Journal Entry # 01
I can't believe the old man got me this book. He says it will make me feel better to write in it. I guess it couldn't hurt.
I guess I should start at the beginning
A long time ago the old man told me absolute power corrupts absolutely. That the people in power eventually become corrupt and have to be replaced or else they would destroy everything they were supposed to protect with their power. I bet that at some point I'll become corrupted by my power too, after all its absolute. It's way beyond absolute. You might think "what power could a preteen ninja in training have?"
I don't have one power, I have Twelve. I've had them for as long as I could remember, each controlled by my mind and limited only by what I thought I could do.
The first power I found was what the old man called immortality. No matter what injury I sustain or how I got hurt, I live through it. When I was a baby and still in my cradle, I could recall being decapitated, stabbed, and burned alive. I know it happened because it happens at least once a year. It's also how I discovered my second power. My 'gift' of healing. No matter what wound or injury or whatever people did to me I would recover within seconds. My broken limbs would regrow, torn off body parts would mend together as if the injury was never there, and finally, gods above be praised, I've never been sick a day in my life. Good thing too considering the amount of expired food I am forced to eat.
Another power I discovered early on was my beyond godlike strength. There is nothing I cannot lift or move, no end to the amount of force I can unleash upon a target. I found that out as a toddler when a would be assassin tried in vein to strangle me. I returned the favor, with one hand I desperately grabbed at his neck, and my young fingers not only crushed his throat. Where I had grabbed had split it as if torn by the fangs of a vicious beast. Regrettably he lived, curtsey of my younger self still not wanting to hurt people and my gift of healing. I had grabbed the man's bleeding throat, afraid of getting in trouble, and the wound had started to glow a faint pale blue while mending before my eyes.
The next power I discovered was that I could move at an impossible speed. In the blink of an eye to a normal person I could run miles without trying. I used this skill to avoid being seen and hide away from everyone who hates me. I would hide upon rooftops and treetops, using sheer speed to defy gravity. It made my younger days so much more tolerable. Whenever I was caught by any of the villagers I would speed away, gone in an instant. It never helped my reputation with the villagers that I would destroy the earth beneath my feet whenever and wherever I would run. I was spotted multiple times because of the telltale trail of cracked pavement or flattened soil.
The ability to leave my body as I slept was another power. I had been doing it for years, flying across the skies and watching my home at night. I thought I was just dreaming. It was fun, and I took childish delight at watching the lives of the 'dream people' It wasn't until I looked behind me when I 'woke' in the dream world and saw myself lying in my bed for that night. I experimented, checking during the day for signs that what I had observed in my sleep had really happened. I was delighted when it all turned out to be true. My sleeping mind could wander without limits, bypassing the laws of gravity, physics and commons sense as I went threw walls and doors at my pleasure. I learned far too many secrets for someone my age, a fact that allowed me to trump many plots against me at my digression for once.
I think it was at that time I started becoming corrupted. Ambushing people who wanted to ambush and hurt you was an addictive fun for children who had become used to hiding in fear.
The next power was one that amused my child-like mind for months. If I got angry and glared hard enough I could shoot beams of energy, pure-white hot energy, out of my eyes. The first time it had happened a man had shoved me into the mud, forcing my face into the filth and sludge and had brutally kicked me several times before leaving me there to cough up mud. I glared with a hate I didn't know I could feel at his retreating back and the light lanced forth from my eyes, spearing him and burning straight through. I flinched from shock and the beams stopped. He was the first life I had ever taken, but I didn't care. He had tried to hurt me and I got him back.
I liked it. A lot.
After I learned to remake the heat beam eyes I tried to make new powers with my other emotions, nothing much came from that. The seventh power was another discovery, this time from flinging myself higher and higher with super speed. Something I was abusing for my utter delight. The power was Levitation, the ability to make things move with my mind. It took focus rather than anything else on my part. If I willed it to fly, my target would become weightless and move to my will. I used this to my advantage, using speed and levitation to steal whatever I wanted it a bastard form of flight. The people of my village wouldn't sell to me anyways so I took what I pleased, I didn't care.
I found that it was my desires that gave form to my powers, what I wanted effected the world around me. On my sixth birthday I was lonely, and wished for a companion. An animal friend who could be by my side. The power of animal shape-shifting activated converting a broken stick in my hand to a big black dog I was delighted to play with. The villagers couldn't permanently harm me, but they had no problem killing my dog. That day was the first time I ever desired to hurt them rather than react, and I did. With a thought I lifted all of them nearby off the ground, innocent or not I walked to each of them in the air, I took my time to crush their limbs to paste. I never touched more than the arms or legs, but each one of them knew just how mad they made me. I had had enough of them all.
That night the old man, the village leader who looked after me for so long, came to talk to me. He told me what I was doing was wrong, that I shouldn't sink to their level. He told me "an eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind." I told him I didn't care anymore. That the whole world was blind, and evil, and wrong. He made me promise to only fight back, to only hurt others that hurt me first. The old man told me flat out that if I didn't promise him that, then the village would force him to try and kill me. We both knew who would live, he knew I would win. He couldn't stop me, and we both knew it.
I made the promise anyways.
I spent the next year using my powers whenever I wanted, mostly running around as one animal or another. I admit, I loved being a cat and laying in the sun. I spent days being a cat, it was one of the few times people treated me nice. It was as I visited a monument that I discovered what the ninth power was. The power of animation, the power to make anything I touched become alive and real. I stole an action figure of the nine tailed fox, a beast that nearly destroyed the village I resentfully called home. As I pretended it was alive and real, the figure glowed, animating and becoming a miniature of the beast it was. Startled by the six inch high fox trying to claw and bite at me I crushed it with my strength, scared of re-birthing the monster into the world. The toy died, returning to it original form of plastic, now crushed beyond repair. I spent the afternoon stealing toys and learning to use the power of animation, continuously giving life to the stolen playthings and removing it at a touch.
The tenth power is of combustion and fire. It was my eighth winter, or at least the eighth I could remember, and I was cold and alone in the woods of the village. None of the animal forms I possessed was enough to reduce the great chill of the winter winds, so I tried desperately to make fire, I tried rubbing wood together to no effect. I tried to focus the beam blasts of my eyes, but only succeeded in burning holes in wood. Eventually my desperation came out and I slammed a piece of wood on the ground in fury. The wood exploded into a bonfire, one I happy built into a roaring flame. With this new found power came a great annoyance to the old man, as I spent plenty of time burning things that had wronged me. The old man came to me several times, asking why businesses who had refused me were burning down. He never received an answer.
My next power was one I never thought I would need, The power of invisibility. It came about in an unremarkable way. I walked down the main road of my village, wondering why the people around me did not glare at me as they had the past nine years of my life. I looked at my arms and legs expecting to be covered in something, but not to see nothing at all. I wasn't there. I still felt, and moved things, but I was invisible to everyone's eyes. I enjoyed using it for about a week, creating the village's great ghost scare. After that however I saw little point in abusing it further. Between speed and levitation I had no reason to hide when I had plenty of other escape routes.
The Final power of the twelve was the worst, yet most powerful. The power of yin and yang. It came about when I wanted to get rid of my bad, of my evil, of whatever was in me that had condemned me to my miserable life alone. I had spent the previous week locked in a circle of my own dark thoughts. The twelfth power responded, thankfully I was far away from the village when it occurred. The power surged out of me, in the form of a red aura. The aura poured from me, and remade itself into a copy of me. It had my face, my hair, my body. There were thankfully two differences. The whisker marks that had been on my face for my entire life were thicker and more feral on my clone, and even better was the clone lacked my twelve powers.
I say even better because seconds after it poured from me the clone started to emit its own red haze around itself and attacked. It screamed, and howled, and bit, and slashed at me, doing whatever it could to try and hurt me. With my powers however, it was little more than a nuisance. I swatted it aside each time it rose to attack. I dodged it's wild strikes, and lit it on fire with either my will or my eyes. The evil clone got creative when I lifted it from the earth with levitation, it reformed the aura into a shroud over itself and struck at me with extending claws made from the red haze that still poured from it. After hours of me struggling to stop the violent thing that spawned from me, I had had enough. I wrapped it in a hug and squeezed the life out of it, willing it to rejoin me. It burst into the red haze and rejoined me, and since then I haven't used the twelfth power on myself.
However using it on others had much more interesting results. People I touched and willed the power upon always split into two new people: one good, one evil. As long as they did not touch again, they would stay separative and act out their lives only with the absence of the other, Good could only do good, bad would only do bad. It led to many amusing situations and more than a few accidents. Nobody however, would believe that they had truly split into two new people.
Shortly after I discovered the twelfth power I was admitted into the ninja academy by the old man. He had hoped that having me be in the same class with some children my own age would allow me to forge friendships and relationships that would dilute my ever increasing annoyance at the village. It failed, miserably. I learned early on that my classmates were taught to hate and despise me by their parents. I was shunned, mocked or worse. Despite my urge to unleash some well deserved beatings I kept my word to the old man. They never struck at me, so I never crippled them.
For three years I sat in that hell. Teachers tried to falsify my grades, keep me ignorant of the world, or just keep me down. I endured, I persevered, and I thrived. With my speed I switched out my impossible tests with a normal students. With my strength I destroyed all the physical trials. With the power of invisibility, I stole the knowledge to succeed. With my powers I was the best of all the students, and they hated me for it. I didn't care. I would succeed and surpass them all.
I guess the old man is right. I feel a bit better now.
Today was the final fucking exam to be a ninja, and as Naruto sat there in his classroom writing answers on his mass produced piece of paper all he could think was, 'what the fuck does this have to do with being a ninja?'
There were history questions, Math problems, even questions on grammar. Elementary school questions that would be normal on a civilian test, not on the examination to determine if you were capable of being a child soldier! 'This is bullshit!' Naruto screamed in his head, still writing down perfect answers.
The written exam passed by painfully slow for the overpowered Naruto. As his classmates struggled and sweated to answer Naruto sat bored and impatient as ever. The blond haired brat had completed his teat within the first five minutes of the hour long exam, each answer perfect and precisely written.
The physical examination was no better. Naruto completed the obstical course within one minute exactly, several minutes before his peers. A small fraction of Naruto's ire slipped out during the accuracy examination, his targets were impaled, Naruto's kunai not only pierced the bulls-eye, but launched the wooden targets at the stone walls of the school where they remained stapled to the wall by the throwing knife. The chunin that agreed to spar with Naruto also felt the young man's displeasure. Naruto wasted no time, finishing the examiner with a hellish snap kick to the balls.
The ninjutsu exam was tricky, not impossible for someone with the blond's skills. The transformation technique was flawless, same with the substitution technique, the difficulty was with the clone technique. No matter how much effort or what method used, Naruto was simply incapable of using the academy level clone technique. It didn't mean he couldn't use other methods to complete his task. At his instructor's command Naruto placed his hands in the proper hand seals for the clone technique, but instead of focusing chakra to make clones, he stopped short only producing the signature smoke. Standing there was several 'clones' all of which were Naruto moving from place to place with sheer speed, while he couldn't produce clones, after images were easy for him.
Iruka, the chunin teacher for his class, handed him a forehead protector. The leaf symbol of the village shone prominently on the metal, and Naruto supposed he should feel some sense of pride. In all honesty he felt as bored as always. Being a ninja meant nothing to him, it was just something to pass the time.
After the exams the passing students were announced then released for the day, most went home, some went to celebrate, others went to train. Naruto ignored them all, like he always did, and instead used his powers of speed and levitation to launch himself to the top of the nearby Hokage Monument. The moment his feet touched the ground, he transformed, becoming a golden blond tabby cat with shining sky blue eyes. As expected of a human-turned-cat with godlike power he laid back on the sun baked rock and napped away without a care. The sun was shining and there were no clouds, it was a day for sunbathing for Naruto Uzumaki, world be damned.
Naruto was awakened from his nap in the one manner proven to piss him off to no end. Someone had stepped on his tail.
As most cat owners can tell you, stepping on a cat's tail hurts them a lot. Some superstitious people believe that harming a cat's tail will get you cursed. The silver haired chunin who performed said offense would agree with the superstitious as Kitty-Naruto leapt from the ground with a furious hissing that would scare the gods. It was just past sunset, it was a cloudy night, the full moon was hovering above the earth, and a treasonous Konoha chunin by the name of Mizuki was about to get a divine ass kicking.
The Kitty formed ninja in training started his vengeance by skull bashing the offending chunin in his family jewels, dropping him to the ground. Next he proceeded to shred his target's vest off with rapid striking kitty claws, the chunin vest made barely any resistance and a large scroll attached to the chunin's back was knocked aside. After the vest came the stomping. A five pound furious blond kitty will never seem threatening, unless of course it was slamming its tiny paws into your back with bone-splintering force. Finally satisfied, Naruto cocked a leg over the unconscious offender's head and let loose a stream of urine, forever marking him as Naruto's bitch.
Satisfied that the insult was repaid in full Naruto settled back upon his spot, content to snooze until morning. Naruto's feline lazy desires were denied by the arrival of multiple ninja, including old man Sarutobi. The assembled ninja looked between the brutally ravaged chunin to the half asleep kitty that was eying them warily.
"Take the traitor away, and return the forbidden scroll to my office." commanded the old man. Naruto yawned and stretched drawing the elderly leader's attention as the various ninja returned to their duties. "I take it this was your doing Naruto?"
Kitty-Naruto raised a paw cutely, "Meow." He replied.
"Did you have to crush his ribs and back like that?" The Hokage questioned with a stern look. Naruto pointed a paw at the ruffled fur on his tail, "Meow." He replied dryly.
"I can't believe I'm having this conversation with a cat. Can you please return to human form?" Kitty-Naruto started cleaning his paw in response.
"Nobody is gonna believe a chunin was beaten by a pissed off cat." The Hokage stated, smiling. Kitty-Naruto shrugged his shoulders and returned to napping position, the message: 'let the village deal with it' was rather obvious.
The next morning was the registration for the graduate ninja of Konoha. Pretty much it was fill out paperwork, get picture taken, give form and picture to Hokage. Simple and easy, or at least it was supposed to be. This morning Naruto's luck seemed to be particularly negative. The entire village seemed to be out of his favorite coffee, a bird miraculously managed to crap on his doughnut right before he could take a bite, and the guy who took the registration photos was one of the infinite number of jackasses whom had a grudge against Naruto for some really crappy reason.
"Get lost you freak! There's no way you passed the exam, so I'm not taking your photo!" The photographer screamed at Naruto, who was quickly losing what precious patience he had left..
"Look, I got the headband, the paperwork and the goddamned skill to kill your unworthy ass! Now so help me Kami if you don't take my picture I will kick your ass, shove your camera somewhere unpleasant and fling your rag-doll corpse off of this building!" Naruto screamed, emphasizing his point by lighting a fireball in his hand.
"You can't do that! Your a ninja! Your supposed to help the village!" The photographer yelled in panic.
Naruto glared, dangerously close to lighting the man on fire, "You hypocritical ass-hole! You just said there was no way I passed the exam, now that I'm ready to kill you, your using it as an excuse! Take my goddamned picture before I burn this place down to the ground!"
Needless to say Naruto got the photo, and was not in the mood for bullshit. His day continued on that course, the villagers seemed to be prissy over the fact that Naruto not only passed the ninja academy but judging from the chatter he heard, he was also the top rookie. That was definatly going to piss some people off. They were probably going to be upset over him topping the reviered 'last Uchiha'. As if not dying was really something to celebrate. So his brother killed his entire family, boo-fucking-hoo. Until the self proclaimed avenger actually did something worthwile, Naruto didn't give two runny shits about him.
Speaking of which...
Naruto dodged a rock without turning to the source, "You deserve to die you freak!" screamed someone behind him. Naruto sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose, and wished he wouldn't have to beat someone's ass to get a moment's peace.
Naruto turned around slowly, arms extended, no hostile movements at all. The small armed crowd of people that faced him still flinched back, "Can I help you?" Naruto asked, calmly and politely.
The guy who tossed the first rock, threw another, which was once again dodged, "You cheated demon! The last Uchiha should be the rookie of the year! Not some freak like you!"
Naruto resisted the urge to choke the idiot, he actually started shaking from the effort, "Okay, I'm gonna say this once. I don't wanna hurt you, I'm actually trying not to, but if you throw another gods-be-damned rock at me, I'm gonna take all the rocks you throw and ram them so far up your blind misguided ass the Hokage will have to recall Lady Tsunade to remove them, you got it?"
The idiot didn't listen, and threw another for his target's head. Naruto blurred, and all three thrown rocks disappeared from the ground, while a bloody hole opened in the rock-thrower's, now ruined, pants. The injured civilian dropped to the unforgiving earth in shock and pain, while the crowd backed away from him.
"Anyone else want to piss me off?" Naruto asked, lightly holding a few more stones in his hand. The crowd dispersed quickly, fearing rocks lodging in their prostates.
Naruto dropped the rocks in his hands, feeling just a little better about his day. With a blink of a human's eyes he was at the Hokage's office, papers extended. "Here you go old man, one ninja registration, hold the weapon-ized sarcasm."
The Hokage took the papers and looked them over while Naruto took a seat by his desk. As the old man filled out the papers a ruckus was developing in the hall outside, someone yelling, loud stomping and the cause of the noise was getting louder.
The door to the room was slammed open, revealing a young boy with a ridiculously long scarf on and a shuriken in hand. "I've got you now grandpa!" The boy yelled, extending his arm to throw the weapon. The exact moment he crossed the threshold into the room, he tripped over his own scarf flinging the shuriken at the Hokage. Naruto saw the threat and on impulse intercepted the projectile with his own body, taking the throwing star in the throat.
His last thought before passing out from the pain and blood loss from arterial spray was, "Wow, that's a first."
Thanks to his healing and immortality Naruto woke up less than five minutes later to a sobbing child being comforted by the Hokage while someone else nearby was panicking.
"Dammit, I can't believe I did that." Naruto grumbled, his voice cracking due to his vocal cords mending weirdly. He ignored the blood splattered witnesses as he tuned his voice. "Hello? Hellooo? Helllllo? Hello!"
Naruto turned his attention to the stunned pale child, "What haven't you ever seen someone return from the dead before?"