A/N: I found this prompt and it was just absolutely perfect. Hero's Cuties AU with a good nod to fix-it-feesh's beautiful stuff on Tumblr (I borrowed Q-bert, I hope she doesn't mind!). Felix is the building's handyman and Calhoun is ex-military, she moved in a few weeks ago to the empty apartment next to Felix's.
Write a romance story about two people living in abutting apartments that are madly in love with each other, but have never actually met each other face to face.
Calhoun dropped her duffel bag onto the floor and knelt to unlace her boots, whispy bangs falling into her face. With a little huff she headed to the kitchen to microwave the first thing she could grab. On her way there a little note on the table caught her attention.
Just wanted to let you know that I fixed your faucet in the bathroom but I might need to replace a part later if it keeps giving you trouble. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else fixed, I'm just next-door and I can be over in a jiffy!
Tamora had almost forgotten about calling the building's handyman earlier. On the phone he'd sounded so damn happy about the prospect of fixing something, so eager to please, like a little puppy dog. His voice was quiet and had a touch of the south to it. Staring at the note a little longer than she should have, the blonde could almost feel the hospitality seeping out of the paper. Even the writing had a cheerful slant to it. Shaking her head to clear it a little, Tamora put the note on the table and continued onward to the kitchen. She grabbed a frozen dinner out of the freezer without even looking at what it was and stabbed it a few times before throwing it into the microwave with a clatter.
Zoning out a little as the little plastic tray turned slowly, she couldn't help but wonder about the handyman. She honestly refused to believe someone could be that damn nice. Tamora had heard all about him from a few of the other residents on several occasions when she'd been in the elevator and unable to escape their babbling. Another reason she religiously took the stairs now.
The microwave beeped, drawing her out of her musings. There was no reason to be thinking about him anyway, it wasn't like her. She liked the quiet and solitude, to her it seemed that Felix craved the company of others. Calhoun wolfed her dinner down, not tasting it at all, thoughts far away.