears the way Germany did. It was calming, an occasional purr here and there, but it wasn't the same. It was awkward, but so enticing.
Prussia didn't think too much of it. He didn't want to. Knowing his strict brother probably wouldn't agree. Gil felt like praying.
He soon stopped with another yawn before standing up to fix his disheveled uniform coat, his white tail found its way from underneath his coat. Not bothering to check the time, Gilbert catiously left his room, knowing Ludwig's dogs were out there to get him. He then trotted down the hall and into the bathroom. Prussia was curious to see his altered appearance.
Yet again, he wasn't surprised by the ears that perked and the tail that had a mind of its own. He saw nothing different despite the ears and all. He was still the same old freeloading Prussian. He felt guilty for saying such things to his brother last night. He didn't mean it. Well, he did, but not that way.
Sighing, he brushed teeth, carefully grazing the toothbrush against his sharpened fangs. Then he washed his face, as if the cleansing would stop him from stressing out.
Gilbert then proceeded down the stairs, taking note of the dresser he had clawed last night, "...Luddy?" he called, unsure if his brother was out working again. His ears drooped as he felt his tail brush up between his legs. He was a live mood ring while checking the emptied rooms. The anxiety and tension was all too much for the Prussian to handle. He felt the need to find Ludwig and apologize.
Germany- Despite the lack of sleep Germany rose at an early hour, rubbing at a crick in his neck with a muffled groan. At least Italy is not here trying to make zhis an "allies fun day" again, he considered. Instinctively guessing he would be proved wrong he patted the space on the bed next to him, yelping as his hand closed down on a mop of long hair.
"Italy! Vhat are you doing here again?! I told you not to - !" Abruptly Germany broke off, staring open mouthed as Aster shook her fur and gazed up at him, her pathetic doe eyes darkened with distress at having received such a reprimand.
Was ist das? The events of the night before came to mind and Germany clapped a hand to his forehead, groaning at the recollection.
"Oh, zhis is not happening to me," he moaned, glaring darkly at the three dogs gathered on his bed.
Mein bruder is a cat. Mein bruder has a tail to match Germouser's. Mein bruder -
"VHAT!?" Germany shouted, bolting upright in bed and smacking the back of his head against the wall. He grimaced and tentatively rubbed the growing lump, rapidly swearing in German as he contemplated this unexpected problem.
Britain has turned Prussia into a pussy cat and left me to deal vhith him. Hm... Britain has turned mein bruder into a pussy cat and Gilbert has run to me for help. No, no... Gilbert has gotten himself turned into a cat und I am going to kill him for zhis!
A mental rant did wonders for the temper. Calmly Germany slid out from beneath the covers and changed into his usual uniform, inspecting it closely for wrinkles or stains before slicking his hair back and leading the dogs outside to ensure they would not tear Prussia apart the moment he stepped outside his bedroom door. Two imperative steps taken towards this uncalculated twist in his life, he attempted to relax and leafed through yet another file labeled "Top Level Security" that he was expected to make a decision upon by the end of the week.
Noting the time and expecting his brother to be up early as well, Germany twiddled his thumbs and considered, finally setting about to cook breakfast. His brother had gone through a rather traumatizing night, after all, and it only seemed reasonable to at least have the coffee ready and waiting. Given his state last night, Prussia was sure to be facing one massive hangover.
Gilbert's time table was off by an hour and a half, and by the time Germany heard the floor boards creaking upstairs the sausages were cooked and the rolls and toppings already prepared. He did not mind the delay for once; normally Prussia's erratic sprees agitated him to no end, but after his brother's emotional discord the night before Germany considered the impromptu breakfast a sufficient enough apology, after which he would forget the matter ever existed.
"Luddy?" he heard Prussia's call from the stairwell.
Instantly Germany clamped his eyes shut, trying not to think of a swishing tail and a pair of furry ears which did not belong on a human body. I am not going to kill him, I am not going to kill him...
"Gilbert! I am going to kill you for zhis!
Prussia- "Oh, shut up," his eyes narrowed after hearing his brother's nags. Prussia was starting to reconsider his offer quickly, "I'm not a child."
"You're not the one waking up looking like a damn freak, Sleeping Beauty," he muttered as he walked right pass Ludwig and towards the fridge, "Always overreacting and stuff, it's too early to be that emotionally distorted," the feline then spotted a carton of milk. His brother would probably kill him if he were to drink from the carton and not a cup.
But, he really wanted to apologize, "...I called you because we seem to not be on the same page. Ignore me of you want, but you know it's true. I didn't raise a fool." Gilbert once again bit his tongue as he stood next to his brother. He could perfectly smell the well cooked wurst that sizzled deliciously from underneath his nose, a purr rumbled in delight.
Gilbert sat the milk cartoon down on the counter. He then reached up for a cup from out of the cabinet.
Germany- "Oh, shut up," Prussia glared, lacking his usual sarcastic response, "I'm not a child."
He strode past Ludwig without a backward glance, rummaging around in the refrigerator until he located a half empty carton of milk. "You're not the one waking up looking like a damn freak, Sleeping Beauty," he muttered. "Always overreacting and stuff, it's too early to be that emotionally distorted."
Germany grunted, biting back a response of his own about how he was the one who had been up for hours now, how he was not the one to have been brought home in a carrier after being drugged by such a pathetic nation as Britain, and how he was not the one sporting a feline tail and pair of twitching cat ears. It was well that he held his tongue, as Prussia was not finished speaking yet.
"...I called you because we seem to not be on the same page, Gilbert said hesitantly, coming to stand by Ludwig as he spoke. "Ignore me if you want, but you know it's true. I didn't raise a fool."
Germany was struck speechless for the second time in twelve hours. Prussia turned away as though the exchange had never taken place, reaching for a cup and pouring himself a near overflowing glass of milk. Mildly Germany noted that his brother had rarely shown such enthusiasm for the liquid, but his mind was occupied by more important matters. He could sense see the tension in Gilbert's posture, and realized that his brother was waiting with baited breath for his response.
"I... um..."
What was there for him to say? He was not a sentimental man, nor had he ever expected Prussia to revert to such a mannerism. Brushing away the conflict like an annoying fly Germany responded,
"As I mentioned last night, zhere is nothing for you to apologize for." Aside from falling for Britain's lowest tricks, warping Germany's furniture, and upsetting the household, that is. "Breakfast vhill be cold if you vhait too much longer."
Heaping his own plate with sausages, rolls and cheese, Germany poured himself a large mug of black coffee and settled down at the table with the morning newspaper, trying to avert his eyes from the rather adorable (he did not just use that word to describe Prussia!) silky ears the had flattened dejectedly at his abrupt dismissal. He felt rather ashamed at his curt reactions, but he was still unsure how to act around this new, insecure Prussia.
It is merely a phase. It vhill pass, and he vhill soon revert to his normal, annoying self and all vhill be forgotten. So he hoped, at least. Germany was not quite sure what to do otherwise.
Prussia- Feeling ignored again, the Prussian thought of taking his problems else where. Though, he wasn't too keen on sharing his experiences and hearing different opinions from other countries. They wouldn't understand. The history between Prussia and his brother had to be reviewed privately.
"I don't want any breakfast," After guzzling down the fresh milk, he left the glass, with a loud thud, on the counter. He had to be firm enough though he wasn't seeing any progress.
"I want to talk to you, but you seem uninterested," Gilbert continued as his scarlet eyes glared at Ludwig. His ears pulled back, imitating a silent hiss.
He then leaned up against the counter in silence. He wanted to share something with his brother, but only if he was willing to listen, " won't be mad at me if I told you something?" he asked while softening his glance at the other, "You wouldn't be upset, right?" he asked once again in a pleading tone.
Gilbert wanted to tell his brother about the dream he had last night. It freaked him out a little, but he still wanted to share with him. Knowing his brother, Ludwig would probably deny it all or yell at him to shut him up. He took his chances. Gilbert himself wasn't sure if about his own feelings. It was all confusing.
Germany- Luddy... Germany could not recall the last time Gilbert had referred to him by that nickname. When he was drunk, yes, and certainly when Ludwig had been younger the name had been used fairly often in an affectionate way, but since their quarrel had begun - how long ago had that been? - Prussia and Germany had been above pet names. Ludwig was still referred to as "West," of course, but that was as far as things went.
I miss those days, Germany realized with a frown, folding his newspaper and setting it down on the table.
"Und vhat is it you vhanted to tell me?" he questioned, his expression never changing though his attention was now devoted wholly to his brother.
Odd... it must be quite important to him, for him to be so insistent. Yet he hesitates. I cannot remember a time he vhas ever vhorried about my opinion.
I hoped you guys enjoyed the beginning. I do have more. Just let me know if you guys would like me to post the rest, and I will! :) 3