Ok! So now I am even more busy than ever due to the fact that I have to keep making crap fr people at my school and testing. Woo. Math is killing me. My brain cells r dying. Help.

No One's POV

"Bright, do you think it would have been better if I was dead?" Rein asked as she rested her head on her knees. He shook his head, 'No.' "Do you think things would have been different at least?"

Bright paused for a long time before saying, "Yes. I believe everything would have been different. But a bad different." He sounded somewhat distant. Rein looked at him, but her had a normal smile plastered onto his face.

"A bad different?" Bright looked her straight in the eye, sending shivers down her spine. She flinched, never realizing how red his eyes were.

"You don't realize this Princess Rein, but you existence is very important. Very important." He said as gently as he could. "You could save this planet." Bright leaned against the tree trunk, slight frown on his face. Then he whispered so that Rein could barely hear, "You could them."

"What?" Rein asked when she thought she heard wrong. But right then Poomo intervened.

"Princess Rein-pumo! Camelot told me what happened-pumo!" I quickly got up and smushed Poomo against my cheek.

"Thanks Poomo." He sat on her shoulder as she walked back towards the tree and sat next to Bright again. Poomo gave him a polite bow. "I'm really grateful that you're here." She closed her eyes and let out a relaxed sigh. "I feel so frustrated. At first I was just sad, but now it's like, I can't take it!" Rein shouts as she places her face in her hands. "Even though I told him I'm not mad..." Bright got up from his seat and held out his hand towards Rein.

"Would you accept my offer to take you somewhere where no one will harm you just because of the blood that runs through your veins, where you could have no worries, no matter what it cost you?" Bright asked.


Shade took the path towards the garden, knowing that being near Rein would only hurt her more. Instead he took the path towards the garden, where he felt the most comfortable.

"Did it go well?" Bright asked as he popped up next to him. Shade sighed and shook his head.

"Not at all. She's upset. She's hurting. I can't do a thing to help her either." Shade clenched his fist and then loosened it. The two of them walked side by side through the garden. "I seriously regret doing that. I just thought that that was the best choice for the kingdoms." He rubbed his face with his hands. "I guess I was wrong." Bright nodded.

"So what are you going to do now?" He asked as he gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Any plans? I assume you have also heard about the meeting being held by the kings and queens."

"Of course. I probably would not have found out though if it weren't for Camelot." Shade stuck his hand in his pocket. "They wouldn't let me join because they believe I can't kill her."

"But you can't right?"

"No. I can't. I already have an idea of what they plan to do though." Shade said through clenched teeth. "I think they plan to imprison her. Slowly let her rot away inside some hidden jail somewhere. I believe this because I am the only one capable of killing her, and if I won't do it then, they have no other choice but this." Shade clenched his fists.

"You still didn't answer my question though." Bright gave him a small smile. "What do you plan to do?" Shade hesitated.

"I plan to send her back to her original kingdom and close the gates the lead to her kingdom for good." Shade bit his lip. "It's not much different from imprisonment, but she doesn't have to rot away. She can live a normal, safe life. The kingdoms won't chase after her. She can be happy." Bright pat his back.

"It must have been hard." He said. He let his arm fall and smiled bitterly towards the sky. "It's quite a shame." Shade looked at him when he said that. It was like he was referring to it, but in a different way. Like it wouldn't work or something. But he shrugged it off. "Are you really sure it's alright?" Bright asked as he looked at Shade straight in the eye. Shade felt some kind of shiver go down his spine. Bright had seemed different when he looked at him, something about his eyes seemed a little off.

He shook his head and replied, "Yeah. I can't look at her. It's too frustrating. It's because of things like this that I regret choosing to marry her. Her life was already a curse to begin with." They both quickly turned around when they heard the sound of a something hitting metal. Rein was hanging on to the small fence around the lunar flowers. She looked at us and quickly ran off. I placed my hands on my face.

"I'll go talk to her. Stay here." Bright said as he followed her. Shade just sat there, letting the silence calm him. But it was quickly interrupted a few seconds afterwards.

"I didn't expect you to be this torn apart." Someone said behind him. Shade didn't turn around. He already knew who it was. "Does she really mean that much to you?"

"Are you just here to mock me Toma?" Shade asked as he turned his head towards him. He gave him a smile.

"Don't give me that look." Toma mocked. Shade just glared at him. "You know, you must feel quite useless. Almost killing the girl you love, and failing to protect her properly from the world." Shade clenched his fists, feeling his finger nails dig into the palms of his skin. "To think that she would have to suffer, imprisoned no matter where she went. Even in her own kingdom. Resented by everyone." He clenched his teeth tighter. "Even by you yes? Deep, deep, down you truly hate her. Think of her as despicable because deep down you knew, she is the spitting image of that man. You know, the one that killed your father." Shade immediately face his direction and grabbed him by the collar.

"Shut the heck up!" Shade shouted. He was burning with anger and hatred. "You shut your stupid mouth! What do you know about how I feel?!" Toma just laughed and looked at him.

"You know, I can keep her safe. I can take her to a place where she isn't resented by everyone. Where she can live a normal life." He paused and gave him the look of a devil. "Where she doesn't have to live in imprisonment. Isn't that what you wanted?" Shade bit his lip and threw him aside and he slid across the floor..

"Like heck I'd let you take her!" Shade shouted. Toma laughed again.

"I wanted to do this the nice way. I was willing to even put a price. Everything always needs a price right? The price of you choosing to marry her was her safety. The price of her leaving the Sunny Kingdom was to be hated by everyone around her. The price for the safety of your kingdoms was to kill her." Shade placed his foot on his chest, pinning him to the ground.

"Get to the point."

"I was going to say, the price for bringing back your sister, was Princess Rein." Shade began to draw his blade. "Well, I see you don't want to compromise, but his wasn't all I was here for. I came to tell you that you should be careful of those closest to you." He drew the blade out and began to lift it. "You know, Raven wasn't suppose to be at the execution that night. If he were to reveal his identity everything would have been problematic." Shade froze at the very top. "But it doesn't matter now, because it's too late to stop her now." Shade brought the blade down directly on Toma's heart, but he disappeared before Shade got the chance to cut him.

Once that happened, he quickly began to look for Rein. There's absolutely no way. He ran towards the direction she ran. There's no way! He remembered the night of Rein's execution. The night when the entire crowd was watching. But no matter how hard he thought, it only fell down to one possible person.

Bright had grabbed onto his swords hilt.

He planned to stop Shade from killing Rein.

He planned to kill him.

Shade finally found the two of them standing under the giant tree.

"Rein! Don't!" Was all Shade managed to say as he ran towards them. Rein looked at him, and then scowled at him. He could see a small tear glisten down her cheek. She grabbed Bright's hand and the two of them immediately started to disappear. "No! Stop!" By the time Shade reached them, they had completely faded away.

Shade ended up in front of the tree. He stabbed his sword in the ground and slammed his hands against the tree. Then he slid down the tree trunk.

"Why Bright? Why?" Shade asked himself over and over. Then he clenched his teeth.

I've lost her once again.

I've decided to end this story at an extreme cliffhanger. I think I dragged it on fr too long and now so I decided to leave it off here. Also it will give me a chance to continue/start my other stories. Srry bout tht but deal with it. yeeeeep! Everything else will be revealed in THE SEQUEL DUN DUN DUN! (I might need help with the sequel name since i was not planing fr this to happen) This is roughly wat it will be.

What Is The Price of Freedom?

Rein is now staying at a giant mansion hidden somewhere in the depths of Sunny Kingdom. She begins to learn new things about her family, friends, the demons, and Shade. Shade is trying his best to locate her whereabouts, while at the same time trying to stop the demons from invading his kingdom. Will the two of them really be able to stop the impending danger that surrounds them?