Hey every one, this is the last chapter of this fic ::Sobbing uncontrollably:: but I really enjoyed writing it for you.

I have an idea for a sequel to this fic, so if you want it, tell me in your reviews please.

Anyway, I want you all to use your imagination in the beginning of this story. It is completely up to you weather or not you want to pretend that they shagged between the end of the first section and the beginning of the second. (I wrote it that way, but then again, they don't have to have done nothing if you don't want to tell yourself that they did.



Draco's lips were yet to leave hers. Their kisses were light and gentle. They owned each others mouths, worshiping each others gentle caress of lips.

He sat on the floor of the small, dusty closet, with Ginny sitting on his lap (She had said that she didn't want to get Hermione's clothes dirty, but Draco wasn't exactly complaining) and their lips had hardly left each others.

His hands explored her hair. Hers explored his neck and back. Their lips roved, and traveled over exposed lips.

It was only a matter of time before his arms tightened around her back, and he moved her slightly, laying her on the floor comfortably, which gave his better access to her.

Their kissing continued to progress. Hands still roaming and exploring, caressing soft skin, lips still taking in as much of each other as possible.

Soon hands began to separate clothing, and intense emotions began to take them over. Draco pulled his eyes away from her and kissed her temple.

"I love you" he whispered.

Ginny just answered with another kiss.


Ginny snuggled into Draco's warm embrace. He just smiled and hugged her tighter, tracing patterns on her forehead with his lips. She liked the feeling of just being in her boyfriends arms, and she didn't want to think of a time when they would have to let go of each other. If she had it her way, she would never let him go.

"I love you" He mumbled into her hair. Ginny couldn't help but laugh softly. He kept repeating that, she wasn't tired of hearing it, and she wasn't tired of returning the feelings, but she was just surprised that he had gone from some one who didn't believe in love, to some one who was practically shouting it from the rooftops.

"You have told me that about a hundred times in the last half hour" Ginny whispered, she could feel his forming smile on her skin.

"Well, I do, I love you, love you love you....." Draco smiled. He loved the fact that he had had the guts to tell her. And he was just so happy that she loved her to. He promised to tell her how he felt about her everyday. Twice a day. A million times a day.

"I love you to Draco" She mumbled into his chest. Draco buried his hands into her hair; he made a decision then and there never to leave Ginny's side ever again and never to let anything come between them, even if it meant that they had to be locked in a room together for ever. He knew he would be able deal with that.

"Draco" Ginny whispered, her warm breath tickling a bare patch on his chest. Draco stretched and pulled Ginny against him, making sure that there was no space between them. Ginny just snuggled closer to him again.

"Yes Gin?" He asked, some what sleepily. He was so warm and comfortable and content. He felt special and loved, and he hoped that he was sharing those feelings with Ginny to.

"How are we going to get out of here?" She whispered. Draco tightened his grip on her.

"Do we have to leave? I just wanna stay here with you forever" He joked. Ginny laughed lightly.

"I think food and body odor may become a problem soon, plus, no matter how much I love you, I don't want to have to listen to you peeing in a bucket again" She laughed. Draco just smirked.

"Well, like I said, hundreds of girls would die for the opportunity" he joked, Ginny slapped his arm slightly.

"You would never give them the opportunity though would you?" She asked seriously. Draco brushed his lips against hers softly. Then he relaxed into the curve of her body, letting his lips travel paths on her skin.

"Of course not Gin, you are the only girl for me" Came his mumbled reply as he buried his face into her neck and placed little butterfly kisses along the skin.

"And you are my boy" She smiled, he fingers straying to his hair. "But maybe it would be best to get out of here"

"What, you don't want to stay here with me?" Draco smiled, trying to sound hurt.

"Oh, sweet heart, I am sorry, but think of how romantic it will be when Hermione tells Ron where I am, and he just barges in. Plus I am bloody hungry" Ginny replied. Draco smiled, and sat up, standing, he helped her up to and they adjusted themselves to look respectable again.

"Doors still locked" She sighed. Draco leaned against the wall and pulled out his wand (A/N: Mind out of the gutter, his magic wand. Wait, Mind out of the gutter, his wooden wand. Wait, No, mind out of the gutter. The wand he uses to transfigure things....oh, help.)

"Alohomora" He smiled, pointing the wand at the door. A click echoed the room and Ginny tried the handle again, and the door opened.

"You knew that all along" She accused jokingly.

"You're right, I did" He smiled, holding up his hands "But I thought that we enjoyed ourselves enough."

"True" She smiled, kissed him on the lips one last time, and then exited into the hallway.

"Well, at least we are leaving this place as friends this time" He joked. Ginny just hugged him.

They walked the halls together, holding hands, heading no where in particular, they knew there final destination was the great hall or the kitchens for some food, but they were in no rush to get there. They were both just glad that they had sorted everything out between them. They were happy together, and that was all that mattered.

Draco knew of the obstacles that stood in the way of their relationship. He knew the obstacles, because on of them was approaching them now. Well, three of them actually. A relieved looking Hermione, a confused looking Harry and an angry looking Ron all came down the hall towards them.

"Ginny, there you are" Ron exclaimed, pulling Ginny into his arms. Ginny was surprised by the brotherly compassion he was showing. But she also knew that it would only be a matter of minutes before the shit hit the fan. "What were you doing with him?"

Ah. Every one down, it's raining shit (A/N: Sorry, that is rather rude, but I couldn't help myself.)

Ginny blushed, but she was sure that Hermione was the only one who saw the reddening of her cheeks. Hermione smiled, and hid her eminent giggles behind her hand.

"You" Ron growled suddenly, releasing his sister and lunging at Draco. Draco stepped out of the way. "What did you do to my sister?"

This time, Hermione couldn't help herself, she burst out laughing. Soon tears of mirth began to flood her cheeks, and Harry had to hold her up. Ginny shot her a dark look, but soon saw the humor in the situation, and she couldn't help her own giggles that escaped her.

"What is your problem?" Ron asked, forgetting about Draco and turning back to Hermione, who was finally getting control of her giggles.

"Nothing, continue your interrogation" She smiled, and Ron turned back to Draco, giving him some of the dirtiest looks possible. .

Ginny, who was watching the scene, moved to Hermione's side.

"Mione, get my brother away from my boyfriend" Ginny hissed. Hermione moved a little closer to Ron and took his hand, whispering something into his ear. Ron seemed to relax immediately and after once last look at Draco, turned and left the hall. Harry followed after him.

"What did you say to him?" Ginny asked, surprised. Hermione just smiled.

"I honestly don't think that I want to know" Hermione laughed and then hugged Ginny. Hermione turned to Draco, his attitude changing slightly; she straitened her self out to intimidate him. Once again, Draco felt a pang of fear. "What I told you in the library still stands Malfoy"

And with that, Hermione turned and followed the boys down the hall. Ginny turned to Draco, wrapping her arms around his neck. His moved to her hips.

"And what did Hermione say to you in the library?" Ginny asked, eyeing his suspiciously. Draco smiled and held her tighter.

"She just did the whole protective best friend thing" He replied, kissing her nose. "I love you"

"You are never going to get sick of telling me that are you?" Ginny asked, Draco smiled and moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her so they could slowly walk down the hall.

"Do you want me to get sick of saying it?"

"Hell no" She replied honestly, looking up into his eyes.

"Good, get used to hearing it at least five hundred times a day" He smiled.

"Draco Malfoy, would I be right in saying that you have joined me in the world of eternal optimism, the land of the ever lasting romantics?" Ginny teased. Draco blushed, even though he was not ready to admit that he shared her out look on love.

"Oh, I am there, I am the king of romance land" He told her. He wondered if she believed him.

"Really?" There was suspicion in her voice.

"Yep, I've found the silver lining, the hero has his noble steed and chocolates and Roses are now on the acceptable list." Draco ranted aimlessly, Ginny just smirked. There was no way that she believed him, no matter how much he tried to convince her.

"Draco, I know you haven't changed that much in such a little time" She accused lightly. Draco smiled. He knew he could get nothing past her.

"Well, I am on the road there, preparing to join you" he told her honestly.

"I can accept that" She kissed his lips softly. "I can totally accept that!"




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