Welcome to PAD's first drabble.

Stephenie Meyer owns all Twilight entitlements.

I just want the privilege of posting one hundred words at a time.


It's past six; I already know he's late without even looking at the time.

I anxiously anticipate his coming each Wednesday.

Today's hump day, and I could definitely see myself doing some of the same with him.

Twenty seconds is all it takes to get my heart racing.

Indeed, he's blazing heat even in the coldest weather with the sweat of his brow melding sweetly amid the ice in his hair.

The impending sounds signify my time with him is over.

I sigh, knowing his sultry impression has to last me another week.

This seemingly ephemeral moment is anything but.


What are your thoughts?

Who is Edward?

Review me your guesses.

A special thank you goes out to Chayasara for her keen eye and incredible beta work.

Another special thank you goes out to Chandrakanta for her patience, crafting my spectacular banner.

Thank you for reading.