Chapter 12:Sealing the Deal

Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight

Jacob didn't get much sleep that night. The poor boy tossed and turned in nervous anticipation. If his dream of taking her to The Jacob Black Love Shack actually happened, he wanted to be rested up, but no dice. He wondered if Bella was in the same boat, or had she changed her mind in the interim? He'd be sorely disappointed if she had, but he wouldn't push her. She had to be the one driving this bus.

Looking cute as a button, his girl arrived, at 11:10 A.M. carrying a backpack stocked with fried chicken, carrot salad and chips. There were also two containers of bottled water and freshly baked cookies for dessert.

They went into the Taj to rev up the bikes. Jacob strapped a tarp and blanket to the back of his ride, and transferred the backpack to himself. The paper plates and utensils were already in the saddle bag attached to the seat.

"You ready?" he asked with a face-splitting smile.

With hands on her hips, she saucily retorted, "I'm a Virgo, I'm always ready."

He waved his arm, motioning forward, signaling it was time to leave. "Let's go then. Follow me."

The bikes roared to life, and they thundered off to the spot Jacob had picked out. Only ten minutes away, it was a patch of cleared ground amidst a thicket of trees. It lay a little distance off the side of the road, and in clear view of the cabin.

Jacob polished off the chicken, and the salad. He was starting on the cookies, before Bella was even half-finished. He certainly enjoyed her cooking.

"Great lunch, Bells. These cookies are mnn, mnn, mnnn. What do you call them?"

"They're macaroons."

He nodded as he downed another, then got very quiet. Now what? He couldn't think of a single thing to say . . . well except for what had been preying on his mind. So, not wanting to upset her, he said nothing. Usually there was no subject that he considered taboo, but this was a sensitive issue, and he didn't know how to broach the subject.

Somehow, he had pictured this scenario a bit differently. Jeez, she had him so tied up in knots. Where did all his bravado go? He thought they'd be tangled up together on the blanket, panting and moaning by now.

Bella ate the rest of the food on her plate in silence. She gathered up the dirty plates and forks and put them in a plastic bag that she brought along. Jacob seemed to be deep in thought.

"Something on your mind?" As if she didn't know. Bella wasn't that dense. She could count as well as Jacob could.

Looking up guiltily, he responded, "Well, yeah, a lot actually."

She closed the bag with a twisty tie and set it in the backpack. Their eyes met.

"Go on, I'm listening."

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but did you mean what you said a while back?"

She knew exactly what he was driving at, but it was fun watching him squirm a little. "About what?"

Jacob winced. "You know . . . about wanting me. Do you still feel that way?"

"Ah-ha! So that's why you've been so anxious lately. I meant what I said, Jake. I haven't changed my mind."

"Me neither," he brayed. Grinning from ear to ear, he grabbed her, and with hands sequestered in her mahogany waves, practically kissed her lips off.

Bella pushed him away, in shock. "What—here? Right now?"

Catching his breath, he answered, "Jeez, Bells, have a little faith in me, will ya? I wouldn't do that to you. I'd like to, but I won't. "No, I want to show you something first. We'll go as soon as we finish cleaning up here."

They quickly picked up the remains of their picnic, stowing it in their respective containers and hopped on the bikes once more.

"See that cabin straight ahead. That's where I'm taking you." Pun intended.

As Bella climbed down from her motorcycle, Jacob scooped her up and carried through the front entrance of the cabin, letting the door shut behind him with a swift kick of his foot. He placed her on the loveseat and asked, "So, whaddya think?"

She looked around in awe. "It's really quaint and cozy. I love it, but won't the owners raise a fuss if they find us here?"

"Nah—and you know why? 'Cuz it's ours. We can come here whenever we want, alone or together. I vote for together. No brainer there, huh?"

Spreading her arms wide, she hazarded a guess. "You did all this, didn't you?"

He shoved his hands in his pockets, and rocked back on his heels. "I did it for you, yeah. Well, Embry helped me some."

She shook her head. "You are too much."

On her tip toes, she reached up, lacing her fingers at the back of his head. The girl was quick to pout though, as Jacob untangled her fingers from his hair. "Hold that thought, while I get a fire started. It'll just take me a minute. It's kinda cold in here. I want you to be able to take your coat off and get comfortable."

He opened a drawer to the nightstand and took out a lighter. There were logs already in the fireplace with the kindling stacked on top, and they ignited almost immediately. Soon the temperature of the room increased as the blaze spread its warmth throughout the small area.

Jacob crossed the room and sat beside her, while she removed her coat and sweater. He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, turning her face so he could peer into her eyes. "Tell me something, Bells. Jeez, I don't know how to say this. I mean ... I know you loved him, but ... what about me? Are you really in love with me? I'm not just the guy you struck up with on the rebound, am I?"

"How could you even think that? I've loved you since that kiss we shared right before the newborn battle. I think I've always been in love with you. I just didn't realize it at the time. I love you, Jake. There's no doubt in my mind, and there shouldn't be any in yours either."

His eyes misted slightly. "That's good to know." He nervously swiped a hand through his thick hair. "Could you say it again ... please? Say that you love me."

"I love you, Jacob."

Jacob pulled her head closer as he murmured, "C'mere, honey." His lips traced along the contours of her cheek and jaw, a warm sensation settling in his core.

Her chocolate eyes gazed into his. God, she was absolutely stunning.

"Did you know that in my eyes, you're the most beautiful woman on the planet?"

Bella's face colored at his remark.

"It's the truth. I mean it. You are beautiful, pink cheeks and all. Every time I look at you, I can't breathe, and my heart pounds so hard, I'm afraid it'll bust right through my chest.

"Bells, I—"

She put a finger to his lips. "Don't say another word, just show me."

Their bodies instantly collided in a heated rush. Their lungs were working overtime, and their hearts raced to keep up.

Bella began tugging up on his Tee. His hands shackled hers for a split second. "You're absolutely sure about this?"

Panting, she said, "I'm sure. I want you, Jake."

"That's all I wanted to know," he blurted.

His shirt was pulled up over his head, and slung onto the back of the loveseat in a heartbeat; her hands roaming over his taut muscles.

In one quick movement, she was cradled in his arms, and two minutes later, the bedding was folded back, and she was lying on the mattress. He was on all fours above her, helping her with the buttons on her blouse. Their clothes were history in a matter of seconds.

He wanted to cry as he beheld her form in its natural state. There had to be a better word than beautiful for her—and there was—that word was Bella.

Their fingers and mouths were out of control as they explored each other, and every touch brought a moan from their lips, and a tingle down their spines.

His hands cupped her breasts gently; they were so firm and pink, and beautiful. Their excitement was growing by the minute. Bella was arcing into him, eliciting guttural sounds from his throat. And when she touched his abdominal muscles, he quivered like a leaf in the wind.

She nearly gasped as she took in the view of his manhood for the very first time. It was frightening and exhilarating simultaneously.

This time, Jacob blushed. He agreed with the look on her face. "Yeah, I know."

She was trembling slightly. He tried to put her at ease. "I want you to relax, honey—just let go, and trust me. You don't ever need to be afraid, 'cuz I won't ever hurt you like he did. You set the pace; tell me what you want me to do."

Those chocolate eyes were still wide, innocent.

He then reached for the condom he had placed under the pillow yesterday, but Bella stopped him. "I've had the shot," she whispered.

She did this for him. Jacob felt his insides turn pillow soft, with love and tenderness for this girl. He slowed down his pace, and lovingly saw to Bella's needs first, preparing to enter her. She was not shy about asking for what she wanted, and he was very willing to please. As she spasmmed in convulsions of pleasure beneath his touch, his heart soared. It was his name spilling from her lips, in a cry of glorious passion.

He hovered above her, his mouth moving over hers, at the same time, filling her again and again with his love. And then, his long awaited release spurted so intensely that it was almost painful. God, he was born to love her. If he searched for the rest of his life, he'd never find another like Bella. This was heaven and she was an angel lying within his arms.

Meanwhile, Embry and Quil were on patrol less than half a mile away from the cabin.

Did you hear that? Quil asked.

Embry continued running the perimeter. Yeah, so?

How can you act so cool? That was Bella. Didn't you hear her screaming for Jake? C'mon, let's get a move on. It sounds like she needs our help.

Embry halted, and stepped in front of Quil, blocking his forward motion. I don't think she wants our help. I think Jake is giving her all the help she needs.

What the hell does that mean?

It means—mind your own business, pal!

The virtual light bulb flashed inside Quil's head. Ooooh, I get it. About time . . . Way to go, Jake!

Miles away, outside of Forks, in a secluded spot behind a towering mansion, a bronze haired vampire knelt with his head bowed. He stared sorrowfully at the small headstone. Beneath it lay the only child he would ever father—the child of the one he would always love. His life would forever be lonely; misery his solitary companion.

Bella was still shaking, and clinging to her lover. They were both physically spent, and deliriously happy, wrapped in each others arms. The tears were streaming down her face. "I never dreamt it could be like this. Oh my gosh, Jake. You were so . . . so . . . I can't even find the words."

His heart was full to bursting with feelings of love for his Bells. He kissed her tears away. "Hey, it's all right, sweetheart. You were pretty amazing yourself, but I gotta say it—told ya so!"

She tapped him on the shoulder, playfully. "But how did you . . .?"

Pointing to his temple, he boasted, "Pack mind."

He pulled the covers up farther, and drew her closer to him. "You warm enough?"

"I'm always warm when I'm with you." She snuggled her head into the crook of his neck, and yawned.

His hand stroked her hair lightly. "You sleepy? Me too. Just close your eyes, and let it take you away, honey. We have all afternoon."

In a quiet voice, she answered, "No . . . we have the rest of our lives."

Bella wasn't a prophetess, but she knew in her heart, that after this day, there would be no way she could ever leave her Jacob. She was now a believer. He was rude, crude, and to the point, and she hated to admit it, but, yup—he told her so, didn't he?

The End

A/N: For a slightly more graphic version, go to Jacob Black N Pack or Tricky Raven.