Hi everyone! I finally got Word on my computer so here it is chapter 12! Thanks for all who reviewed I sent you guys all messages telling you why I was late and such. Well, no more stalling here it is chapter 12.

I like the way the flowers cover the gazebo at the bottom and wind up. I like the simple layout with black and white accents on the lawn chair thrones. I like everything. Even the cake. Even the sign that says: The Wedding of Nathan and Suzi. It was exactly as Suzi would have wanted it to be. I can imagine what my life would be like if everything hadn't happened. I would walk in as Suzi's maid of honor. Watch her marry some other guy most likely one that Suzi could boss around. I would laugh and dance at the reception. I would eat cake. I would decorate their car with inappropriate saying and help others not get caught by Suzi. I would be happy. But, I least for now... I was dreading the events to follow.

Gemma, Alex, Laylen, Aislin, and Ian came with me. I have no idea why. I mean I'm not exactly the person you want to go to a party with. Even when I was little I was called a "party pooper". I don't really mind though. I really hate receptions at weddings. Where there is loud music and people you don't know getting drunk and trying to dance with you. My thoughts are interrupted when I see Nathan across the way. Distant memories flood me. I hate him with my whole heart and soul.

Selena runs up to me with tears streaming down her face.

"Selena, what's wrong!," I say with genuine concern.

"Nathan," she says finally after a few minutes of crying.

"What about him," I knew her brother was off he had gone to rehab a couple times for an alcohol addiction and he tended to be on edge all the time.

"He-he threatened to kill me," I stared at her with disbelief.

"Are you sure he wasn't drunk and just rambling or something?" I knew the truth though. Nathan had always seemed mentally unstable. She burst into sobs and shook her head.

"He was definitely sober, he is crazy!" I know I need to help her but my family is so unstable even at my apartment she wouldn't be safe.

"Don't worry, Selena, I'll help you," Except I didn't know how," I'll go talk to Nathan." She looks at me like I am crazy, but she doesn't say anything. I drive her to Suzi house and drive myself to Selena's house.

I knock on the door and Nathan answers it. He asks me if I want to come in, but Selena isn't here. He has always been friends of my family, but I really don't know him very well. I tell him I don't want to come inside I want to talk outside. He looks confused, but he complies. I realize now how dangerous what I am doing. He was always off, but now…. I tell him what Selena told me

"You seriously believe her?" He asked, with anger in his voice.

"Do you expect me not to?"

"She is crazy, why would I say that to my own sister?" He sounds almost sarcastic now.

"I know what you did, so you don't need to pretend," I say back. His countenance changes drastically.

"Fine, maybe I did say that, but what are you going to do about it," he says.

" I don't know, turn you in."

"You don't want to do that," he said,"Or I will come after you and your other friends and your family."

"What do you want."

"Well, maybe we can come to an agreement," he says like a creepy pervert. I exhale a deep breath. "I will give you two options: one, you date me to distract from the fact that I am crazy and ruin your reputation or I will kill your family and friends," he says maniacally.

"I think you know what my answer is," I reply. I walked, no more like ran away. My life was ruined from then on, I realized. The last person that dated Nathan killed herself, no one knows why.

I am snapped out of my day dream by Gemma telling me that the ceremony was about to start and we need to find a seat.

The rest was a blur. We stand we sit listen to words. All I can think about is my friend in the presence of Nathan. It made me want to scream and throw myself on the ground. I can't do that though because I have a plan.

I hear speak now or forever hold your peace. After he says if there are any objections to this marriage speak now or forever hold your peace. I feel my legs shaking as I stand up I tell the pastor that I object. The looks on everyone's face are priceless. I'm pretty sure none of them had been to a wedding where someone had objected.

"Please explain why you object," even he seemed surprised. The look on Suzi's face told me she would never be my friend again. Yea, it hurt. I had found one of my best friends, and lost her in a matter of days.

"Nathan, is crazy," I say shakily"he tried to kill his sister, he threatened to kill my family." No one said anything so I went on. "He beat the crap out of Selena and me too. He did something else to Selena too, but she never told me. Something…horrible." I stared at them. Suzi looked like she was going to pounce on me and Nathan like he is going to kill me.

I could tell no one believed me and with my sermon through. I walk, no run, off to the wood behind the ceremony area. I knew a place there where no one would find me. Yes, it was childish, but I knew I couldn't face the crowd again. I also knew that no one believed me, even though every word of it is true.


I reach the clearing that is hidden beyond the trees. From the beginning I knew my attempts of stopping the wedding were futile. I just sat there, I didn't cry, or scream, I just sat there. I can see the ceremony area on the grass about 300 yards away. I see Gemma trying to find me, but I knew she never would. I climb up our old wooden ladder, up to a small platform in a tree. It was Selena and I's favorite place to hang out. It is sort of a tree house, but now it's more of a rotted piece of wood nailed on a tree. I can watch the whole park from here. Selena and I would watch all of the happy family's picnicking and playing volleyball on the grass. We would take in the nature around us and forget our problems for a moment. You can see the tree house, though, from the ground. I climb back down and sit on a log in the middle of the clearing. I don't see Gemma anymore. I feel a hand wrap around me head harshly, and before I can put up a fight. The world around me gets blurry and I slowly fall asleep.

I hope you guys liked the new chapter.

I'll try to upload another one at the end of the day, but no promises.

Oooo, I am so excited for you guys to find out what happened to Katelyn.

I already know most of the rest of the story. There will probably be another ten or more chapters so stay tuned.

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