Disclaimer: Nothing is mine except for the plot.
Rated: K+
Pairing: Kagome x Yoruichi
"Come here kitty, I'm not gonna hurt you..." Kagome called as she coaxed the cute kitty towards her.
She found it seeking shelter under a bush from the cold downpour that seemed to stretch from Tokyo to Karakura. It was a cute, small black kitty with gorgeous gold eyes. It was absolutely adorable! And ever since Buyo died of old age, the house seemed so...empty.
Though she would admit, something seemed off about the kitty...
"Good kitty, I promise to take very good care of you." She said as she finally managed to convince the kitty to move towards her and be picked up by her. She opened her coat and held the kitty against her chest and zipped her coat back up. She smiled when the cute kitty snuggled up to her, seeking warmth and shelter from the cold, windy night.
With her fist tightening over her umbrella and kitty, Kagome briskly walked home.
Yoruichi purred as she snuggled into the very large and very comfy breasts of the young girl that currently held her.
Higurashi Kagome was her name. Seventeen years old, two years after her journey in the Feudal Era ended.
She was the Shikon Miko and widely known throughout the S.S. With their new enemy out and about to capture the Miko, the Head Captain Yamamoto sent her to make sure she was safe until they were able to send another Shinigami that wasn't injured, under close eye, or perverted.
It was a simple 'protect-the-onna' mission...
"Doesn't mean I can't enjoy it, though~." She thought as her eyes narrowed, a slight gleam entering her gold orbs.
Kagome-from her knowledge-was so~ innocent, more so than Ichigo, so teasing her when the 'cat was out of the bag'-no pun intended-would be even more fun.
That and...
"You are so much cuter~." She purred, smirking when Kagome looked around, confused, before shrugging and continuing on her walk back home.
I know I should update my other two stories but I couldn't help it! I've never read a Yoruichi x Kagome pairing. So I thought: Why not? XD I hope you liked it! Sorry it's so short, but these will probably be drabbles, there will be no certain amount of words in it!
Review please! Feedback is much appreciated!