Hey this is the first chapter of this story it's the prologue. The other chapters will be longer.

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious...If I did then I wouldn't be on fan fiction. I know that many people are angry at Dan Schneider for multiple reasons and I understand completely. However, I don't think anyone could truly write about Victorious better than him.

Hope you enjoy :)

Jade POV:

I wanted to have some fun. She was so pure and innocent, untouched...she just had to be corrupted and that's what I did.

I knew the punch had been spiked even if it wasn't me who did it, it was part of my plan. She loved the fruity beverage and she was just so clueless to what it had really been. She's so childish and the taste made her jump up with excitement but she didn't realize she was falling into my trap.

She was slowly becoming wasted but she didn't know and continued re-filling her plastic red cup. She became extra hyper but started slurring her words and stumbling with every step she took.

The ice surrounding my heart made me not even care that she was so innocent. My conscience was on mute, not telling me that this was wrong and I shouldn't take advantage of her.

I caught her within the crowed of people dancing. I grabbed her small warm hand with light pink nail polish and tugged it gently to get her attention. She looked at me with a wide bubbly smile. I led her upstairs that night to the bedroom of a boy that I didn't even know.

Before I knew it our lips were colliding and I pushed her onto the bed. I could barely taste the bitter taste of rum with her piƱa colada lip gloss mixed with the taste of fruit punch. She was so intoxicating and it wasn't hard for me to lose all control. I had never lost control like this with anyone else but of course that was pushed to the back of my mind.

Eventually when all her clothing were off I ran my hands around her warm smooth skin and it made her shiver slightly, goosebumps awakening around her skin. My lips touched her skin and sucked, leaving marks all around her skin.

She willingly let me take control, not even protesting once. She just went along with it because she didn't know better.

My lips touched her entrance. I licked, sucked, and tasted her folds. Her moans and giggles only made me lose myself even more.

When my finger entered her she moaned loudly. I slowly started pumping in and out, not even feeling guilty that I was taking her innocence away. She screamed my name and I lost myself even more while I continued pleasuring her.

I added more fingers since her insides were so tight and needed to be loosened. She finally exploded onto my fingers. I licked her liquid off my fingers and then sucked her entrance clean.

She tasted so sweet. Even though I was so bitter I craved that sweet taste more than anything at that moment.

Please Review! Give me any instructive criticism because I want to improve and make this fic great.