The Fires Of Hell
It was the dead of winter and Paris was burning. One would think that the falling snow would have put out the angry flames, but it seemed that the fire's wrath could not be quenched, no matter how much it was opposed. Random bits and pieces of the once elegant city were now reduced to ashes, while some lasted for endless hours of burning. Paris was filled with the cries of hundreds as their homes were taken from them and their well-being was scattered into the four winds.
You could taste the fear and smell the anguish in the streets that surrounded Notre Dame, as the homeless and hurt gathered there to claim sanctuary and to pray for God's mercy. But after days of the near constant pleas for help from starving and destitute families, the Archdeacon had had no choice but to turn them away. There was simply no more room for them.
So for the first time in recent memory, Notre Dame closed her doors to the world and kept her heavenly light all to herself. Because for the first time, Notre Dame wasn't listening to her people, and God's tender care was absent. And it was all because of one woman . . . All because of a gypsy.
Esmeralda looked out of the window before her with tearful eyes and a broken heart. Paris was burning and she was to blame.
The woman wistfully reached out her hand to touch the glass, but was instantly pulled back sharply. Esmeralda glared down at the shackles that held her wrists and ankles captive, hating them almost as much as the man that had recently imprisoned her. Almost.
If only she had the chance to reclaim her freedom. If only someone would take these chains away and let her fight her way out of this prison. Even if she died in the process of her escape, it would be a far better fate, than to be Frollo's prisoner for the remainder of her days. Especially when the outside world was positioned a mere stones-throw away, taunting her to the point of insanity. She would most certainly go mad if she was to be kept here, within the Palace of Justice, until her supposed 'trial and execution'.
After several more moments of looking at the burning city, Esmeralda moved away from the window, knowing that it would only bring her more pain and longing, and lowered herself onto her knees. The position made the shackles around her ankles bite into her flesh, but the gypsy woman ignored the sting and the blood. She would say her daily prayer, even if it meant breaking her bones in order to do so.
Esmeralda cried freely as she prayed, letting all the things in her heart pour out into her words. Even if God wasn't listening, she needed to speak her mind and let her sorrow form into words.
She truly didn't care if anyone listened to her prayers or not. It seemed that the Saints never had. But, still Esmeralda tried. Even after years of hardship and prejudice, she continued to pray.
The young woman didn't know how long she stayed on her knees, nor did she realize that she was surrounded by a miniature pool of blood from where the shackles had broken her skin, but she did notice when someone joined her in the room. The strangers' shadow loomed over her from behind, but she continued to pray, not giving the intruder the satisfaction of being noticed. After several more minutes, she finished. As she uttered the sacred word of, "Amen," Esmeralda heard a male voice solemnly repeat the phrase.
"So, you aren't a mindless heathen after all." The deep voice made Esmeralda burn with anger and she didn't bother to hide her contempt.
"The gift of prayer isn't only reserved for those with fair skin and the black-hearted men of the cloth, Frollo." She contradicted indignantly, as she stood up from her place on the floor, her back still to him.
Esmeralda expected his following anger at her statement and a smile grew on her face when he grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back. Good, she was getting to him.
"You will learn your place, gypsy witch, or I will make you suffer in ways you've only dreamed of. Here in the Palace of Justice, you will be made to repent for your sins and beg God for clemency from your hellish ways."
Esmeralda forced a laugh through her clenched teeth, as the man tugged even harder on her hair.
"My hellish ways? Who was it who set Paris aflame for his own selfish reasons?" The woman scoffed and tried to escape his grip. "You might as well kill me. I would rather chose death than to be in your company."
Before that moment the woman hadn't looked at her captor, but as she said the words, Frollo spun her around to face him. She looked at him with unwavering eyes, but as she did, Esmeralda noticed his face change from an angry mask to an expression that made her blood run cold.
"My dear, Esmeralda," he said calmly. "Such a fiery spirit and an evil soul. . . But there is a way to cleanse yourself of your heathen heritage. You must turn to God," Frollo said and reached up one of his hands and ran his finger along the length of her cheek. "And the only way to God's grace is through me."
Esmeralda met Frollo's lecherous gaze, knowing exactly what he was referring to, but forced herself to push back her fear. She had to be brave. . . She couldn't show him any weakness or he would surely use it against her. So her next words were spoken with as much conviction as she could possibly muster.
"If God would have murderers and rapist lead his church, I am grateful that I am a gypsy, and that he refuses to answer my prayers. Perhaps the devil will grant me the sanctuary that I've been denied."
The slap that hit Esmeralda's cheek made her head jerk to the side, and her eyes water, but she didn't cry out. She wouldn't cry. Not for the likes of Frollo.
"Blasphemy!" Frollo bellowed, his eyes shining dangerously.
"The truth!" Esmeralda cried out, just as adamantly.
Frollo drew back his hand once more and brought it down on the gypsy woman's face. The sound of it was deafening, but Esmeralda didn't flinch. She had had far worse beatings from the city guards, and at least with Frollo, she knew her comments were hitting their mark.
"I will break your spirit, gypsy," Frollo threatened, his voice nothing more than a low growl. "You will know your place by this week's Mass, or I will see to it that you are burned for witchcraft and heresy!"
As Esmeralda pondered his words she realized that there was only one choice for her. And wasting no more time, she spat upon him. Her mind already made up. She would die and she would remain true to herself to the very end.
"It is death than." She whispered.
Frollo wiped the spittle from his face and leered at her. "Oh no, gypsy. You will not die until I've cleansed you."
Esmeralda's stomach clenched, and she was about to question him, but was given no time to truly wonder about her fate.
The Judge grabbed her, slammed her into the nearest wall, so that her back was facing him. The woman's shackled wrists were bent at a horrendous angle, making her wince in pain as her skin was cut and drops of blood began to pool from her wrists.
Esmeralda desperately tried to push away from the wall, but with Frollo's body pressed firmly against her from behind, she was unable to move. And it was as she struggled against him, that she felt something hard pressing into her backside.
Frollo leaned in close so that he was nuzzling her ear, making Esmeralda feel like she was going to be sick. And his next words made her heart almost stop altogether.
"You are mine," he whispered enunciating each word as he began to trace her ear with his tongue.
Esmeralda squirmed and fought to get away, but Frollo held steady, keeping her trapped against the accursed wall.
"Let me go!" She screamed, but the man completely ignored.
Frollo licked the back of the woman's neck and when he was satisfied at his work, he bit down hard on her shoulder. Esmeralda shuddered violently and continued to fight to free herself, and with her movement, the Judge was very aware of the fact that if she wasn't in shackles, he wouldn't have been able to hold her down. But with them in place she was truly powerless against him.
The older man continued to kiss and coat her neck for several more minutes before he once more bit down, and the gypsy woman drove him over the edge.
When Frollo had bitten her a second time, Esmeralda and pushed against the wall with all her strength and had slammed back into him in an attempt to knock him away, but had instead pressed herself into his growing erection. She immediately realized her mistake when he momentarily stopped his ministrations on her neck and low growl escaped her ears. After this, Frollo wasted no more time.
With shaky but strong hands, the Judge quickly lifted up her skirt and hastily removed her underthings.
"Please," Esmeralda begged, though she knew her plea would fall on deaf ears. "Please Frollo, don't do this! . . Lust is one of the worst sins! You will ruin us both!"
"Silence, gypsy witch," Frollo rasped, and the woman could hear the rustling of cloth, before she felt the hardness return to her now bare skin.
"God will always extend forgiveness to his faithful servants."
And without further delay, he pushed into her.
Esmeralda screamed in pain as Frollo thrust into her, taking away her innocence and killing her soul in one long agonizing second. The woman tried to calm herself, to focus her mind and think of other things, but she couldn't. The only thing she could feel was him. . . His unholy intrusion.
Esmeralda screamed as the very fires of hell seemed to consume her, flesh and soul. But no one heard her cries for help or sorrowful prayers. For only the devil was there. The devil in the shape of a man.
*Esmeralda's Hellfire Reprise*
(* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )
"Beata Maria, you know that I was righteous once.
Of my virtue, I was justly proud.
Beata Maria, I was so much purer than that vicious, evil, weak, and lustful man.
Then tell me, Maria, why was I not saved by thee? Was my prayer not good enough for you?
You heard me and left me
Left me to the wolves and then, laughed as I was murdered flesh and soul!
Like fire! Hellfire! This fire in my skin!
His burning desires, that turned me to sin!
It's not my fault. I'm not to blame !
It was that evil man, that worm, who caused my shame!
It's not my fault!
Within God's plan, he made temptation, so much stronger than a man!
Remember, Maria! Recall how I was used and then,
Castoff from all that I had ever known!
Destroy Frollo
And let him taste the fires of hell!
Let him be damned fore'er and die alone . . .
Hellfire, Dark Fire
Now Frollo, it's your turn!
Decay on your pyre! Plead to God, while you burn!
Have no mercy on him.
Save no pity for me. . .
For revenge will be mine and he will burn~!"
Author's Note:
I always wondered what would have happened if Frollo had found and captured Esmeralda. This is what my mind's eye saw. There are three parts to this story, and I plan to post Part 2 soon. ^^
Also, rewriting the lyrics for "Hellfire" was one of the hardest things I've ever tried to do writing wise. O_O I honestly don't know why, but it was. I cried in relief when I had finished it. Lol XD
Thank you all for reading! Please leave reviews and tell me what you thought. Did the Lyrics I wrote, work? I was kinda ify about them. . .
~Lyn Harkeran