Author's Note: Ok. They're getting somewhere. There's a Duel in this one too. Its kinda similar to the actually duel, but shorter and different... Ok, well, enjoy?

Chapter 4:

The group of friends had returned to Rebecca's Grandfather's trailer after their trip to the mall. Tea was feeling better after that. She hadn't packed enough clothes for an extended stay in America, but the shopping trip had solved that issue. Duke sat in the driver's seat of his car, satisfied that it was working correctly again. They all had fun on their trip to the mall, but they'd only gone so Duke could get his car tuned up. Driving over the rough terrain of the desert had really done a number on it. He looked in his rear-view mirror and saw that everybody was laughing and having a good time, well, almost everybody. Yami sat in his seat, elbow resting on the edge of the door with his hand propping up his chin; he was gazeing absently out at the scenery. Duke was curious so he asked, "Hey, Pharaoh, what's up?"

"Hmm?" Yami turned to look at Duke, when the question registered he responded, "Oh. Nothing."

Duke could tell he was lieing, could see it in his eyes, "Are you alright?"

Yami gave the best fake smile he could, "Yes. I'm perfectly fine. Thank you for your concern."

Duke raised his eyebrow, still not believeing it, but let the subject die. He didn't want to press matters and risk upsetting his friend. Still, it seemed like there was something important that he wasn't telling them. Maybe it was nothing.

Arriveing at the trailer they were greeted by Rebecca, who was holding out slips of paper to them. She looked upset, like she had been crying. Tea was the first to ask her why. Rebecca pouted and said, "I finally got your flights to Florida booked, but Grandpa won't let me go."

Yami was silent. After a few seconds of thought he replied, "Its probably beast you stay here with your Grandfather. Make sure everything's ok."

"But I want to go save Yugi!"

Tea put her hand on the small blond girl's should, "Rebecca, we all want to save Yugi, but it'll be dangerous out there and your grandfather just doesn't want to see you get hurt."

The little girl pouted, but didn't protest. She knew Tea was right.

The next morning the group set off on the train. Tea sat with Joey. Tristan sat with Duke, much to their dislike, behind Joey and Tea, and Yami sat across the aisle on his own. There was a tense air about Yami, and one look at him told you something was very wrong. Tea was sad for her friend. She wanted to cheer him up. She smiled at him, "Hey, Pharaoh. Are you excited to go to Florida? It'll be warm there and we can go to the beach! It'll be so fun!"

Yami looked at her, not bothering to hide his depression, and simpley said, "I need some air." Before standing up and leaveing the train car. He stopped in the small area between cars and leaned against the wall. Yami sighed, looking at the card that he'd taken out of his pocket. It displayed a mean-looking boy with covered by the seal.

"You did well, Yami. That's another soul for The Great Beast."

"Yes. When I capture more then the ultimate good will return to Earth, correct?"

"Yes, Yami. The world will be ridded of evil. Good will prevail."

"I'm glad. I just wish it could happen without the need to use Yugi."

"The boy has evil in his heart, Yami. He wanted to stop the rise of The Great Beast."

"Yugi is a good person. I'm sure we could convince him that what we're doing is right."

"Possibly. You could try, but I highly doubt you'll convince him."

"At first I was on the evil side, trying to stop the Great Beast, but you've convinced me of my sins. You've reformed me, made me see the truth. I'm sure we can do the same for Yugi."

Yami put the card back in his pocket and went to see where Yugi's friends had gone. A few cars down he found them. It was odd. The train had been full of people and suddenly every car was empty. If he hadn't heard Tea saying, "Don't say ghost either…" in the next car he would have sworn they had been a hallucination as well. It was still possible that they were, but much less likely. He entered the car and Joey greeted him with a, "Hey, man, where ya been?"

Yami replied to the question with a question of his own, "What happened? Where did… everybody go?"

Duke didn't hesitate to point out the obvious, "I think we walked into a trap."

"This is a trap, Yami. And it was that girl who sent you here right into it."

"What girl?" he whispered to the voice that had been so helpful the past few days in getting his mind on track. It was starting to seem that that voice was his only friend, the only one he could trust.

"Rebecca. She told you to go on this train. Set sent you into a trap. Maybe she took part in planning it."

"Rebecca… She wouldn't, would she?"

"You saw how she reacted when she found out Yugi was gone. She was furious. Of course she'd want to send the person she hated to their doom. But it is her who's in the wrong, not you. You've done nothing."

He looked up at Yugi's friends, who were all staring at him. He looked from Tristan to Joey to Tea to Duke and back. Why did they look so worried? There was something else in thier expressions as well. It was fear.

Joey touched his own forehead and stumbled over his words, "You got… um… here… Its back."

He hadn't noticed it, but the symbol had once again appeared on his forehead. It was strange, as it didn't generally appear when he was having a conversation with the voice. That, and it wasn't going away. Tea gave him a concerned looked, "Is something wrong? You were muttering under your breath…"

He shook his head and put his hand up, "I'm fine. But it is odd… The seal's only ever appeared when I feel strongly, but always faded after the emotion passed or lessened, or during a duel."

Tristan threw in his two cents, "That is weird. What do you suppose it means?"

Before Yami could answer the train car they were in started to shake. Joey shouted, "I-Its an earthquake!"

But Yami shook his head, "No, Joey, the train car is being disconnected."

They all ran for the door to the cars further up the line, hoping that they too weren't being disconnected. Yami got there first and threw open the door, jumping over to the next car. Tea was next, and she made it over with ease. Next was Joey. He had a harder time as the train was becoming further torn apart. Tristan and Duke jumped at the same time, Tristan grabbing the edge of the door and pulling himself in, while Duke got a grip on the ladder then took Tristan's hand so he could haul him inside. When they were all safe they collapsed to the floor, their adrenaline wearing off. Duke was in shock that he almost died and Joey was the first to speak, "that was close…"

Tea came in next, "Tell me about it…"

After a good ten minutes they got up again and began searching for a way to stop the train. Yami looked at his reflection in the window, noticeing that the seal still hadn't left. The feeling he had right before the train disconnected was still there. It was an ominous feeling. He sensed something familiar yet strange was near.

"Do you understand this? What is this feeling?"

"They're close. What you're feeling is the seal. Its connected to you, Yami. You can tell when another is near."

That was a helpful skill. Yami turned to Joey as the taller boy spoke to him, "That thing still hasn't gone away. Doesn't it bother you?"

Yami shook his head again, "I have this strange feeling. I believe there's somebody on this train with a Seal of Orichalcos card besides me."

They all turned to look at him then. It was shock, the expression they had. Joey displayed it the most, "What?! You can feel when one of those evil psychos in near you?!"

Yami winced at that. Evil psychos. It bothered him more than it should have. He didn't let it show though, "It seems that way."

Tristan spoke up, "Guys, I'm not finding anything. The emergency break isn't working. We need to get to the conductor."

The group agreed and headed up the line of cars. In the last car before the head of the train the stood a familiar boy smirking at them and glowering at Yami. This boy had a strange blur haircut and wore a pair of glasses with a beetle at their bridge. Weevil Underwood. He laughed mockingly at Yami, "Hello, Pharaoh!"

Yami growled. There was no time for this! "What do you want, Weevil?"

"Isn't it obvious! I want to duel! You made a fool of me in duelist kingdom and now you're going to pay!"

"Its him... That one has the seal... but he doesn't deserve it, does he Yami?"

"No, he doesn't. That boy is a disgrace to the seal's good name!" Yami whispered.

"Then why not accept his duel, Yami? Teach him that the glorious Orichalcos is not a toy? And capture his soul to become one step closer to bringing about the ultimate good!"

"I will!" He shouted, "Alright, Weevil, Its time to duel!"

Yugi's friends glanced at each other and Joey spoke for them, "You take care a' Weevil. We'll see if we can't stop this crazy train!"

And with that the others ran to the head car and Yami and Weevil prepared their duel discs. Yami went first. He smiled wickedly at the card he had drawn. With this it'd be a quick battle, but he wanted to draw this out a while. Maybe he'd play it next turn. He decided on a move, "Alright. I summon Red Queen's Knight in Attack mode and place two cards face down. I'll end my turn."

Weevil drew. He already had the Seal of Orichalcos in his hand. All he had to do was play it, but first he wanted a monster on the field, "I summon man eater bug in attack mode."

Yami smirked, "Good. Now I play this trap card! It forces you to discard your hand when you summon a monster to the field on your first turn."


"I thought i'd explained that pretty clearly. Should I say it slower so you can understand?"

Wait... That didn't sound like him. That was a hurtful statement. It wasn't like him. Was he losing it again? No... No! He refused to allow that to happen. He would maintain control in this battle, even after he activated the seal... but he had the activate the seal. He had to no matter the cost.

Weevil begrudgingly placed the cards in his hand in his grave yard. His turn was automatically ended, thanks to Yami's trap card. Yami placed the seal in his duel disc, activating it.

"I play the Seal of Orichalcos. It gives each of my monsters a 500 point bonus and it will spell your demise."

"What?! You're can't do that!"

"I just did, Weevil." Yami spat at him. A dark aura formed around him and he began to lost control. No! Not this time! He shouted in his head. It took all his strength but he was managing to control the darkness inside him. I lost because I went out of control. I can't lose again. I won't be able to collect souls... Evil will win if I lose. He continued these thoughts to try to keep himself focus, to motivate him to stay in reality. It was working, but darkness was still slipping through.

"Also, i'll play kuriboh in attack mode. Then I'll sacrifice both my monsters to summon my Dark Magician. Magician, dark magic attack!"

The magician destroyed his bug in one blow. Weevil was dumbfounded. How had this battle gone so horriblely? And it had just started! He drew. This wasn't over yet.

Meanwhile Tea, Joey, Tristan, and Duke were in the head of the train. They had found, upon their arrival, that there was nobody there. Nobody was driving this train. Duke looked at the others and shouted, "What do we do?! I almost died once today, a second time it may not be 'almost'!"

Joey was panicking as well. Tristan piped in, "Everybody, calm down! We'll get out of this! We just need to figure out how to stop this train."

They looked at the controls for the train. It seemed like just a bunch of levers and buttons. They had no idea what any of them did. Duke tried a lever near the window, which released a loud whistling sound, "That's not it."

"No duh." Joey responded, looking around for something.

Tea said, "Joey, what are you looking for?"

"This is a train. There's gotta be somethin' around here to tell us how to make it work."

"Oh! Like a manual."

"Somethin' like that, yeah."

I the next car over Yami and Weevil's battle continued. Weevil now had his Queen bug on the field, but Yami already had a plan to destroy it. "I place this card. It creates a copy of your monster and destroys the original. Now i'll sacrifice the Queen and and my Dark Magician so I can activate this card."

Before finishing his explanation a bit of the darkness seeped through, causing him to have a bout of deranged laughter. I really need to get this in check! He thought. After his laughing fit subsided and he regained control he finished explaining, "This card allows me to bring back a monster from my grave yard. So I choose my Celtic Guardian. Heheh... and i'll play this too. Berserker soul!"

"W-What does that do?!" Weevil took a step back, noticeing how terrifying Yami was beginning to look. Saw how he had broken down into an insane laughing fit. 'this guy's gone completely mad!' he thought to himself.

Yami explained the card's effect, "With this card I will draw a card and my Guardian gets to attack you for every card I draw and this card's effect only goes away once I draw a monster. And guess what, Weevil..."

"N-No! It can't be!"

"It is. You made me discard all of the monsters in my deck last turn, so you're in for a world of hurt."

There was nothing on Weevil's side of the field to protect him anymore. So, card after card he lost more life points, soon hitting zero. The darkness was getting through again, and this time he allowed it. After the battle was done he continued to attack Weevil. He only stopped when the holograms disappeared and the blue-haired boy lay on the ground, stripped of his soul. Yami held a card in his hand. Another soul.

"Good work, Yami."

"Thank you. We are one more step in the right direction."

In the conductor's car Tea had just found the manual, "Ok, guys! I know what to do!" Tea tried to pull a lever, but wasn't strong enough. The others joined in to help her and the lever came down. The train slowed to a stop in front of the station outside the airport. They went back to the other car, to see how Yami was fairing. He sat in one of the chairs, staring out the window. Weevil lay on the floor unconscious. This time Joey asked, "What happened."

Yami shrugged, "The Seal was played. Weevil ended up losing. That's all."