A/N: Okay first off, I'm SO sorry that this took so long to update. I ended up deleting the chapter 3 times before I was happy with it. Secondly...This is the very last chapter of this story (sorry).
The moment that Kensi had declared that her water had broken, all chaos had broken out in the form of the team rushing to shut down their computers and put away what they were doing, while Deeks stood in shock for a moment or two before Kensi had literally shaken sense back into him.
He had then taken her hand and led her to the car where they had been joined by the kids whom Nell had collected and brought out. Nell had then taken the keys from Deeks and told him that he wasn't in any shape to drive. He had reluctantly agreed and allowed her to drive the distance to the hospital.
The others followed in Callen's car and met up with them just as Deeks had taken a wheelchair that was offered and pushed Kensi into the building. From there the team had gathered in the waiting room with the children while Deeks had gotten Kensi admitted and brought to the maternity ward.
"I can't believe that this is finally happening." Deeks kept saying under his breath and grasped Kensi's hand only for her to squeeze it painfully.
"I can't either." Kensi admitted once the small contraction passed.
Even after nine months of knowing that they were going to add onto their family, it was still taking their breath away to know that soon enough they were going to be holding their first biological child, the fourth child in their makeshift family. They had already adopted the three older children, changing their last name from Andrews to Deeks, and now they were going to have another Deeks, another boy or another girl; they were still unsure of which it was going to be.
"Do you know what you're having?" The nurse asked as if reading their minds and smiled when they both shook their heads. "Well I'm just going to check on the baby and see where he or she is positioned. If need be, then we'll try and shift the baby so that it is in position for a safe birth."
"Is there any reason to think that the baby isn't in position?" Deeks asked nervously and felt Kensi's fingers flex around his in her own concern.
"No, I'm just going to check to be safe." The nurse stated and started to place electrode patches on Kensi's abdomen to monitor the baby's vitals. She then checked on the baby through an ultrasound and smiled and declared that the baby was doing just fine and was indeed in position for a safe birth. "Do you have any questions that I can answer at this time?" She then asked.
"Can our other kids be in here with us?" Kensi asked.
"They can, though some don't recommend that they be in here during the actual birth." The nurse replied. "Some kids also don't like being in the room when their mother is in labor due to the pain that you're going to experience as your contractions become stronger. They don't like to see their mother in pain, which brings up a question. Are you going to go with an epidural?"
"No." Kensi shook her head and heard Deeks sigh.
They had discussed using the pain killer before and Kensi had be adamant that she didn't want to be drugged, not even in the slightest, and would endure the pain of giving birth. She didn't like the idea of possibly not being fully coherent during labor and after when she knew that she would be tired to begin with.
"Alright, I'll make sure that you're not given one. However, if you change your mind then let us know, you'll only be able to ask for it up to a certain point. Once you pass that point, the drug can't be administered because it wouldn't have enough time to become active in your system so it would be rather pointless. Now if you want, I can go and get your kids for you, assuming that they are in the waiting area."
"They are, but I'll go and get them." Deeks said and slowly released Kensi's hand.
After the case with the young boys that were kidnapped and killed, he didn't like the idea of the children being around anyone that they didn't know and would much rather get them on his own then trust a stranger to do so for him.
"I'll be right back." Deeks said and kissed Kensi before he left the room.
He came back just a few minutes later with the kids who rushed in and climbed onto the bed to be next to Kensi.
"Is the baby here yet?" Elijah asked and looked around the room as if expecting the baby to suddenly pop out of nowhere or be hidden behind the door.
"No sweetie, the baby is still in my tummy." Kensi said and grit her teeth as another contraction coursed through her.
"Oh," Elijah sighed sadly and pouted. "I want the baby to be out of your tummy."
"It will be." Deeks promised and lifted Elijah from the bed and onto his lap where he sat in the hard plastic chair next to the bed. "Sometimes baby's just take a long time to be born. They like being in their mommies tummies."
"Why?" Isla asked and leaned against Kensi, her index finger in her mouth where she was lightly chewing on it.
"It's nice and warm in there." Deeks explained and gently removed her finger.
"Don't worry; the baby will be here before you know it." Will reassured his little sister who smiled adoringly at him.
His reassurance only went so far as hours after hours passed before the kids were taken out of the room due to Kensi's contractions becoming must stronger and painful. Like the nurse had told them before, they didn't want the kids to see Kensi in pain.
"Okay Mrs. Deeks, it looks like you are ready to start pushing." The nurse stated with her cheery smile.
Kensi glared at the cheer exuding from the woman and grasped her husband's hand so tightly she could see him wince in pain. When he tried to extract his hand from her grip, she stopped him with a look that could freeze the fires of Mt. Doom.
The moment that she starts to push, it feels like her body is trying to split in two and before she knew it, she was spouting off things that she wouldn't remember later. The only thing she would remember would be the looks that crossed Deeks face, ranging from amusement to pure horror.
And as Kensi had predicted, the moment that the baby arrived, she was exhausted and glad that she had opted out of being drugged.
The two of them had stared down at their new baby before Kensi had sent Deeks out of the room to go and get the others, and had filed back into the room minutes later with three very excited children and a just as excited group of adults comprised of Julia, Hetty, Nate, Sam, Callen, Nell and Eric, even Granger had shown up.
"Oh my gosh!" Nell squealed when her eyes had fallen onto the tiny bundle in Kensi's arms, all wrapped up in a cozy looking blanket with a pink cap on.
"Kids, come meet your baby sister." Deeks said and helped the kids onto the bed so that they could all get a good look at the tiny infant who had fallen asleep.
The kids had cooed over her and gently played with her miniature fingers while the adults smiled adoringly at her.
"Hetty, we want you to be the first one to hold her." Kensi declared once everyone had gotten the chance to look at the new baby.
Hetty had looked at them with emotion filled eyes and had carefully taken the baby and sat down next to the bed. It was after she had been holding the baby for a few minutes that Deeks and Kensi had shared a look and then gazed over at the older woman.
"We wanted you to be the first to hold her because you have been one of the most important people in our lives." Deeks explained. "You've been our boss, voice of reason, life couch and like a mother to both of us when we needed you to be. Therefore we wanted to try and honor you, even just a little bit."
"Hetty," Kensi continued where her husband had left off. "You're currently holding your surrogate granddaughter, Anna Henrietta Deeks."
A tear actually rolled down Hetty's cheek when that information was given and she brushed a knuckle against Anna's smooth cheek. She sat with the child for a while before Anna was slowly and carefully handed from person to person until going back to her parents and siblings.
Everyone had stayed for about an hour before Kensi's eyes had started to droop and Deeks had ushered them out of the room so that she could sleep. They had each said their goodbyes to the couple and their new daughter while Julia had taken the three older kids home with her for the night and promised to bring them back the next day.
They family went home a few days after Anna was born and settled into life as a family of six fairly easily, though it had been determined after a few nights of the girls sharing a room, that it would be best for them to look for a larger place, especially after Deeks had declared that he wanted another child. Kensi had shot that idea down fairly quickly and had started spending her free time house searching until they finally settled on a nice house in a nice neighborhood that had a great school system, a nice big back yard and wasn't that far from work.
It was near the end of Kensi's maternity leave that she mentioned to Deeks the job that Hetty had offered her. They had then sat down and talked about the advantages and disadvantages of the position until they came to an agreement that she would take the job. However, Kensi refused to let Deeks switch jobs and become a lawyer again. He had argued that it was practical, but she had argued back that it just wouldn't be the same if he wasn't a cop anymore.
The discussion had led to a few arguments before Deeks had agreed with Kensi and had turned the lawyer job down and continued as a cop for a while before he had finally pulled out the forms that Hetty had given him years prior and jotted down his name.
A few months later, he went from being officer Deeks to agent.
Kensi settled into her new position with surprising ease and was able to work with the team still which made things easier. She hadn't even been able to imagine not working with the team anymore and was glad to be able to help them. It also helped that she got to see Deeks and still make sure that she kept him as safe as she could.
By the end of each day, they still both felt accomplished in their jobs and what they were able to do and would meet up in the bullpen each night before they bade their team goodnight and would head home with their children, only to return to work the next day and do it all over again.