Words Unspoken

Disclaimers: I own nothing! This is fiction!

Author's Note: WOW! I didn't think I'd get this many story follows EVER especially after one chapter! Thank you all! Please read, review (reviews are lovely), and enjoy!

Author's Note II: Sorry for the delay! Life has a way of distracting you from things! I really do hope you all stick with me and enjoy! Also, this will be the last chapter due to the fact I'm having a hard time with Lee's death. It's completely taken me out of the happy fic writing but I don't want to drag this out any longer. Please don't be angry with this.

Chapter 12:

Jane woke early the next morning as Maura slept like a rock beside her. She quietly crept out of bed and made her way towards the kitchen. After microwaving a cup of instant coffee, Jane fiddled with the espresso maker, determined to make a cup for Maura. After two accidental over flows and a near steam burn, Jane found success and went about making an easy breakfast she could serve Maura in bed. She ended up with some rather dry looking scrambled eggs and some lightly toasted multigrain bread. As Jane looked for the serving tray something big bold and red written on Maura's pristine calendar caught her eye.

It was a large red heart around the 16th day in Maura's perfect writing it red 'our six month anniversary' with a small smiley face beneath it. A goofy smile spread across Jane's face and she was pleased she didn't have to smother it. She got the food and espresso on the tray and headed towards their bedroom. Maura was sitting up in bed when Jane returned. Seeing Jane, Maura's face lit up.

"Good morning." She greeted.

"Good morning." Jane echoed, beaming with happiness as she carefully walked across the pristine room and placed the tray over Maura's lap.

Maura carefully got comfortable and started to eat as Jane waited anxiously awaited for her verdict "This is good." She said with a mouthful of eggs. Jane laughed softly as Maura finished her breakfast and set it aside. "Thank you for the wonderful breakfast."

Jane shrugged as she blushed slightly, "It wasn't anything fancy." She demurred "and I'm not the world's greatest cook either."

Maura rested her hand on Jane's arm, "You made it. Don't sell yourself short. I don't always have to be fancy."

Jane gave Maura a shocked look, "Shut up." Maura said with a laugh, shoving Jane lightly. Laughing, Jane rose and took the tray back to the kitchen and tended to Jo Friday. Heading back to the bedroom she saw the bed was empty and she could hear the shower running. Grinning, she stripped and joined Maura in the shower. Jane found herself backed against the wall and Maura's lips on hers, as they broke apart she sighed happily. She couldn't think of a better way to start the day.

An hour they were dressed and headed to BPD. Maura was working down in her office and Jane was at her desk, thumbing through files her mind wandering.

"Penny for your thoughts Jane?" offered Barry from across the desk.

"Maura and my anniversary are coming up. I'm trying to figure out how to celebrate it." Jane said, she hmmed quietly and rested her chin on her palm.

"Fancy dinner and candles?" suggested Frost.

"Nice, but typical. Maura deserves more." Jane said firmly.

"What about a nice vacation for two to some place warm and sunny?" Frost said after a few minutes of thought.

Jane sat back and her eyes lit up as she grinned. "Perfect." She agreed, sent a quick email to Maura that she needed to take a week off but didn't say why and went about getting tickets and getting a place to stay. After those were in place, Jane put in for a week off also. Giddy, she all but skipped out of the bull pen.

"Thank you so much, Frost! You're the best!" she called as she headed out to let her mom in on her plan.

Meanwhile, after Maura received the cryptic email from Jane tell her to take a week off from work; she began to wonder what her girlfriend had in mind for her. She put in for the time off and turned back to her computer where she had been researching anniversary gift ideas for Jane. Girlfriend, the word came back into her mind and she grinned. Almost six months together and they'd been the happiest of her life.

Jane deserved something special, unique; something like her. Though it was only six months, Maura knew it was going to last forever. They completed each other. Maura ended up on a jewelry website. Jane wasn't one for jewelry but if Maura took her time and created something just for her, Jane would wear it happily with pride. What would she design: a necklace, a bracelet, or a ring? Maura minimized the screen and chewed on her bottom lip.

Maura decided on a simple white gold infinity ring with her and Jane's birthstone on the inside of each circle. She bought it before without a second thought, it was perfect; it was simple but it meant a great deal. Grinning she went back to work.

Weeks flew by and the end Maura and Jane were soaking up the sun at a posh resort. It was their last day. Maura still had the ring hidden in her luggage she would bring it out tonight when they went to dinner. Maura took Jane's hand and felt her smile grow as Jane beamed at her. This was the most carefree and joyful that Maura had ever seen Jane and she was forever grateful to whoever gave Jane the idea to go to the tropics for their anniversary. They played in the surf, volleyball on beach, and relaxed in the shade.

They were in their own private paradise. Maura was tempted to cancel their tickets and stay there forever. But she knew in her heart Jane would never approve and truth be told, she didn't want to either. They made a great time weather it was playing sports or covering a crime scene. She would be happy anywhere as long as Jane was with her. Jane squeezed Maura's hand.

"Something wrong Maur? I can hear you thinking from here." Jane said peering over her sunglasses.

"No everything's fine. I just lamenting that today is our last day in paradise. I almost don't want to leave." Maura said.

"I know." Jane agreed. "I'll be sad to leave, especially when it's winter at home." She chuckled lightly. "But at the same time, I'll be happy to be back. But I'm gonna miss our privacy. It's all so conflicting."

Maura laughed brightly and kissed Jane's scared hands, "I love you, Jane." She said.

"I love you too, Maura" Jane said smiling as she slipped her sunglasses back up the bridge of her nose. They settled in their lounge chairs and enjoyed the sun before it gone for the night. When the sun began to set they headed back up to their room and showered and changed, Maura wearing a bright pink flowing dress and Jane wore a pair of white slacks and a halter top. While Jane was finishing up Maua tucked the ring into her bra.

They headed to the restaurant which was less than a block away. Jane held the door and let Maura enter first. "Reservations for Rizzoli." Jane said to the hostess. Moments later they were seated outside on a candle lit patio.

Maura turned in a slow circle, awe written all over her face. "Jane? You set this up?"

Jane grinned and took Maura's hand and led her to the table. Once they were seated a waiter came and poured champagne and left them as quickly and quietly as he arrived. Jane lifted her glass.

"To us." She began, clinking her glass with Maura's. "Happy Anniversary, my love."

Maura's eyes misted. "Happy Anniversary." She said happily.

Food was brought next, followed by desert.

Jane jiggled her leg nervously as the waiter placed the cake in front of Maura and herself, and then as Jane requested the waiter distracted Maura with wine as she took the ring out of her bra and put it on top of Maura's cake as the waiter discreetly disappeared and Maura turned her attention to the desert while Jane tried to look innocent. Maura turned back and turned her attention to dessert.

"Oh." She murmured softly in awe as her eyes fell on the ring. Carefully, she lifted it off and held it between her thumb and forefinger. It gleamed in the candle light. There was a soft rustle as Jane knelt down and looked Maura in the eyes; she placed her fingertips on the ring so they both were touching it.

"Maura, I'm not always the greatest at expressing my feelings. I may never be the greatest. There are times when things may get rough and things remain unsaid but I'm saying them right now: I want you to know that are my everything ;You are my best friend, my better half, my joy, and the love of my life. Even though it's only been six months I know in my heart and in my gut this is the real thing. Please do me the honor of being my wife, of spending every day and night with me. Making me laugh when I want to cry, of making my life better every second you're beside me. Will you marry me?" Jane said.

Overwhelmed by Jane's deep and heartfelt confession, Maura could only nod as Jane beamed and slipped the ring on her finger. Jane stood, gently pulling Maura up with her and wrapping her arms of around her. "Yes Jane, I will marry you." She said officially. After a gentle kiss they sat down and enjoyed their dessert as their commitment sunk in. Afterwards they held hands and headed back to the hotel to enjoy their last night in paradise together and in the morning they headed home to Boston, where there was a wedding to be planned and a happy ever after to be planned.