It's me, you know, Polish, kiełbasa, no English skills.

I got inspiration by listening "Breathe" by Epik High.




„Have you ever love somebody?"

They stayed in classroom.
Judai leaned on Johan's arm. His breath was calm and he seems to be exhausted because of some reason.

Andersen didn't understand.

"Why asking, anyway?" his head leaned forward his friend.
Judai screwed up his eyes a bit.

"Somebody told me that (s)he loves me. It is bad?"

Johan signed gently while Judai looked at him with curiosity.
The blue-haired boy was staring at something while he was trying to collect his thoughts.

"It depends. If this person care for you very much, trust you, worry about you… It's good, you know?" he sent him the most honest smile he could ever gave to somebody.

"Oh, I see…" he touched Johan's hand tenderly.

"And when it is bad?"

Johan closed his eyes.

"When this person won't let you live for your own. "Johan started to consider.

"Is that so?"

"I guess."



"But you haven't answered my question yet."

"Oh, sorry. "


"Yes. I have. I still love somebody."

"Who it is?"

"I don't want to talk about it… It's somehow painful."

"Because somebody won't let you live for your own?"

Johan didn't give him the answer. He said something beyond topic so they slowly left classroom.

No. This person have not returned my feelings. That's why it hurts.