Hey guys! Yes I'm back with a new Future Fiction for you guys! Let me thank everyone again for following my Undefeated Battle Series. I have no idea if this story will be as long as that one though. But who knows!?

If you are new to reading my stories I'm a future fiction writer. I write on the Victorious Gang's Children and write the story from their point of view as well. Its pretty different then what you guys probably usually read and I have a lot of OCs which are their kids.

But anyways, here's a Cade/Bori future fiction for my loves! I love you guys and thanks for following me! *Kisses*

Enjoy. ;)

A Call to Remember

Chapter 1

Let Me Introduce Myself

[Italy's POV]

"..So blah, blah, blah, in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He supposedly found a new land but really he didn't find anything because some other people where already there so technically you can't find what's already been found, it's impossible I would say, but, you know, whatever. History will be history."

My teacher scratched the back of her head. "Uh, thanks Italy. That was correct. Sort of."

"I'm so glad." I smiled as she continued to the next person which just so happened to be my best friend Makari.

"Makari, who was the 21st president of the United States?"

"You knowwww….that…. guyyy…with the legs…and the arms…."

"And this guy's name is?" My teacher asked as she looked above her glasses at Makari.

"You know…that name…that starts with that letterrrr…..and ends with….that letter."

"Makari the correct answer is Chester A. Arthur."

"That's what I clearly just said." Makari stated matter-of-factly.

"Very funny Ms. Harris. You need to study harder if you plan on passing my test next Friday."

"Yes Ms. Burns." Makari mocked in which I gave a chuckle.

Excuse my manners, let me introduce myself. My name is Italy. Italy Ray West-Valentine; long name I know. I'm currently 15 years of age and I'm in the middle of my sophomore year of high school, which I should inform you that I and my sister Isis (i-sis) have been gracefully accepted into Hollywood Arts which is a performing arts high school here in L.A.. So my sister, yes, I have one of those, two actually; my youngest sister holding the name of Ikenzie (i-ken-zee). Now my sister Isis is 16 years of age; as of I will be very soon, but she's 2 months older than I. So you may wonder; how can that be? Well, my parents aren't exactly…. what's the word I'm searching for…well, straight. Meaning I have two parents that just so happens to be of the same sex. I mean based on the fact that that's so wrong, I don't really have a problem with it so…okay. So anyways I was explaining how Isis and myself became so close in age, and now that the two mother conversation is out of the way I can easily state that my mother Cat and my mother Jade decided they both wanted a child and coincidentally they wanted each other's child….how surprising. So blah, blah, blah they got pregnant by of course artificial insemination and end up having Isis and myself around the same time. Me being Cat's daughter and Isis being Jade's daughter. Happy happy story right? Too bad it's not the end because there still is Ikenzie. She hangs around the age of 12 and always wants to tag along with us, which is quite annoying sometimes. Even though at times she seems to have picked up a little …. unknowledge from our mother Cat, she's very smart when it comes to books. Wait did I just say unknowledge? Is that even a word? Anyways, I'm sure you are wondering who Ikenzie belongs to right? So just for your knowledge she's Cat's daughter as well. I guess Jade didn't want any more kids. I mean who could blame her? After Isis I wouldn't want to make any more mistakes either. Ha, ha I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

So I guess we can't have a story without you knowing my appearance. I mean that's important right? So for the basics I'm a brunette, with chocolate eyes, and tan skin. Lucky me I look nothing like my….dad? Not that I would want to look like a creep that decided he had nothing else better to do with his sperm one day but let it drop in a bag to go to people like…my parents. I'm actually blessed for that, unlike Ikenzie, who looks like she doesn't even belong to this family. She has pretty hazel eyes…yes I'm jealous, I'm not afraid to admit it. Her hair is a lighter brown and very curly that falls down her back. And yes, I'm jealous once again. Her skin tone is the color of caramel…not too jealous there…I like my tan skin. So I'll guess she's mixed or something, because that's what she looks like. Anyways, since I explained my and Ikenzie's appearance, I guess the polite thing to do on Isis behalf is to tell you her appearance. She's nothing special. She looks like our mom Jade. Green eyes, white as snow, except her hair texture is just like Ikenzie's but a jet black. Lucky them right?

[Cat's POV]

"What are you in here burning!?" Jade yelled as she walked into the kitchen.

"They aren't burning! It's cookies."

"What did I tell you about using the stove without my permission?" She said as she crossed her arms and walked up to me.

I opened my mouth but no words came out. I just put my head down in shame.

She grabbed my chin and lifted it up roughly to her. "Answer me when I'm talking to you!"

"I'm sorry Jade. I just wanted cookies."

"Don't use that kitty voice with me." She said letting go of my chin roughly. "I'm going to get Ikenzie from school. I'll be back later."

She leaned in and gave me a small kiss on my cheek before walking out of the kitchen.

I sighed.

Jade and I have been married for the past seventeen years and I can't lie, I love her so much. She asked…well she made me marry her after high school about year after she broke up with Beck and it's not that I didn't want to marry her, I just wasn't ready. But she forced me too and I'm okay with that. We are very happy most of the time and we even have 3 beautiful daughters. It's just….sometimes Jade will get really, really mad and she…takes it out on me but she tells me she doesn't mean it. And that she's so sorry when it's over and I believe her. I know she doesn't mean to do the things she does. She just can't help herself sometimes and I understand that. She tells me all relationships are like that. I trust Jade and I'll always forgive her. I love her and I know she loves me too no matter what she does.

"Hey call Isis and Italy and tell them to bring home some eggs and milk! We are going to have breakfast for dinner tonight!"


"You're cooking it!"

"Awwh." I wined as the front door closed.

[Isis's POV]

"C'mon no one wants to hear that opera crap!" My sister Italy argued as she tried to change the station.

"It's not opera! It's real music! Of course people like you wouldn't understand the fundamentals of real music if it slapped you in the face!"

"Trust me Isis, if this is what I have to understand, I'd rather die." She said changing the station once again.

I rolled my eyes.


"Aren't you going to answer that?" I glanced at Italy to see her dancing to her own ringtone. Who does that?

"Oh, right." She said as she clicked answer key and put the phone on speaker. "Hello, you've reached Italy, Italy speaking, please state your name and your reason for calling."

She has caller I.D.!

"Hey Italy, can you guys stop and get some eggs and milk? We are out." Cat asked as I heard her shifting through the fridge on the other end of the phone.

"Eggs huh? May I ask what for?"

"We are going to have breakfast for dinner! It's like opposite day!" Cat giggled.

"Really? So in that case I can drive the Mustang around the block a few times when we get back because since it's like opposite day, you can like say yes, instead of saying like no...like."

"Italy. No, Jade would kill me if she knew I let you drive her Mustang! Just get the eggs and milk please?" Cat begged.

"Yeah, yeah, we will get your farmer's eggs. Don't have a chicken. Haha get it?"

"Italy you make crickets go silent." I stated as I pulled into the nearest grocery store.

"Pshshs." She made a sound as she lifted her hand as if to silence me.

"Guys get the eggs. See you when you get home okay." With that the line went dead.

"See what you did Isis. You made her not laugh at my obviously funny joke."

I rolled my eyes. "Last time I heard anybody laugh about a joke that involves you, it was when they said you got accepted into Hollywood Arts. I was cracking the hell up, because that was definitely a joke."

I turned to her with a smile as she gave an offended expression. "You're so mean to me!" She said very childlike which received in eye roll from me.

"They say I'm a very great dancer thank you! Top of my class!" She defended herself.

"Let anybody say that's true, and true that's not." I said as I opened my door to let myself out; Italy doing the same.

"Ohhh so I guess you think you're Ms. Actress huh? You can't even lie believably!" She stated as she sped walked to keep up with me.

I sighed and turned to her before we entered the store. I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder. "Italy, I just wanted to say how much I love you. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life."

I watched as a huge smile spread across her face. "Aww Isis. I love you too."

I instantly dropped my smile and removed my hand. "And you said I can't lie believably. Psh. C'mon Lost-One, we have shopping to do." I pushed pasted her into the store before grabbing a cart.

"Wait you were acting?...Well, I didn't believe you anyway! I knew you were joking!" She mocked.

"I wasn't joking I was serious."

"Wait. So you weren't acting?"

I smiled knowing how confused she must be getting. "Yes I was acting."

"But you said-"

"-Italy you think too hard." I said walking ahead of her.

And she has the nerve to call Ikenzie dumb sometimes….

[Monica's POV]

"I'm home!" I yelled out as I closed the front door behind me.

"In the kitchen!" I heard my mom yell back.

I walked into the kitchen to see Tori and my sister Kaylee hovering over whatever it was Tori was trying to make. Not to say that my mom's cooking is bad, but my mom's cooking is bad; horrible as a matter of fact. She can't cook anything what-so-ever. She even finds ways to screw up microwave dinners. I didn't even know that was possible.

"Whachu making?" I asked in a sing-song voice as I stood in front of the counter.

"Casserole." She stated with a smile as she stirred it.

"I think it's time we go casket shopping, because I'm pretty sure this one's definitely going to kill us all." My little sister Kaylee stated as she turned to grab a soda from the fridge.

"It looks like soup." I leaned in for a better look.

"Well! It's supposed to be casserole not soup. It has to cook more."

"Supposed is the word ma'." Kaylee put her hand on Tori's back. "Just give up will ya?"

I watched as Tori frowned and sighed.

"I mean it doesn't look too bad." I grabbed the spoon and started to stir it around. It reminded me of puke.

Kaylee looked around for a minute with a confused expression. "What doesn't look too bad because I know for sure you ain't talking about that…that….that! I can't even think of a name for it." She gestured to the casserole.

"Kaylee I don't see you in here trying to cook anything." I stated angrily as to how she can talk about somebody else's cooking when she can't even cook herself.

Kaylee took a sip of her drink. "And you never will." With that she exited the kitchen.

"Here mom." I grabbed the casserole and dumped in. "Let's start over. I see you have the instructions for it. I'll help you."

She smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Alright."

So…my name is Monica Marie Oliver. I'm 16 years of age and I was raised in Austin, Texas with my parents Beck Oliver and Tori Oliver. I also have a little sister age 10, her name is Kaylee Oliver. So to sum it all up….we are the Oliver's. We recently moved from Texas to L.A. where my parents grew up and were I was originally born, but we had to move because of my dad's job. We are still getting things moved into our new home and my parents are trying to figure out what school I should go to and I've begged and begged my parents to let me audition at Hollywood Arts. It's a performing arts high school and I love to sing and act. My parents went there when they were younger but they just act like I shouldn't go there but they have to reason to back it up. Hopefully they'll just give into my begging soon.

"Soooo, about Hollywood Arts…" I said as I washed out the glass dish.

Tori sighed. "Monica, I don't know. Why don't you just go to a regular school?"

"Becauseeee that school looks so fun! They have website called and it's like….a facebook for their school. They have pictures up and they talk about how great it is! And ughhh…please, please, please just let me go audition. You went! Dad went!"

She sighed again as she took the dish from me and put it on the cabinet. "I'll talk to your father about it later."

"Ohh thank you!" I reached over and pulled her into a hug.

She laughed. "I didn't say yes."

"Well you always convince dad to do what you say." I smiled as well as she.

"C'mon let's get dinner together before he gets home."

I nodded before I started reading the instructions for the casserole, but I could care less about it. All I could think about was school and I know if I audition there's no doubt I'll get in. I love to sing. Dad says I have my mother's beautiful voice and if she got in, I know I can.

So Hollywood Arts here I come….

Thanks for reading!

First chapter reviews are really important. It lets me know whether I should continue or take down the story! So you never review again, just review today lol! It will be much appreciated! Thanks ;)