A Fairly Odd Parents / Danny Phantom Story
Kiss Me Slowly
Timmy Turner (aged sixteen) still has his Fairy Godparents, Cosmo and Wanda, and of course baby Poof. But there was one wish somehow that couldn't be granted. And that was to make Timmy's dream boy real. And then, somewhere in Amity Park, another boy was having problems of his own.
I do not own Fairly Odd Parents nor Danny Phantom. The awesome creator of theirs is the one and only Butch Hartman.
:Author's Note:
Welcome to chapter three of 'Kiss Me Slowly'. If you are just reading this now because you favorite/follow'd this story, I suggest you read back to the previous chapters because I revised them and added some stuff there you should look over. IMPORTANT STUFF. But for those who read both chapters already today, then good job, you made it :3 So yeah Happy 2016. It's been years huh? I'm surprise that even know I get tons of messages of fans telling me to continue writing this story. So to give you a new year present and almost Valentine's, I've decided to update this story and continue it ;) Ain't it great. So I hope you enjoy this chapter and more to come~ Also, I wanted to remind people, that this is a slash/yaoi story. Sorry, I had to place that in because in my last story, people still read it and say stuff like 'They aren't gay' or 'it's gross'. So just to give a heads up and everything. But yeah, carry on~
Timmy stared at the woman hugging Danny with such love and care, making him step back for a moment as he then tried to calm his breathing. So much in his mind wanted to shout his wish of the woman to disappear, but being grown up...he learned so many times before of 'Da Rules'.
You can't break true love.
And Timmy can obviously see this woman loved Danny.
Danny moved back from the woman and then smiled softly, "S-sam, I'm okay! Really," He then coughed and looked back at Timmy and eyes widened, "Um, hey, Timmy...this is-"
"Timmy!" A shout was heard and Timmy turned aroud (relieved for a distraction, mind you) to see Chester, AJ, Tootie Sanjay and Elmer rushing towards him.
"Guys!" Timmy breathed out as he walked over to them, ignoring how Danny was looking a bit upset.
Chester was the first to reach him and was checking him over, "Timmy! Oh, man, are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"Chester, I'm fine, really," Timmy blinked as he then felt a sense of dejavu for a moment but then shook it off, "How about you guys, you okay?"
"We're fine, Timmy, we're just glad you're okay!" Tootie rushed forward and was hugging the live out of him.
Contrary to believe, Tootie actually had grown up some a lot. She didn't have the braces anymore, her hair was down with a blue hairband to hold her hair back and wore contacts, showing off her baby blue eyes. She was beautiful indeed, and yet her obsessive love for Timmy simmered to one of just the sibling kind after getting to know Timmy all those years (and calming down with some medication and therapy). In fact, she was currently dating AJ and been part of the group since. She even stood up to her big sister Vicky plenty of times and wasn't scared of her no more. It was just sad her parents still were.
"T-tootie! Y-You're...h-hugging me...tight!" He squeaked and was relieved when she was pulled away by AJ.
Feeling that eyes were staring at him, Timmy looked back to see Danny staring at him some as the girl next to him was tugging at him and the friend with glasses was looking at them too. For some reason, Timmy felt childish and then coughed as he then smiled, "Well, Mr. Hero, I'm sure you have to be elsewhere yeah?"
Danny frowned a little bit but then the girl named Sam spoke up.
"Yes! Phantom here has to get going and stuff, right?" Sam nudged at the daydream Danny, who snapped out of it and nodded.
Sanjay gasped, "Oh great Goddess of Destruction, it's Danny Phantom!" He screeched out and soon many teenagers were rushing towards them to get a look at the famous 'Ghost Boy' they've heard so much about in the news.
Timmy blinked. Danny was famous? Then again, he hadn't been watching the news all that much since he was too busy these days with wish shenanigans, school and...well, adventures and visits to Fairy World.
"C'mon, let's go back inside," Chester was pulling at Timmy's arm, making Timmy look at him and agree.
Soon they along with their other friends were going back into the highschool, as Danny looked like he wanted to reach out to him, but refrained from doing so. Timmy actually looked back to see if Danny was looking at him, and was hurt that Danny had turned away and was walking away with the girl holding to his arm and their friend following them to get away from the fanatics.
"He...didn't look back," Timmy murmured and his blond friend looked at him.
"What you say?" Chester asked and the brunet turned to him with a fake smile.
"Nothing! Um, we should get back to class!" Timmy urged his best friend to the classroom, deciding to push the matter about Danny behind him. 'He has a girlfriend Timmy! Don't be stupid...ugh! I have the worst luck!'
'Ugh! I have the worst luck!' Danny thought with a cry as he was finally in his human form and then sat on his hotel bed.
Tucker, his techogeek of a friend, looking up with his seafoam colored eyes and raised a brow, "Stressed out?"
"Hardly," Danny murmured as he then laid on his back on his own bed as Tucker was typing on his PDA, "Why does Sam have to be so clingy lately? I mean, we're not going out officially or anything! We haven't decided yet!"
It was a good thing Sam had her own room five doors down. The trio were actually on holiday after Tucker thought that being the youngest Mayor of Amity Park was being 'too stressful'. And so, he assigned Valerie Grey (his girlfriend of three years) to take charge of Amity Park as he, Sam and Danny planned a road trip. And what was a road trip without it's sidetracks...and this was one of them. They had to stop in Dimsdale since apparently there was word going on that Dumpty Humpty were playing around the area alongside some guy named Chip Skylark. And Tucker begged to stay for a few nights for the concert (somehow, being the youngest mayor alive, he managed to score tickets...but even if he couldn't, Sam could)
"She thinks so," Tucker pointed out as he made an exasperated sound, "And she seems to decide that you guys are official!"
"I don't want to ruin our friendship if this doesn't work out!" Danny sat up, blue eyes glaring at the dark skinned best friend.
"You kept saying that for years. What are you afraid of?" Tucker asked then turned serious, "Unless, you found someone else?" He watched Danny freeze and sighed, "I knew it. I can tell you've been off lately...for five years in fact ever since we saved the planet. I worry that being a famous hero has maybe tired you out...physically and mentally,"
It was true though, Danny was starting to feel the pressure of everything of being a famous well known hero. The fans, the government...everyone. Danny wanted to go back to the way things were, when he was still a secret to the world. Sure, it was nice that his family knows and his parents were out to kill him (molecule by molecule), but now the people that bullied him were being all fake nice nice and stuff and now the Guys in White are after him more and more each day. Although the Ghosts are now much more friendlier to Danny than before (after the whole Phantom Planet incident), that didn't mean they were going easy on Danny.
So, yeah, Danny was stressed.
Plus, with Sam waiting and expecting Danny to make a move of their so blandly obvious attraction for each other AND Danny finding the boy he was searching for, Danny was ready to pull out his hair.
"Your hair's going to go white...and not ghost white either," Tucker teased a little as Danny then grabbed a pillow and screamed in frustration, "Look, dude, why you go out and take a breather? You know, get a little of Dimsdale air in you?"
Danny blinked as he looked up from his pillow and smiled, "Tucker, you're a genius!"
"I know I am," The technogeek grinned cockily then looked at him, "Sooo...want me to tell Sam you just went out and don't wait up?"
"Bingo," Danny grinned and high-fived Tucker, and started for the door, "You're the best,"
"As I said, I know I am," Tucker chuckled and went back to his PDA to call his lovely girlfriend.
"Hey Timmy, you still coming to my baseball practice?"
Timmy looked up from packing his backpack to face a smiling Chester, and smiled back, "Ah, of course I am,"
The blond blinked his turquoise eyes for a moment in surprise, "Really? Usually this is the moment that you make up an excuse or something or had somewhere to be?"
Timmy faltered at this. Has he always? He knew sometimes it was to go off to Fairy World or go to sleep early for his dream boy. 'No!' Timmy shook his head mentally and frowned. He would not THINK about his dream boy that was obviously taken. Maybe he needed a breather, something to take his mind off of him. And what better way then to go to Chester's practice. He then smiled at the confused and waiting McBadBat and then smiled, "Nope, I have a cleared schedule, so I can come,"
Chester was grinning from ear to ear in excitement then nodded, "Alright! C'mon, let's go, the others are waiting!"
Timmy laughed as he watched his excited friend and grabbed for his green backpack and followed him.
Wanda, disguised as Timmy's chemistry book, watched this unfold and smiled a little. She was happy that Timmy was actually going to do something fun and normal for once. Although it raised the question on why. Usually Timmy would skip home, deal with his ignorant Mom and Dad, go upstairs, do homework, then sleep...a lot. So this was a nice change.
Soon, they arrived at the baseball field and it seems Timmy's friends were also surprised to see Timmy.
"Timmy," Elmer was the first to greet in surprise, "You're here..."
"Yeah," The brunet frowned a little at this, "You seem surprised,"
Tootie nudged the slightly not so boil harbouring male and smiled at Timmy, "We're just surprised, you usually don't come to Chester's practices. But we're all happy that you're here, aren't we guys?" She looked to her boyfriend and the other two guys, who nodded and smiled with her.
"It seriously is good that you're hanging out with us again after school. We missed you," Chester said honestly but then heard the whistle from his coach and smiled, "Well, that's my cue, gotta go!" He waved and soon was entering the centre field.
Timmy took a seat near Tootie as the practice started, and looked thoughtful. He didn't mean to push aside his friends. He didn't even realize it. But then again, with all the adventures, danger, wishes, and plenty of time spending with fairy god family...and with dreaming about his 'phantom'.
He felt like an idiot.
'Maybe I should try harder with being a normal teenager,' He thought idly as he smiled at his friends chattering and cheering for Chester, 'I mean, Wanda has a point...maybe I'm being a bit obsessive over Phantom. Obsession isn't good. I mean, Tootie turned out well after she got over me...so maybe I should do the same...without the therapy and happy pills,' He then smiled and soon was joining in the talks with his friends and the cheering for the blond baseball player below.
As half an hour passed, Timmy excused himself as he wanted something to drink and walked over to the vending machine. What he didn't expect, was to see someone that he didn't think he'd see...
'No way...' Timmy thought as he stared at a raven haired young man with baby blue eyes, getting a drink from the vending machine, 'It's the other boy from my dream today...the one with Phantom,' He thought and then gasped.
Was his dream trying to tell him something?
Danny was enjoying his walk. He didn't really think he would actually have the time of day to breathe and be...well, normal, for once. And being in a new town, no one knew he was the famous Ghost Boy (only those in Amity Park knew of his double personas). And to his luck, as he was deciding to get a refreshment, he spotted a familiar boy in a pink hat.
'Timmy!' He smiled brightly but then turned sheepish and waved at Timmy.
Timmy had this adorable blush on his cheeks and waved back, and Danny was biting the inside of his cheek from smiling. This was perfect! It seemed that the boy didn't look like he recognise him as Phantom. So maybe he could play this out. No Sam here, it was just the two of them. He could talk to the boy he was looking for without any interruption!
He decided to approach first and then soften his gaze and gave his best charming smile, "Hi there,"
"H-Hi?" Timmy slowly said with a shy look, and Danny was feeling his heart thud.
'Oh by Clockwork, he's so cute,' Danny thought but then mentally smacked himself and then tilted his head, "Did you want to use the vending machine? I was going to use it but didn't know what to get so..."
The brunet blinked and then was rubbing the back of his neck, "Oh! No, it's okay, you can go ahead first,"
"No, no, I insist. You see, I don't seem to know some of these snack and drink brands," Danny pointed out and tried to look innocent.
"Well, I like these here," Timmy pointed his finger at the glass, showing some fruit gummies in a bag.
Danny smiled as he then entered a quarter in and pressed the button for the treats. Once the treats were out, he then held it out for Timmy, "Here, and I'll get one too,"
Timmy looked surprised at this and was shaking his head, "H-Hey! I could've paid for myself," He protested, making Danny chuckle when the teen pouted.
"Let's just call it a good friendship starter," Danny winked as the boy before him flushed once more, 'So damn adorable,'
"So...you new here? I've never seen you before," Timmy asked as he opened his treats and popped one gummy in his mouth.
"Oh yeah, I just came from-" He was wondering if he should say where he was from but decided against it, "out of town. On a road trip with friends,"
"Cool," The sixteen year old smile, "My name's Timmy by the way,"
"I'm..." Danny paused for a moment then said, "Daniel, my name's Daniel," He wanted to groan. Damn the habit of Vlad's use of his full name, but he wanted to be careful. Danny may be a common name, but he was paranoid enough to think this boy in front of him would piece two and two together about him.
"Well, good meeting you Daniel," Timmy smiled a little, "But I should be getting back to my friends. I'm watching them practice for baseball game coming up,"
"Oh, um, can I join you?" Danny asked before he thought about it, "Again, I'm new around town so I don't that much places to go. I've separated from my friends and well..."
Timmy tilted his head and then smiled, "Sure, I guess that would be okay," He said and gestured the older boy to follow, "C'mon, and maybe you could meet my friends,"
Danny felt happy at this development. Here, he was finally getting close to getting to know the young man that eluded his dreams for four and a half years. Danny didn't think he would actually meet the boy in real life, dismissing it as another dream to mix with the many others. Although, this is one of the rare dreams that weren't nightmares. This dream, was the one that chased all the bad feelings and thoughts away. Made him feel...alive and at peace at the same time. So he was going to take this chance...because he didn't know how long he could hold onto this.
'I want to stay by Timmy's side. Just for one day...' Yes, Danny wanted to be close to the boy that captured his heart.
Ta-da~! And that was the third chapter of this revived story :D Well it was a bit longer than the last one I should say, don't you think? Anyways, hope you like this, I have special plans for this story. Please reviews are appreciated and thank you SO SO much for those who supported this story for how many years and convinced me to continue. So hope to see you on the next chapter of this fanfic, and to continue loving this as much as I am. See you next time~