A/N: I am a despicable human being. T-T. So sorry that was such a long wait, thank you for your patience.






I lay upside down in the corner of the court house lounge room. My Converses dangled in front of my face, my butt was pressed uncomfortably against the intersecting walls. I had been waiting for over an hour, the court had yet to decide if I was sane or not. The irony of the situation was I was slowly losing my grasp on sanity.

I had tried to draw, but I finished a sketch of both Mycroft and Sherlock. I already had a drawing of Doc, so he was excluded from the current drawings. I banged my head repeatedly against the ground.

Why couldn't they have just shot me? That would have been way more polite.

The door at last clicked, but didn't give the bastards the satisfaction of turning around….or sitting up. In my position it was rather hard to tell what I wasn't giving the bastards. My eldest brother cleared his throat nosily. "Comfy?"

"Come, brother mine." I said, happily patting the spot next to me. "Join your sister."

Mycroft inched over to me slowly, his eyes looked old and alarmingly tired. If I could have untangled my limbs, I would have hugged him. He slid into the spot next to me. I rolled onto my stomach and buried my face into my arms. "I literally want to claw my face off."

"Figuratively." He corrected.

"Nope, I'm pretty sure it's literal." I felt a comforting hand on my back, my brother sighed heavily.

"Just don't go jumping off any buildings." He grumbled softly. "The judge is making his decision now, it shouldn't be long."

"Guardian, if it is any more than five seconds I will go as nuts as my mommy dearest."

Mycroft gave a throaty chuckle, I let myself grin into my arms. When he wasn't laughing at pathetic mortals, Mycroft had a sweet laugh. I pushed my back into his knee. "I don't want to leave you buttheads."

"Sometimes we have to leave the ones we care about in order to protect them." My brother spoke with wisdom I did not want to hear. "Moriarty is going to win this game because I cannot let my little sister go."

I turned my head to look at him. "You've let enough things go, Mycroft. Hang on to something for once."

He pushed my head back into my arms rudely. I grunted as my nose touched the floor. "Sherlock, is better at letting things go than I. It is my only weakness."

"Sherlock has a heart only for five things." I muttered. Doc, Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade, me, and though he'd never admit it, Mycroft.

My eldest brother shrugged. "He let all of them go in one foul jump."

"It wasn't real." I defended.

"He was gone from the people he cared about for three years, love." Mycroft said softly. "It was painfully for him."

I wrinkled my nose in distain. "Forgive the pending rude comment, but how do you know?"

"My dear sister, who do you think kept him hidden?" He said easily.

"Nobody told me how he did it." I defended. "I got a call one day saying my cousin was dead and a call three years later saying no he wasn't. It's kind of why I thought if Sherlock could do it…Dad could too."

Mycroft grinned crookedly. "Would you like to hear the how, Jade?"

"Duh." I sat straight up. "Tell. Tell. Tell!"

"Shush, you sound like your four." Mycroft chuckled. "It is rather simple, there are only so many ways a person can jump off a building and live." His eyes twinkled.

"You know you make feel like such an idiot when you say things like that." I huffed. Mycroft deserved a punch in the arm. But I was trying to prove to a court that I was sane and not violent.

His ass whooping could wait until we got home.

"Think. How can you survive such a fall?"

"You can not jump." I said smartly.

"Precisely." Mycroft gave a mischievous smile. "Think of who he employed for help dear child, a mortician. A dead body cannot die a second time, therefore it did not complain when Sherlock pitched him off."

"Yeah, but Doc was watching him." I replied uneasily. Mycroft was pulling my leg.

"As much as you and Sherlock care for the dear doctor you give him too much credit. An employee of mine Darren Brown is a fantastic student of hypnosis. The doctor was down in no less than five seconds I believe. From there the time on his watch was switched, and your dear brother switched spots with his stunt double."

"You've got one giant hole in that theory, brother mine. Doc watched him leap from the building."

"Did he watch him jump all the way, or just brace for the jump? It is very difficult to tell under hypnosis. Sherlock made sure the dear doctor's eyes remained on him, until the instructions had been given. John would forget five seconds of the time Sherlock switched with his double."

"You evil little Brit." I grumped. "Doc checked his pulse."

"Ah, I am quite proud of this one. It was a racket ball." Mycroft chuckled. "A tight ball placed forcefully under the armpit will give the illusion of no pulse. From there Sherlock's homeless net work took his neck and his other wrist pulse leaving the doctor only one wrist to check. It is a trick. It is a magic trick. Sherlock was trying to clue John in."

"Mycroft, that is amazing." I gaped. "I bow at the feet of the superior Holmes' boys." I grinned towards him. "I hope I am as smart as that one day."

"You will be. You are already so much like Sherlock."

"Thank you?" I said unsurely.

Mycroft chuckled. The bailiff opened the door and beckoned us towards the courtroom. My brother kept in his sights at all time, I knew if I did win my case I would be coddled until Moriarty was dead…again.

Mycroft stopped me outside the courtroom. "What will you do if they say you must go back with your mother?" He asked seriously.

I shrugged. "Run aw…"

"Jayden." He caught my chin and made me look at him. "If they rule with your mother I do not want you to come back to England. Please, promise me that."

"And if they rule I am my own guardian can I stay with you?" I countered.

"I am your guardian." He smiled. "And I would prefer it if you stayed with me instead of Sherlock after this. I won't force you, but my security is…shall we say tighter."

"I'll talk to Sherlock when the time comes." I said fairly. "And I can't promise that Mycroft, you are my brother. I love you."

"Caring is not…"

"Shut up and say it back." I laughed.

"I love you too, Jade. That is why I struggle with this, in both cases I am losing." He sounded like he was going to be sick. I gripped his hand.

"Hey, we're Holmes. It'll be alright."

He gave me an unsure smile, and we strolled into the courtroom. Mom was giving Mycroft the death glare, Sherlock was smiling fiercely, and Doc had fallen asleep in his seat. I could have laughed.

My family.

The judge looked my straight in the eye, I gulped.

"Jayden Grace Holmes, if I give you custody of yourself where will you go."

"I will stay here, sir." I said firmly.

The judge nodded. "I hope you do. Your mother…" He frowned. "Well I rule in favor of Ms. Jayden Holmes."

The hammer hit the pallet proclaiming my freedom. I gave the lawyer, Mr. Moran, a quick hug.

"Thank you, sir."

"No, no, Ms. Holmes. Thank you."