I know I'm probably gonna sound stupid for this but literally I just discovered the instant messaging on fanfiction so now I feel horrible because people have messaged me since 2 years ago and I never responded because I just discovered this instant message thing. So to those who have messaged me I'm so sorry I'm not a mean person I just never knew! Please don't hate me! Hopefully me updating will make it a little better! So onward with the story!

Blossom's POV

I rolled my eyes for what seemed to be the 18th time today. Bubbles looked like she was going to rip the hair right out of Buttercups head.

"Buttercup for the 10,000th time, can you please just walk from point A to point B without FALLING?!" Buttercup huffed,

"Well I'm sorry if were not like you Bubbles where we've mastered walking in the fucking 20 feet tall platform heels!" Robin giggled at the bickering between my siblings. The four of us were in our cabin helping Buttercup train for the title of Prom queen at the homecoming dance. Buttercup groaned,

"I just don't understand why I'm training?!" Robin smiled,

"Because you don't want to trip and fall when they call you to the stage and stuff." Buttercup looked at me,

"This is pointless and stupid, very stupid indeed." Bubbles sighed,

"I swear it's like arguing with a wild animal." Buttercup stuck her tongue out as she began to walk in the heels, she was wobbling like a toddler walking for the first time but she was beginning to get the hang of it

"Besides you're going up against Princess, who lives for this kind of shit daily." Robin said, I cocked my head,

"Yeah, but whose that other contestant….Franny Patterson?" Bubbles shrugged,

"I don't know and I don't care." I looked over at Robin who was smiling at her wrist, not even paying attention to us anymore. So I walked over to her on the couch and plopped right down beside her she was startled.

"So Robin…..what cha got over there?" Robin slowly lowered her arm as if she were trying to hide it from me. But I grabbed her arm and looked at her wrist it was a small charm bracelet with all these little charms on it…..it looked rather expensive. I raised a brow and looked at her, she looked me in my eyes and did a sheepish smile.

"BUBBLES…BUTTERCUP ROBIN GOT A GIFT FROM SOMEONE!" Faster than lightning Bubbles was behind me. Buttercup was coming as fast as the heels would let her. All three of us examining the bracelet, Bubbles smirked

"We probably already know the answer but whose it from?" Robin smiled,

"It was from Mitch….he left it by my pillow with a note." Bubbles eyes were glistening,

"AWWWWWWWWW! What did it say?" Robin's smile got bigger,

"Each charm represents the good in your life and how special of a person you are to me, so I knew from the moment I saw it, it would look perfect on your wrist." Bubbles started to fan her face,

"I told myself I wasn't going to cry…." Buttercup snorted,

"For someone who loves all this mushy junk, you won't even give Boomer a break." Bubbles rolled her eyes,

"Oh please he's not half the romantic Mitch is." I smiled,

"You don't know that." Bubbles growled but remained silent. I turned my head back to Robin,

"For someone who said we will not be broken so easily, looks like you were the first one to crack." Robin looked at me funny as I got up,

"What are you trying to imply Blossom?" I shrugged,

"Nothing really it's just that I remember you saying that just because they say nice things about us doesn't mean were gonna just fall back into their arms…..but that's exactly what you did." Bubbles and Buttercup looked at me,

"Where are you going with this Blossom?" Buttercup muttered. I narrowed my eyes,

"I'm not going anywhere with it! I just find it funny how Robin says one thing and completely blindsides us by accepting Mitch's apology!" Robin growled,

"That's completely different Blossom and you know it!" I turned to her

"Please explain to me how this is any different!? I mean come on Robin, he said a bunch of nice things about you yesterday and you kissed him in front of all of us?! I WANT TO KNOW HOW ITS DIFFERENT!?" Robin stood there shocked, as did my sisters,

"Why are you so mad about it Blossom?" Bubbles said, I groaned.

"I'm not mad I'm just confused! So if she forgave him and is accepting all his little trinkets that means we should all do the same right!" Nobody uttered a word,

"My point exactly! If she was so eager to forgive him that means I'm pretty sure their all gonna end up doing the same thing and then poof everyone's happy again and the world can live in harmony! Bullshit." Robin growled,

"Maybe I was ready to forgive him…did you ever think about that! Maybe its because I've had a longer relationship with him then the rest of you did with those boys…did you think about that either Blossom?!" I growled,

"Yes I took that into consideration Robin. Just like you forgave Mitch I forgave Brick." All three of them looked at me, Buttercup broke the silence,

"YOU forgave Brick already! When?!" I growled,

"That same night they told us what was going on with their lives. He did the same thing Mitch did and I completely lost it, we had sex that same night." Bubbles clasped her heart

"Oh my god…..Blossom how could you?" I pointed at Robin,

"The same way she did, just by listening to them and hearing them out." Robin growled,

"But you slept with him the NEXT day after they insulted us! I forgave Mitch like a week later!" I rolled my eyes,

"This is why I didn't say anything because I knew you guys were gonna judge me and tell me I'm weak and that I should be ashamed of myself!" Buttercup shook her head,

"Why would we…..were your family. I mean we may have been a little disappointed but in the end we would have gotten over it everyone makes mistakes. What hurts is that you didn't say anything and now deciding to lash out on Robin!" I was above and beyond emotions right now so many of them were flowing through me that I couldn't even comprehend what was going on anymore.

"So if you forgave Brick before Robin forgave Mitch…..that technically means you were the first one to crack. Then why are you giving Robin so much shit?" Bubbles said. I shook my head,

"Never mind…..I'm going upstairs to my room." Robin shook her head,

"No were going to finish this right here and right now." I pushed past her and kept on going up the stairs, at this point I was tired of trying to explain myself if they don't get what I'm trying to say then I guess they don't understand me as well as I thought they did.

Bubbles POV

"My head is pounding I need an asprin." Buttercup muttered, I looked over at Robin who was still trying to understand what the hell just happened.

"I know it's a lot to take in right now….but Blossom usually doesn't act like that I promise." Robin nodded,

"I know that, but it's like she was angry at the fact that we weren't understanding her…." I shrugged,

"Well did you understand her?" Robin jolted her body to look at me.

"Me?! You're her sisters! Why does she have the problem with me!"

"She obviously directed the gun towards you…." Buttercup sighed,

"Maybe it was all of us…..think about it Blossom lashes out when Robin shows us her present from Mitch, because she's been hiding her secret with Brick from us so it's not like she can get anything from him…." Bubbles nodded,

"But why?" Buttercup shrugged,

"She did the same thing as Robin, she forgave Brick after he said some nice words….maybe she thought we would judge her to the point where we would get mad at her…." Robin slapped her forehead.

"And she figured since I openly showed my forgiveness that you two would give her the reaction that she was dreading…which was you guys getting angry. But since you didn't show that she got mad not only at us but herself thinking that we don't understand her as well as she thought…." I opened my eyes,

"Wow…..we need a serious family bonding moment." We all sat there just waiting around, not knowing what else to do, when suddenly someone knocked on our door. Both Buttercup and Robin looked at me,

"Fine I guess I'll get it then." I opened the door to see the CD Mrs. H,

"Um….hi?" She looked at me,

"Um hi nothing! You and your cabin were supposed to be down at the field getting ready for the girls flag football game….and before you say anything yes it is mandatory!" I groaned and turned to Buttercup,

"Can you go upstairs and get Blossom….tell her the CD is being an ass and we got to go play some dumb sport." Buttercup smiled,

"Aww come on flag football will be fun!" I pointed upstairs as Buttercup rolled her eyes and went to get her. Robin slowly got off the couch and began to put her shoes on as did I. The CD looked at me,

"Well this is gonna be a fun day for everyone isn't it!" I sarcastically laughed and rolled my eyes, Robin giggled.

"Your attitude sure has changed." I smiled,

"Tell me about it right." Soon as I said that Buttercup flew down the stairs….by herself.

"Where's Blossom?" Buttercup shook her head,

"She's gone." My eyes went wide,

"What do you mean she's gone!?" Buttercup shrugged,

"I looked everywhere upstairs she's not there! I don't know where she went but she's sure as hell not in this damn cabin anymore!" The CD had steam coming out of her nose,

"Fine if that's how she wants to do it. Then let it be so." She took her walkie talkie off her belt

"Alpha to base, Alpha to base. One of my team members is missing Blossom Utonium has gone rouge; I repeat Blossom Utonium has gone rouge. She needs to be found and brought to the field immediately." I shook my head,

"Were not going anywhere, unless it's to help find our sister!" Mrs. H shook her head,

"I've got a lot riding on this game, so you honestly don't get a say in the matter at all." She snapped her fingers and just like that two goons came out of nowhere and grabbed us.

"Alright boys take them to the field and keep an eye on them until we get Blossom….this game has too much to lose for these brats to be messing with it." Buttercup started screaming and kicking.

"Let me go you fucking oaf! I will kick you where the sun don't shine unless you put me down!" The goon was getting annoyed so he threw Buttercup over his shoulder as he tried to walk without getting hit in the face. Robin and I followed Buttercup's lead, no way were they taking us that easy. The more we struggled the harder their grip became, I just hoped Blossom was ok and that this game wasn't going to be as grueling as I'd hope.

No One's POV

"Swing low sweet chariot…. I don't know the rest of the words…" Boomer sang. Butch plugged his ears.

"You are the most irritable person in the entire universe….I swear to everything!" Boomer smiled,

"That's what friends are forrrrrrrrr!" Butch groaned and looked at Brick,

"He's doing it again!" Mitch looked at Brick confused

"Um what exactly is he doing?" Brick rolled his eyes,

"When we were younger, Boomer use to answer Butch back in song lyrics just to annoy him and myself. We thought we beat that shit out of him years ago…." Mitch rolled his eyes as Butch tried to grab a hold of Boomer to strangle him to keep him quiet.

"So what's the agenda for today…not that I don't love spending time with you assholes." Butch said, Mitch shrugged,

"Well Brick and I thought if we give the girls their space this morning and you know we could just hang out like normal bros then tonight we can take them star gazing or something." Boomer scoffed,

"Of course you two get it easy, I mean Robin forgave you….wait did Blossom forgive you Brick?" With a nonchalant face Brick shrugged,

"I don't know, but I'm damn sure that I'm doing everything in my power to make it up to her." Boomer grumbled,

"You still have it easy….I mean Bubbles I don't know with her anymore. She was so sweet and innocent and friendly when I met her. She found the good in people and now it's like everything I do is wrong and she hates me. I think I've turned her into a monster…." Butch sighed,

"I feel ya bro….I think I'm falling in love with a monster." Brick looked at Butch,

"Did you just say Love?" All three boys looked back at Butch, who rolled his eyes

"Haha Butch said the forbidden L-word….but I'm not gonna deny it. I said what I said and I meant what I said." Mitch smiled,

"You realize that you never said that word to any girl….including Princess." Butch shrugged.

"Well Buttercup's different I mean, she gets me. She practically is a female version of me! Dude that chick is some serious biz and I didn't realize that until it was too late and I took her for granted." Boomer slow clapped,

"This is the first time in history where we learn that Butch has feelings…" Butch punched his brother square in the arm,

"Dumbass." Boomer rubbed his now sore shoulder while everyone else laughed at him. They all sat there talking for a while, just catching up on the stuff they use to talk about. Until they were approached by Mrs. H,

"Why hello boys!" All four boys look up to see the CD peering down at them with a nice fake smile plastered along her face. All boys motioned their hands as if they acknowledged her presence. She giggled,

"Oh you boys are so silly! Anyways I was wondering why you guys weren't down by the field already?" Brick cocked his head to the side,

"What's going on at the field?" Mrs. H smirked,,

"Why it's the girl's flag football game…..I'm pretty sure half the camp has placed their bets already…." Butch shook his head,

"Whoa….wait a minute there is an ALL GIRLS flag football game and no one said anything?!" The CD smiled,

"Well you boys have the special VIP seats…." She didn't even get to finish her sentence as Butch was already halfway down towards the field. Mitch shook his head as the rest of the boys slowly began to get up,

"And he wonders why Buttercup doesn't like him…."

"I'm in babe heaven!" Butch yelled. Currently he, Mitch and his brothers were sitting front row in a small box watching all the teams come out onto the field.

"What is really wrong with you?" Brick said, Butch shrugged as he winked at a few girls walked past him. Boomer shook his head,

"And he wonders why he'll never get Buttercup to like him…." Butch turned around and shot his finger at his brother,

"Hey there, she's defiantly playing hard to get….still doesn't mean I cant be friendly to ever one else here….." All three guys rolled their eyes at his stupid antics.

"GENTLEMEN WELCOME TO OUR ANNUAL GIRLS FLAG FOOTBALL GAME!" Every guy on the field bleachers went crazy.

"Today's gonna be a game to the death! There are no rules except one…..No MERCY FOR ANYONE!" Boomer sighed,

"Why does this game have to be so violent?" Brick shrugged.

"Before we get started let's make sure everyone places their bet on which team they think is gonna lead to victory….Now without any further delay please welcome our 6 groups! Let's hear it for the Wolves, Snakes, Panthers, Bears, Dragons and Gorillas!" There were four girls on each team that came out everyone was wearing booty shorts and a bikini top with their team colors. Plus a shoulder pad with a helmet. Brick narrowed his eyes, but they suddenly turned wide again.

"Wait are those the girls?" The boys looked in the direction that Brick was looking at, Mitch nodded,

"Yeah it is….wait where's Blossom?" Truth is told she wasn't there; the girls looked like they were being forced out onto the field.

"I don't think they want to be here…." Boomer said. Butch pointed over in the other direction,

"Wait there's Blossom now!" Blossom was being shoved by one of the CD's goons onto the field as she was put in the same outfit as her cabin. Brick growled,

"Come on…let's go and get them." All four boys were about to get up when their legs were suddenly chained to the seats.

"What the fuck?!" Mitch yelled, all four boys tugging and pulling but the metal brace just wouldn't budge.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" Butch yelled. Brick frantically looked down at the field as smoke began to rise from it and flashing lights everywhere, his eyes fixed on the now coughing Blossom as her team mates pulled her closer.

"I don't know….but it looks like the games have just begun."

Robin's POV

We pulled Blossom in closer to us, as she began to cough rapidly. Bubbles was the first to hug her.

"Look Blossom I know we have a lot of talking to do later when we get back, but for right now I need you to be a team member with us. We need to survive whatever is about to happen…..because so far it is looking good for us." Blossom nodded her head as she brought herself closer to us.

"Ladies and gentlemen a little switch in plans here we decided to make this game more interesting. Whoever can grab Franny Patterson's flags will give their team immunity and they would automatically be safe for the next round!" Everyone cheered. Buttercup looked back at us,

"Franny Patterson? Why the hell would they single out one girl?" My eyes went wide as Franny stepped onto the field,

"T-that's because F-Franny isn't fucking HUMAN!" They looked in the direction I was shooting and their faces turned just as white as mine. Franny was an 8 foot tall girl that looked half human half gorilla; she looked like wild beast that just stepped out of a monster movie.

"And she's in the running for prom queen?!" I slapped my forehead,

"Of course Bubbles would think of that at a time of….oh I don't know DEATH!" Franny yelled at the top of her lungs as she beat her chest like a wild man.

"I think I just shit my pants." Blossom muttered, I nodded,

"You and me both girl….you and me both." The whistle blew and Franny started charging at any girl she could get her hands on. So much of them were paralyzed with fear that they didn't even move when she sent them flying across the field. Buttercup cringed,

"I really hate this fucking camp."

And a cliff hanger is placed again sorry for the bad ending! But yeah please review, if you don't like oh well. Lol kisses xoxoxoxo