mk94: You were my inspiration for this chapter! Everything that happens in this chapter is the result of the review mk94 left me for chapter two! I loved it and clearly had to use her...his?...idea! But you all know me, so I had to add a bit of a twist! Here's the review that made this chapter!
"ohohohohohoho! Bunny you pervert!
Your story is awesome! Let me guess...
...maybe by some unexpected doing from jack, bunny falls out the closet.
...or just simple,Jack opens the closet and finds bunny there...or his tunnel XD XD XD"
1.)Yaoi, Mature rated. Language and graphic content may ensue. This is your warning.
2.) I will try and make ever chapter over 1,000 words, but no promises.
3.) JackRabbit: What else needs to be said...really. Please Review, Favorite, & Follow~
4.) Don't be afraid to PM me with ideas, story request, corrections etc.
5.) TheGodlessAngelOfDarkness is reading your reviews so if you got ideas for the story throw em out there! ;D
Surprise - Chapter Three
"Jack opened the door swiftly and strolled casually to his bed, glancing to the clock with lidded relaxed eyes. 10:45p.m. 'Woah, Jack thought to himself, had I really been in there for that long?' With a shrug of his slender white shoulders Jack turned his attention to the foot of his bed. Taken back a bit, Jack looked at his clothes with a slightly confused look. The Winter spirit could have sworn he had just dumped his clothes on the bed. Another shrug of his shoulders and Jack drops his towel and starts to dress himself. Unheard to the Winter spirit a quiet, yet sharp, gasp escapes the walk in closet behind him, along with a slight thump. The music drowning out these sounds easily, but to the hare hiding in the closet it sounded like thunder booming loudly."
I shut the closet door just as he was opening the bathroom's. My heart was pounding in my chest and my breathing was quiet, but quick. I watched as Jack strolled lazily to his bed. He was wrapped in a fluffy light green towel. His hair still wet and dripping, but pushed back out of his face. As he reached the bed I watched him stare at his clothes for a moment before he shrugged his thin pale shoulders and then dropped his...! A sharp gasp falls from my lips before I snap my paws to my mouth. The sudden movement causing me to stumble backwards and hit the back of the closets wall. In the process my paws had snapped out to grab a hold of something to steady myself, but I only gripped at the clothes hung up on the hangers, ripping them down.
Suddenly the music turned down and I could hear Jack's light steps heading my way. I locked my gaze to the crack in the doors and saw him approaching. He only had on his blue V neck sweater and those...lace..panties. My heart began thumping even harder in my chest, if that was possible. The more he closed the distance from his bed to the closet the more I began to panic. In the name of MIM what would Jack think if he found me hiding in his closet and while he happened to be changing?! If I didn't have fur I was certain I'd be paler than the moon. As the closet began to open, my panic over took me and I did the only thing I could think of. I thumped my foot twice and jumped.
Right as I opened my closet I heard a couple thumps and the next thing I knew I was falling down the rabbit hole. Literally! Since I didn't have my staff I had no choice other than to go for a ride, even though I just took a nice warm shower and this tunnel was covering me in dirt. Just as suddenly had I fallen into this tunnel, I was being thrown out. I landed face first into a group of googies. Luckily none of them broke!
With a sigh I set myself up and looked around. Yep, the Warren. Bunny's Warren. I stood and dusted myself off only to remind myself that I wasn't wearing Bunny's Warren. I was about to freak out when I suddenly realized something very important. Why was a tunnel to the Warren even in my closet?!
Thanks for reading! Here's a video to enjoy for taking the time to read, review, or etc. my story! See ya next time in Chapter Four~
-TheGodlessAngelOfDarkness Loves You All-