A/N: So here's the epilogue!
I was supposed to have this written and posted a very long time ago, but I'll admit that this fic got a little lost in the shuffle.
MiniBatman took the time to review every chapter and expressed interest in this epilogue, so that made me want to finish it!
I am posting this a year (to the day) that I posted the first chapter.
This fic is special to me for various reasons and I was happy to share it with you all.
I hope you forgive me for posting this so late and still enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the wrestlers, they all belong to WWE. If I owned John or Seth, I'd never leave my apartment.
Epilogue: 1 Year Later
"I'm going to throw up. I can't do this!" Seth panics.
Punk hands him a bottle of water. "Drink this and calm down. I promise that everything will be ok."
"I didn't even make it to my first wedding a year ago. I don't think that I'm ready for this, Punk," Seth admits.
"Please, don't bring up Dean right now. You're just nervous, Seth. John is so in love with you and you know that he would never hurt you in any way. Your love for him is just as strong. What's the problem?" Punk asks.
Seth sighs and take a sip of water. "I don't know."
"Look, if you really don't want to marry John, I'll go tell him right now," Punk offers.
"Don't do that. Just give me a few minutes to calm myself down," Seth tells him.
"Ok," Punk agrees.
"Do you think it's too soon for me to marry John? You know, after everything that's happened this past year?" Seth asks.
"I don't think it's ever too soon to marry your soulmate, Seth," Punk responds.
"You're right. I just want to make sure that this is the right thing. I want our marriage to be strong and just . . . amazing," Seth replies.
"It will be if you're both committed and work at it. I know you look at me and Jeff like we're the perfect couple, but we have our issues just like everyone else. I think that you and John will be fine. You have a great foundation for a healthy and successful marriage," Punk tells him.
Seth smiles. "You always know what to say."
"Of course, that's why I'm your best man," Punk says.
"All right, I'm ready now," Seth states.
"Do you think that Seth is having doubts?" John asks.
"He's human, so I'm sure he's having a few," Cody lets him know.
"I just don't want him to feel that he's obligated to marry me," John voices his concern.
"Seth said yes to your proposal because he's absolutely in love with you and because he wants to spend his life with you. You didn't pressure him or prey on his weakness and try to manipulate him into marriage like his ex did. You've done nothing but bring him happiness. He wants to marry you, he doesn't want to do it because he was forced or because he feels that he's obligated to," Cody assures him.
"It feels like just yesterday he was engaged to Dean. Maybe it's too soon after―"
Cody cuts him off. "You're both deeply in love with each other, you have enough money for the wedding and honeymoon, and both of your schedules are free. You picked the perfect time, John. Stop worrying so much."
"I have to consider Seth's feelings and emotions because he won't. He's way too selfless," John explains.
"Do you want me to go ask Seth if he wants to change his mind?" Cody volunteers.
"No, but I would like to see him," John requests.
"John, you know that's bad luck!" Cody exclaims.
"I don't care," John says.
"Seth, can we talk?" John asks.
Seth nods. "Can you give us a minute, Punk?"
"Sure," Punk says as he leaves the room.
"How cold are your feet?" John wants to know.
"Honestly, I was freaking out earlier. I'm fine now," Seth admits.
"Good. I just had to be sure that you still wanted this," John explains.
Seth wraps his arms around John's neck. "There's not a single day that goes by when I don't want you, John."
"I hope there are lines like that in your vows," John states with a dimpled smile.
"Definitely," Seth assures him.
"I'll see you out there," John remarks.
"I'll be the one wearing white," Seth retorts.
John and Seth's wedding ceremony is beautiful. Everything from the decorations to the music is perfect. Seth gets so choked up while trying to read his custom written vows that the preacher has to help him say them. John is more composed, yet very passionate and earnest as he reads his. They share their first kiss as a married couple and all of their friends and family are happy for them.
John, Seth, and the rest of the wedding party take a few pictures outside of the church while the rest of their guests head to the venue for the reception. John and Seth don't bother changing their clothes before they get to the reception. The music stops and everyone gives John and Seth a standing ovation when they enter the ballroom. They greet everyone before they take their spots at the table on the stage.
"Dinner will be served and then we will let a few people toast the newlyweds," Cody announces.
Natalya stands up with help from Beth. "As you can all see, I am very pregnant. I have John and Seth to thank for this miracle growing inside of me. Seth has been a great friend and he encouraged me to pursue the love of my life. After I stopped fighting my feelings, I realized that she was the one for me. I realized that I wanted to start a family with Beth. So, I decided that I would get pregnant through artificial insemination. John is a total sweetheart and I think the way the loves and cares for Seth is admirable. John and Seth have taught me what true love really is. I love you both dearly and I hope that you have a happy and long-lasting marriage."
"We love you both very much! We can't wait to see your little boy. I pray that he'll be healthy and strong," Seth states.
"Thanks! He should be here any day now!" Nattie exclaims.
Carol steps up to the microphone. "I haven't known Seth for very long, but I know that he's an amazing man. I thought that my son was broken after his partner died tragically a few years ago. I wasn't sure that I would ever truly see him smile again. Imagine my surprise when he told me that he met a young man that he was head over heels in love with. I've liked Seth ever since that moment. Any man that can make my son this blissful has to be extraordinary. You were made for each other and I'm so glad that you found each other. Welcome to the Cena family, Seth."
"That was a beautiful toast, Mrs. Cena. I am honored to be a part of your family," Seth replies.
"We're family now. Call me Carol," She tells him.
Seth still isn't a big fan of dancing, but he enjoys doing anything with John. John laughs at Seth's lack of dancing ability and Seth playfully hits him. The smile is quickly wiped off of John's face when he looks toward the entrance of the ballroom. Of all the people to show up, John never expected Dean to be one of them. John steps in front of Seth in a protective stance. When Dean steps too close, John punches him right in the nose.
"Johnny!" Seth gasps.
"What? That fucker deserved that!" John defends his actions.
Seth doesn't reply. He walks around John and bends down to help Dean up. Dean's nose is bleeding pretty badly. Seth takes Dean by the bar area so that he can give him a towel for his bloody nose. Dean thanks him as he sits down on a stool next to Seth. Seth orders a shot of whiskey and takes a deep breath before turning toward Dean.
"What the fuck were you thinking by coming here?" Seth demands.
"I heard rumors that you were getting married. I had to see if it was true," Dean tells him.
"You're lucky that I have a heart. I could've let John beat you to death," Seth informs him.
"He has a temper. I could see the pure rage in his eyes. You should be careful with him," Dean warns.
Seth slaps Dean hard. "How fucking dare you! You are so fucking out of line that it's insulting. John is absolutely nothing like you! He would never put his hands on me. I'm willing to bet my life on that fact. Get the fuck out of here, Dean! If you don't go willingly, John will drag you out after he's through kicking your ass."
Dean doesn't look satisfied, but he leaves without saying another word. Seth orders another shot of whiskey to help calm his nerves. He feels John wrap his arms around his waist securely. John asks Seth if he's ok and Seth weakly says yes. John doesn't pry and ask Seth what happened between him and Dean. Seth turns around so that he's facing John. He places a sweet kiss onto John's lips.
"Thank you," Seth softly declares.
"What are you thanking me for?" John wants to know.
"For everything. But mainly for loving me and rescuing me from that jackass," Seth clarifies.
"You have Randy to thank for me not coming over here and killing him," John comments.
"I'll have to do something nice since he stopped you from going to jail for 25 to life," Seth half-jokes.
The night is ending and Seth and John are saying goodbye and expressing their gratitude to all of their guests. There's a crew that works for the hotel that is cleaning up the ballroom. Seth contemplates helping them until he hears a shrill cry toward the back of the room. He recognizes that it's Nattie's voice, so he and John run over to her as fast as they can. Seth sees that Natalya is resting in Beth's arms and that there's a puddle on the floor.
"My water just broke!" Nattie screams.
"We have to get you to the hospital. I'll go get my car and bring it around for you," John tells her.
"Hurry up!" Natalya rushes.
John helps Seth and Beth get Natalya into the car. John barely makes sure that everyone has their seatbelts on before he speeds out of the parking lot. Luckily, they're not far from a hospital. John gets a wheelchair from inside the hospital and Beth wheels it in. Natalya has a death grip on Beth's hand. It kills John and Seth to see their friend in so much pain.
"You guys are coming with us, right?" Natalya checks.
"Uh . . . we hadn't planned on being in the delivery room," Seth admits.
"I'm naming my son after you guys! You're coming into the damn delivery room!" Natalya orders.
5 Hours Later
"He's so tiny! He's absolutely beautiful, too," Natalya observes as she holds her son.
"He has your eyes," Beth adds.
"Can I hold little John Seth Neidhart?" John asks.
"Of course," Nattie says.
"I'm your Uncle Johnny. I want you to know that I adore you already. This is your other uncle, Seth. He loves you too," John says as he passes the baby to Seth.
"I've never held a newborn before. He's so precious," Seth describes before placing little John Seth into Nattie's arms.
"Seth and I are going to head home. We're tired, so we know that both of you are as well. We'll come back later to check on all of you," John promises.
"Get some rest. We'll be here when you guys come back," Beth remarks.
"We got married today and Nattie and Beth's son was born today. What a great day," Seth reflects as he lays beside John in their bed.
John smiles. "This is hands down the best day of my life."
"Mine too," Seth agrees.
"I can't wait to fly to the Philippines tomorrow. Their white sand beaches are really beautiful. You'll love our honeymoon," John assures him.
"I'm excited. I've always wanted to have sex on a beach," Seth reveals.
John kisses Seth. "There are a lot of beaches there. I promise to fuck you on all of them."
"You're a man of your word, so I'm going to hold you to that," Seth replies with a smirk.
"I really fucking love you. I hope you realize that," John mentions.
"I feel the exact same way about you, John," Seth counters.
"We promised forever to each other. I hope you don't leave me after realizing that you're far too perfect for me," John says in an earnest tone.
"You've got it all wrong. I'm the lucky one because I'm married to you. I can't predict the future, but I can't see myself ever leaving you," Seth admits.
"Good. Because I'm not going anywhere either. You're stuck with me now," John jokes.
Seth closes the short distance between him and John and he brings their lips together. John grabs Seth by his hair as he deepens the kiss. Seth closes his eyes in ecstasy. Their tongues move together slowly and sensually. Seth still melts whenever John touches him. John has a deeply satisfied look on his face when Seth ends the kiss. John gently holds Seth's face in his large hands.
"My heart still skips a beat when we kiss. I'll never get tired of the way that you make me feel," John whispers.
Seth nods. "My whole body tingles whenever you touch me, Johnny. I can always tell when you touch me. The hair on the back of my neck raises and I just feel warm when we touch. I'm so grateful that I get to feel so happy and loved for the rest of my life."
Seth moves closer to John; he rests his head on John's broad chest. John is looking down at him with a tender expression. All the words in the world can't describe how absolutely content that Seth feels in this moment. He's with the man that he loves most in the world and there's no place that he'd rather be. John feels like the luckiest man in the world because he gets to go to sleep and wake up with Seth by his side. Seth and John aren't much for prayer, but they both thank God that they found each other. Seth is beyond thankful that he got his hero that he was holding out for.
A/N: I know that the ending is extremely corny, but I just can't reign in the fluff with these two!
I totally stole the "I'll be the one wearing white," line from Breaking Dawn because I really love that line.
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this fic and I am grateful for everyone who followed me on this journey!
I love you all so much and once again, thank you all for your kind words and support!