A/N Sorry for the long delay in this final chapter family life got very hectic for a while.

Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed this story I hope you have all enjoyed it.

I wish I owned the Avengers especially Tony but I don't, only in my dreams.

Chapter 14

Magic and Potions

The Avengers gathered in the main conference room to here Thor's news, Tony paced restlessly up and down the length of the table desperate to know if Thor had been able to find Loki and a cure. Thor though was in the middle of eating his way through a huge plate of Pop Tarts having greatly missed them on his time away from Midgard, he had said.

Phil could see that Tony was getting more and more agitated and tried to make a grab for Tony as he stalked past but he was not fast enough, everyone looked at Tony who had now reached Thor's place at the table and sat down in front of the plate of Pop Tarts. Thor beamed happily at Tony unaware of the danger he was in.

Tony raised his paw and swatted the Pop Tart out of Thor's hand it flew across the table landing on Steve's chest leaving a smear of strawberry filling down the front of his white t-shirt. Tony then proceeded to sneeze over the ones left on the plate and just to make sure they were totally inedible hacked up a small fur ball and left it sitting in the middle of the plate a faint smell of tuna wafting off it.

Poor Thor looked as though he was going to cry, Tony just glared at him daring him to do anything else but what Tony wanted. The God of Thunder was the first to look away he reached into a leather pouch on his belt and produced a small glass bottle, placing it on the table in front of Tony.

"My apologies Cat of Iron for the length of time it has taken to find Loki and persuade him to cast a spell to cure your affliction. This potion once drunk will reverse the spell and should leave you with no lasting side effects although having spent such a length of time in this form some cat like behaviour may linger for a while."

Six Months Later.

Phil entered his bedroom looking over towards his bed Tony was still curled up asleep in the middle of the bed a sheet covering the lower half of his body a faint purring sound could be heard coming from his mouth. Phil climbed into the bed and pulled Tony towards him, Tony grumbled quietly but soon snuggled in close his tail curling round Phil's middle.

Phil smiled and kissed him.

The end.