Disclaimer: I don't own the game "Elsword" or it's characters, but i wish.

Welcome~ This is my first fanfiction on Elsword. I've been writing "The Truth" about D. Gray-Man, but lately, because of Elsword, all of my ideas for D. Gray-Man flew out the window, and it got replaced with ideas for Elsword...

I'm sorry... However, i'll be trying to work on "The Truth" as soon as possible for my D. Gray-Man readers, but i won't guarantee that i'll be updating it as soon as i would like. For now, i'll be updating "Eternal Soulmates" for about a few months while writing "The Truth".

Anyways, here are some warnings/notices...

First, i suck at grammer.. It's so horrible that you'll be thinking, "Is this really a high schooler's writing? It's like a middle schooler, maybe even an elementary schooler!"

Second, i update slow as snail... Fastest is within one day, slowest is one year, which has never happened before. Only for a few months when i'm lazy or too busy with homework.

Third, i tend to rush through my chapters, and then i end up with typos, spelling mistakes, and words that repeat over and over. You'll see what i mean once you start the story..

Last, but not least, the characters are all human. Some of the skills in the game will be mentioned in the story, but not that much fighting, until the end. Oh, and... This is completely my imagination, so it's not in the plot that's made in the game. That's why, please don't say "You idiot! Nasods didn't invade Feita! The glitter demons did!" or something similar to that..

I'll be surprised if you actually read the whole boring thing just now, even i thought it was broing... -_-

Enough of my rambling, let's start the story~

'Why...? Why are we destined to fight against each other? Why can't we stay in peace with each other?'

"Hey... Don't you think that it's best if we just end everything by destroying this world and create a whole new world where everything can stay in peace."

"Don't be stupid. The only way to end this war between Altera and Hamel is by-"

As soon as the soft, yet cold voice spoke of ending the war in another way, a sound of blades clashing against each other interrupted the conversation. The doors burst open and soon everything was covered in darkness and blood.

"Eve... This war can't be stop.. Don't be foolish. All of this blood lust, greed, and hatred among us.. It'll never stop. That's why, give up on living in peace with Hamel and live on. For Altera, and for your own sake!"

Soon, golden eyes snapped open with fear shown in them. Sweat roll down her face as she closes her eyes, thinking of the dream she had. Eve's wavering eyes looked out the window from her dorm as she realized that it was soon morning.

'I should prepare myself before school starts...'

As Eve swung her legs off her bed onto the cold floor, she looked in the mirror and touched her shoulder before heading towards the bathroom, taking a cold shower to wake herself up. Eve began to strip herself of any clothing, walking inside the shower, letting the clear, yet cold water hit her face.

While Eve is taking her shower, in another dorm which seems to be across from hers, cerulean colored eyes with paw-prints were shining as they traced the tiny words on the thick pieces of parchment. Chung smiled softly as he closed the book in his hands and looked out across window, watching the sun slowly rising to shine its warm light.

"Altera... An enemy or ally..? Then again, i don't want any part in the war between Altera and Hamel. Being a 'Seiker' means i'll have to participate in the war, but.. There are so many innocent lives in Altera."

'Plus.. She's part of the monarch, which means i'll have to face her in battle. Are my decisions right? Is it wrong..? I want the best for her, yet at the same time, i made her lose so many things that are precious to her and the fact that my heart is no longer with me...'

Chung sighed deeply, his cerulean eyes filled with sadness and longing. He climbed out of bed and his spikey cream-colored hair with some parts that are tint of dark brown, resembling "Pikachu", his long, yet thin layered hair flowed down slightly like a tail. He began to take his blue shirt off and threw it in a basket. On his shoulder, reveals a dark blue colored wolf that's realistic to the point where its eyes looked gentle and full of emotions.

Soon, the warm light from the sun shone through the window, giving the sign that it's time to rise and time for their lessons. At the same time, both Eve and Chung were ready, all dressed up in their uniforms.

At that moment, both walked out of their respective dorms at the same time. Cerculean met golden. Hamel met Altera. Enemy met enemy.. Or was it ally met ally...? Either way, at that moment, their fate was already sealed. Chung meeting Eve for the first time, or did he..?

He smiled sweetly, his cerculean eyes full of life and longing as he spoke with Eve, the one that had sealed his fate.

"Good morning, Eve.."

Eve, who was born emotionless, felt her heart beating abnormally fast and her face growing slightly hot as she looked up, staring into Chung's deep cerculean eyes as if they were luring her into a labyrinth.

"Good morning to you too, Chung... What's the situation in Hamel? Is everything alright there? If you need my help, i'll help you in any way i can."

'Or more like i just want to be beside you... No! What am i thinking..? Chung Seiker is the crowned prince of Hamel, which is an enemy of Altera.. Yet what are these feelings...?'

"It's fine... Plus, i don't think you should be talking to an enemy. After all, Altera and Hamel have been at war for centuries."

"Chung, this is a school with a dormitory system. So that makes us classmates, comrades. We're not in Altera or Hamel, so you don't have to put on your act."

Chung chuckled softly as he reached towards Eve and hugged her tightly with his longing eyes, filled with an unknown feeling. He smiled softly at her and grabbed her hand along, intertwining their fingers together.

'My decisions... No matter if they're wrong or not, i won't regret my choices. I'll protect those important to me. I'll support them no matter where they are or who they really are. Eve... I'll protect you forever.. Even if you forget, i won't forget those days. Do you know why..? It's because i love you... Forever and ever...'

~Author's Notes~

So, how was it..? It's my first time writing a story for Elsword... Anyways, please give me your opinion on this!

The story is going to be a bit complicated, so i apologize. I also apologize for the fact that this chapter is so short. I'll try to make it longer next time... _ Oh! And i'll tell you guys which class the characters are and their age, as the story progress and them getting introduced.

Eve: Code Battle Seraph(16)

Chung: Tactical Trooper(16)

Anyways, thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed this first chapter~
