James stood there, not knowing what to say. He was an exceptionally good liar, except when he was talking to his mother and father... but specially mother, seriously though he could lie to McGonagall better than to his mother.

"There you are with my breakfast! You know I was starting to think you didn't see this bet through..." Sirius looked at Mrs Potter. "Good morning, mum." He smiled. "Are you coming now? The bet was if I won I'd get breakfast in bed, this is hardly my bed." He said starting to walk away and James simply followed. Mrs Potter looking at them weirdly, but she knew better than bother with those two looking weird.

"Thank you!" James said when they were out of hear-shot. "She almost found Lily. You know I can't lie to my mum." He said. "How are you up so early? And how did you know I needed a rescue?"

"Well I suspected I heard Lily come in yesterday so I just stayed up till now to see of she was there." He smirked and looked at James. "She is in your bed. Wearing your clothes... Did you get a Christmas gift?" Sirius laughed and James did too.

"Only you to stay up all night to see if my girlfriend was in my bed. You do know we usually sleep together in Hogwarts, right?" James asked. "But no, we didn't do anything. She was just... not feeling okay."

"And then she just stayed for the night?" Sirius asked suspiciously.

"Well, it was partly her family that made her feel like this so I just told her to stay here for the night..." He said and Sirius smile fell.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear. Families can be a real pain in the ass." He nodded. "Well go back to you girlfriend and send her home so that her dad doesn't come after you for stealing his little girl." Sirius laughed a little. "Also I still think mum will check your room in a while." He said and walked to his room, and James did the same. He opened the door to find out Lily now occupying the whole bed and he chuckled. He put the tray with breakfast down for a while and thought of a nice way to wake up Lily. And so he started kissing all over her face and she woke up slowly opening her eyes.

"Good morning to you too." She said and smiled and sat up.

"Good morning indeed," He chuckled. "you're smiling right after waking up, have I preformed a miracle?" He asked.

"Well, kind of. This was the first night without waking up because of nightmares since I came home for Christmas." She said and kissed him back.

"What are you talking about?" He asked sitting on the side of the bed. "I thought you were doing better when we left Hogwarts."

"Yeah, it turns out it was all because of you." She muttered.

"Why didn't you say something about it to me before today?" He asked.

"Because... I didn't want to bother you. You'd probably do something extreme like going to my house at night or something." She said thinking how he showed up at the hospital wing every night.

"Well, obviously I'll do that. And before you can argue, I'll be careful no one will catch us." He said and kissed her.

"James, we'll be back for school in like four days, it's not worth it." She said.

"Of course it is, you need to sleep properly. And now stop talking about it because you know you can't change my mind about this and because I have breakfast in bed for us and you have t go home in a while or else we'll get caught." He said and put the tray on her lap.

"You did all of this for me?" She stated.

"Well, I didn't cook it because I'm an awful cook. But I grabbed it from the kitchen." He replied. "Now, start eating."

"I'm not really hungry, I just woke up." She said.

"Well, I don't really care. This is a very romantic gesture that we need to share, by eating it together." He said, not blaming her for not wanting to eat. He knew he couldn't just "fix" her with a nice speech and home cooked meal.

She sighted but looked at him and smiled anyway. "Okay." She said. "Let us eat."

"And you need to food in your organism because we'll have a very busy day." He started. "We need to write to Dumbledore, you reminded me that we only have a few more days before going back to Hogwarts, meaning, we only have a few days to plan the best New Year's party ever, it is our last year Lils we need to kill it, so all of us Marauders and the ladies will have a meeting to plan it." He said while getting some food on his plate.

"And I need to teach how to cook." She added casually and she ate a pancake.

"You do?" He inquired.

"You said you couldn't cook and that is not acceptable. What about when we're leaving together and we have no house-elfs, will I not have the right of breakfast in bed then?" She explained.

He laughed. "You are absolutely right, you do need to teach me how to cook." He said. "When are we doing that?"

"Well, I never wake up before 10, ever. So I guess I can wake up then and you can come after a while and we'll spend the morning cooking, and you can have lunch over there." She seported.

"And then we'll come over here, write to Dumbledore and then have the meeting. Will you talk to the girls?"

"Of course." She said and finished eating her breakfast after a bit. "I think I should go home, people might go to my room, or come here."

"Yeah, my mum will probably come here in a while seeing as she saw me downstairs with a tray with breakfast and a flower and all of that."

"What?" Lily asked exalted.

"Don't worry!" He said quickly. "Sirius showed up and said it was a bet that we had that I lost and had to get him breakfast in bed. I would have made up something, but I can never lie to my mum." He said shyly.

"That's adorable." She smiled and kissed him. "You not being able to lie to your mother, not the lie Sirius said to save out arses. I down't know how or why, but it's also very sexy."

"You really should go, or I will start kissing you and I don't think I'll be able to stop." He said and she chuckled and got her dress and walked to the bathroom.

"Fancy to see you here, Evans." James said as she opened the door for him. "It's funny how you're always the one who opens the door for me."

"Hello." She smiled letting him in.

"It's not funny, she just runs to the door before any of us can get there." Her father teases. "Hello James."

"Hello Mr Evans, how was your Christmas?" James asked with a smile.

"Not as... peaceful as I hoped it would be. But you can't have everything in life, I have a wonderful family, and that's a lot more than most people can say."

"That is is, Mr Evans." James said smiling. "And it's a beautiful family too." He continued.

"As much as I adore that you two get along so well, and I do from the bottom of my heart, I want to teach James how to cook so, goodbye daddy."

"Yes, and I have to go to work... It's already ten thirty!" He said and grabbed his key and suitcase.

"You know that most people have the 26th off, right?" Lily asked.

"Well, but I couldn't have it, so they gave me the 27th and let me sleep late." He said. "And don't forget tomorrow we're going to spend the day together as a family."

"Yeah, yeah. That is bound to go well, me and Petunia together all day..." She said.

"Well Vernon is coming too, so if you want to come, James, you can." Mr. Evans said. "I have a feeling that the three of us will have a good laugh about Vernim." He whispered and Lily chuckled and he kissed her cheek. "Bye Lilykins." He shook James hand. "Goodbye James."

The morning went by in a fuss of flower, eggs, sugar, chocolate, strawberries, baking powder and even though it ended up with a delicious cake for dessert it also ended up with both Lily and James having cake batter all over their faces, it started with Lily putting a bit of it on James nose and kissing it like she had seen on romantic movies, but James didn't take it as a romantic gesture he took as a war starter and by the end they had to clean the kitchen with magic and kissed each other a lot.

When they were done with the cake Mrs. Evans had to come to make lunch for all of them, and Lily and James went to her bedroom- door open- to write a letter to Dumbledore.

"How do I start this?" Lily asked.

"My letters to Dumbledore usually start with Professor Dumbledore." He tried to jest to ease her up, it did the corner of her lips twisted a tiny bit. And she started writting.

Professor Dumbledore,

I hope you have had a good Christmas and nice vacations. And I wish to apologize for bothering in your time of rest.

It is not an urgent matter but I thought you might want some time to think about it and, if you agree, make the arrangements.

She stopped for a while thinking how to phrase what she was about to tell and ask.

I have realized that I have a psychological problem due to, or maybe the cause of, my lack of self-esteem. I wouldn't trouble you if this didn't have stronger consequences, such as depriving myself of food. Even though I am better, due to the help of James Potter, I am afraid that this stability might not last as long as it should and I ought to have counselling until I am fully recovered. I am not aware of any therapist in Hogsmead that I could attend during my visits so I am hoping that you could help me in the search of one that maybe could go to the castle or that I could meet.

I was hoping this information could be kept among us seeing as the only people aware of my problem at the moment are you, me and James.

Sorry for troubling you and thank you for your time.

Yours Sincerely,

Lily Evans

"That wasn't so hard." James said. "No, really. You're a good writer I thought we were going to have to write and re-write it over and over again but you just organized your thoughts and knew what to say and how to say it. I am impressed." He smiled. "I think you can write my letters from now on, what do you think?"

Lunch was nice, weirdly nice. Her sister didn't say a thing about Lily, there wasn't even a snide look at her plate! She suspected it was related to James, they did exchange weird looks right before lunch. But she wasn't about to complain about something as lovely as this, maybe she'd ask him about it later. They were back in James' house after lunch ready for their meeting about the party. James and Sirius each sitting in a armchair and Lily had a little table in front of her with parchment and ink, the rest were just sitting in a couch.

"Come on people, we need ideas." Said Sirius.

"First, I think we should decide where were having the party and who." Marlene suggested.

"Agreed." Said Lily.

"So, who everyone but the Slytherins." Said James, everyone agreed and Lily wrote. "And where I think the Come and Go room may be the perfect room because like that we can keep the Slytherins away." Once again everyone agreed and Lily wrote, she preferred if everything was written so there would be no doubts later. And the meeting went on until dinner, with Mrs Potter biscuits, lots of tea and cakes and all sorts of nice fattening things through the afternoon. Lily ate some of it, mostly because James discreetly forced her too. By the end of it, they were still discussing it at dinner for which everyone stayed over, they had agreed on the colours of the balloons, fireworks, drinks (tons of them, details were not needed), formal wear (it's was way sexier) and lightening (dim, they had learned they didn't want to see too much of what was happening).

A/N: Sorry for the small, not so eventful, but I'll try to post another one next week already :) Love y'all sexy faces!