A/N: Well, I'm uploading this story instead of Fall From Grace. Why? Because I went through all my stats and realised that no one wants to read a story about Zero now. The view count dropps off suddenly between story 1 and 2 so posting a 3rd seems pointless. Hopefully this one will be more to your tastes...
A Life Without a Legacy
Chapter 1
"Are you sure about this Takato?"
"Yes Rika, it's fine. Just enjoy yourself."
The tamers were wandering the digital world on a last minute planned excursion, using the time they had spare to unwind. The relaxing vista was all theirs.
"For once Takato's right Rika, just relax." Renamon tried to defuse Rika's famous short temper.
"Fine, I don't know why you talked me into this anyway."
They stopped for a quick break next to a river, opting for an early lunch.
The door slammed open. "It's coming! We need to move now!" A frantic male Renamon called to the other two in their house.
Another Renamon, female and mated to the male, nodded gravely. "Get the bags, I'll get him."
She rose and headed to the other side of the room, picking up the drowsy form of their son.
"Mommy? What's happening?" Their son was somewhat of an abnormality. He was what humans would call an albino, white fur with red eyes. He had no markings or gauntlets either, just pure snow white fur.
She smiled at him, forced due to the situation. "Hush now, go back to sleep. Mommy will protect you." Normal or not, he was still their son.
An explosion sounded not too far away, the screams of the dying penetrating their house walls.
"Come on!" The male shouted, desperation thick in his voice.
The female Renamon bounded to the door with her son, leaving moments after her mate.
The village they lived in contained many types of digimon, most now dying in the chaos. Half of the village lay in ruins already, smoke pouring into the sky. Through the grey mass, an ominous silhouette could be seen.
The two Renamons ran away from the fires and tried to leave the village, but everywhere they went was blocked by debris or fire. They could jump over the debris, but not while holding their son. He was too young to jump high enough either.
They turned around to see another couple of digimon engulfed in a fire storm, nothing remained when it died off. The shadow had reached the centre of the village now, they had nowhere to go.
The male turned to his mate, acceptance on his features. She too was likewise affected.
"I love you."
The male smiled. "I love you too."
They embraced each other and their son, sharing their last lovers kiss as fire raged around them.
"There! What's going on?"
Henry was pointing to a massive plume of smoke rising around some trees, the crackle of fire just audible.
"Nothing good I imagine. Come on!" Takato took off with the others in tow.
After a few minutes of running, they came across a burning village. Debris made it almost inaccessible.
"My god! What happened here?" Rika's foul mood was dropped when she saw the scene before her.
"It's completely devastated!" Henry stated.
"We can see that Henry! What we need to know is how and why."
Renamon suddenly pricked her ears up. "Quiet, I hear something." She strained her hearing to cut out the fires. Then she heard it again, faint crying. "There's at least one survivor."
"Are you sure? Who could survive this?" Takato asked, curious.
"I am sure." She pointed to a point of the village that burned slightly less than the rest. "There. And we better hurry, these fires are spreading fast."
They headed through the village, avoiding the fires as much as they could. They came near the area Renamon had pointed out, the cries now reaching all of them.
Desperate, Rika swiped the 'Snow Agumon's Frozen Wind' card she had used once in a fight back in the real world. Renamon, gifted with the temporary power, blasted the fires out with the sub zero wind and cleared their path. They pushed on, ducking as a building exploded to their right and showered them with smoldering debris. They didn't sustain any injuries except for a few minor cuts, but decided they had little time. As they rounded another ruined building, they saw the source of the crying.
A small white Renamon, devoid of any details or gauntlets, was kneeling on the ground with its back to them. Its shoulders bounced as it cried, an ominous crater laid before it.
They approached cautiously, unsure of what to do. Through the cries, a young male voice drifted to them.
"... Mommy... Daddy... Where did you go..."
Renamon felt a sharp pang of sorrow for the young digimon. Whilst she wasn't present for what happened, she had a good idea of the outcome. She approached the digimon and knelt beside him.
"It's okay little one."
He glanced her way briefly before returning his gaze to the crater.
"Where did my mommy and daddy go?"
Renamon put an am around him. "I don't know little one. But I don't think they're coming back." His crying intensified, causing Renamon to tighten her grip on him. "What ever happens, I'll protect you."
Those words, his mother had said those. Yet she was gone. His father said those words before as well. He was also gone. Many others had also said those words, they were also gone. Now this other Renamon was saying the same thing, he wouldn't fall for it again.
"No. You can't protect me, you'll just vanish like all the others who said they could." His voice was still quiet and halting but it now carried some force, as if he believed those words without question.
Renamon understood his reluctance to accept her promise, everything he knew was likely destroyed in this village.
"Come back with us, there's nothing left here."
He looked at her again, his red eyes scanning for betrayal. He found none. He nodded weakly.
Renamon took his paw as they stood, turning back to the others. They just watched the whole exchange, puzzled as to why Renamon was showing what they believed to be a motherly sense of care. She had just reached them when another house exploded nearby, reminding them of the danger they were in.
Renamon scooped the white digimon up as they ran out of the village, finding their way now blocked by fire. Renamon couldn't use her temporary attack while she held the digimon, but she didn't need to.
"Terrier Tornado!"
Terriermon blasted a hole in a nearby building so they could escape. Guilmon refrained from helping seeing as the village was burning enough, it didn't need his fireballs as well. They darted through the hole, Guilmon headbutting the final wall to let them out of the village.
Renamon let the small digimon down again as they all watched the village burn, explosions ripping the fragile buildings apart and scattering debris all around. They turned away and walked back to the river they were sat beside before, wanting to wash some of the dirt and soot from themselves. Then they might be able to find out just what the hell happened.