When I walked into the office, Mai came up to me and said, "Hello, can I help you?"
I was shocked that she didn't recognize me.
"Mai, it's me, Yasu" I said.
"Yasu! When did you get contacts" she asked surprised.
"A few days ago, do I really look that different without glasses?"
"Ya, I could hardly recognize you"
Naru came out of his office, saw me. Then said, "Mai, why was I not notified that a client came in?"
Mai and I laughed as Naru waited for an explanation. We calmed down and silently agreed to play a small trick.
"Sorry Naru, this is Mr. Yasumi" Mai explained.
Naru sighed and demanded tea. I didn't have time to think of a case so it wasn't the best.
"Um … some kids at the school I teach at have begun to play this weird kind of Ouija boarding" I said pulling out a piece of paper from the case at my school.
Naru looked I horror at the sheet I handed him, "Mr. Shibuya" I asked.
He looked up at me and said, "I was unaware you got contacts, Yasu"
"How did you know it was me" I asked.
"Did I ever tell you my name" he said, "now do us all a favor and wear your glasses whenever on a case."