A/N: Yay my first story so please be kind. Constructive criticism is welcome. I do not own beelzebub or its characters. Just this story plot. Credit go to ifanimegoeslikethis for the title and motivating me to post.
It was a ordinary Sunday morning.
Well as ordinary as it gets at the Oga household. Hilda had Oga pinned to the floor with her sword at his throat, after he had made some offhanded comment about her.
"Dare to repeat that, douche." she hissed.
"Bitch, you know I don't like to repeat myself, so I ain't." he said through grit teeth.
Now to any normal couple, this would be a pretty compromising situation. Except that they weren't any normal couple and this situation often happened more times than not. They were both glaring daggers at each other until Misaki barged into the room.
"Hilda. Can you go to the grocery store and grab a few things for me? Tatsumi! How could you do such a thing to Hilda in front of Baby Beel. Don't you have any shame?" Misaki stated glaring at her brother.
"Sure" Misaki getting a response from Hilda, Misaki left the room.
Hilda removed herself from Oga and stood up and smoothed out the wrinkles from her dress. "Come on, lets go." she stated.
"What?! Why do I have to go? She only asked you." Oga asked in exasperation.
"Because I said so, now lets go." Hilda said as she turned around to scowl at him.
" I don't want to." Oga said and he crossed his arms over his chest while shaking his head side to side.
"Who said you had any say in the matter. Your coming whether you like it or not. Now lets go." Hilda said as she made her way over to the door.
"Well I staying right here." Oga said with all the resolve he could muster up.
A tick mark appear on Hilda's forehead as she seethes with anger. She was about to retort when an idea popped into her head. "Well then suit yourself. I'm taking the Young Master with me. So you can just sit here and rot for all I care." she said and left the room.
"Okay, whatever you say." Oga replied. About a second later he clued in on what she said and sprinted out the door and down the stairs to see Hilda putting on her boots with Baby Beel gurgling happily beside her. He sees her smirking at him, almost like she was mocking him. "Bitch..." He mumbled under his breath.
Unfortunately for him, she heard him and smacked him over the head with her pink parasol, much to Beels delight and his ire.
" Dammit women will you stop hitting me." Oga complained.
"Only when you stop being a sewer-rat." And with that she walked out the front door followed by a fuming Oga.
It was silent during the walk to the store, the silence only ever broken by Baby Beels gurggles. Hilda and Oga walked side by side enjoying the scenery and each others company.
Hilda finally broke the silence when she noticed Furuichi up ahead.
"Hey isn't that Creepichi." Hilda asked Oga.
Oga looked up and saw the silver haired teen. "Ya i think it is."
As the couple kept walking they eventually caught up to the one in question.
"Hey Furuichi, what's up?" Oga asks.
Furuichi turns around and see the couple walking side by side fairly closely together.
"Oh hey, nothing much. What are you guys up to?" Furuichi asks. Then he notices how close Hilda was to Oga. Are they on a date!? Oga you bastard! Furuichi thought to himself in jealousy.
"We're just going to the grocery store." Oga replies.
"So you guys are on like a date." Furuichi states furrowing his eyebrows.
At that both Hilda and Oga blushed. Hilda turned away so that no one noticed her blushing.
"T-That not what I-I-I said idiot!" Oga stuttered. But it was too late. Furuichi had already lost it and gone into complete creep mode.
"You guys are definitely on a date! I can see it on your faces!" He cried and started to weep. He then took off yelling, "Damn you Oga!"
Both parents were bewildered as to what was wrong with him, but thought nothing of it and continued on to the grocery store. Though Furuichi's outbreak gotten to Hilda and she started thinking about the kind of relationship she had with Oga. There was no doubt that things had changed between them. Sure they still fought and yelled at each other but at the end of the day they knew they had each others backs. This usually tends to happen when you both got the same goal in mind. But that wasn't what had her attention. What had her attention was the prospect of being on a date with him. Just thinking about it made her warm all over and her stomach feel like it was filled with butterflies. But she couldn't bring herself to say anything about it. She couldn't bring herself to tell him how she felt about their relationship together. Little did she know Oga was thinking about the exact same thing.
They continued on in complete silence, lost in there own thoughts until they noticed something strange. The street was empty and it was eerily silent. That's when they noticed it. The Demonic Aura. Hilda recognized it immediately knowing exactly who's it belonged to. Though it made her wonder what his reason was for being here. They came to a stop as they noticed the Demonic Aura moving closer and closer until they saw it start to manifest a few paces away from them. As the dark shadow grew they both noticed that someone was in that shadow.
After what seemed like forever the shadow finally started to dissipate to reveal The Great Demon Lord.
Hilda was left speechless as she starred at her Lord, wondering what his reason was for him to be here.
"Oga Tatsumi." The Great Demon Lord started. "You have some nerve to declare that you're 'not going to let my son destroy the world'."
" Who the hell are you?" Oga asked dumbfounded on how this newcomer knew about him.
" Ahhh how could I have forgotten to introduce myself. I'm the Great Demon Lord."
Hilda had finally broken out of her stupor. "Why are you here my Lord?" she asked.
"Why you ask. Well I'll tell you. I'm here to take my son back."
Both parents gaped at what they just heard.
"I, The great Demon Lord, deem you as unfit to be my son's pseudo father and also his contractor. You are hereby stripped of these titles and the contract is now null and void." he said while pointing at Oga.
Both parents looked on in disbelief before Oga snapped.
"Screw that. Nobody comes here and threatens my family!" Oga yelled and he charged at the Demon Lord.
Hilda was at a loss for what to do. On one hand she didn't want to leave Oga or the human world but on the other her loyalty for the Demon Lord was telling her she should just leave and never look back. Suffice to say her decision had already been made long before Oga launched himself at her Lord. She watched as Oga went to punch him only to be thrown back by a force field.
"You think you have any say in the matter. Its to late for that now." The Demon Lord said before using his demonic powers to hit Oga in the stomach sending him flying into a wall. Oga got back up and charged at the Demon lord again only to hit a force field.
"Give up. Their's no way you can win." He said as he walked over to Hilda and took his son from her arms and into his own. "Now I'd like to stay and chat but I've got more important things to do." The Demon Lord said before turning around and walking towards a cloud of Demonic Aura.
Hilda had started to follow before being stop by a force field as well.
"And where do you think your going?" The Demon Lord asked without turning around.
"I was only returning-" Hilda began, but was cut off by the Demon Lord.
"You think you can just come back and pretend like nothing happened."
"But my Lord-" She started, but was cut off again.
"But what, Hildagarde. You think I didn't noticed that you not only weren't performing your duties, you also did nothing to stop the contractor from going off course. So I here by strip you of your title of his mother and you are also banned from returning to the castle. You are no longer a maidservant to the royal family. I will be taking me leave now." He finished before stepping into the cloud and disappearing from sight, leaving the couple alone in the street.
Hilda was beyond shocked. She stared wide eyed at the spot where the Demon Lord had vanished before dropping to her knees as her world came crashing down around her. She couldn't believe what she heard. Her entire existence was to serve the royal family and she failed. Failed to do that. She felt tears start to stream down her face as she collapsed into herself and curled into a ball on the ground. She had only been a servant for 2 years and already she failed. She started to sob into her knees as she ignored the world around her.
Oga was also looking at the spot where the Demon lord disappeared. He couldn't believe what just happened. He just had Beel taken from him and he couldn't do a thing about it. He started to stand up when he noticed Hilda curled up on the ground openly sobbing into her knees. Something snapped in him at the site of her so broken and vulnerable, so unlike her cool and coordinated self. He went over to her and wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. He expected her to hit him or yell at him but it never happened. Instead she only grabbed a hold of his shirt and buried her face into it and cried even harder. Not wanting to see any of this anymore, Oga started on his way home with a sobbing Hilda in his hands.
When Oga had picked her up, Hilda felt a strange feeling go through her. She wasn't used to this feeling but at that moment she didn't care as her devotion was telling her to end it all. To just give up and curl up somewhere and die. But something else was telling her to go with Oga. That if she stayed with him everything would be okay. It was also the reason why she had buried her face into his chest. Being with him had always brought about a feeling safety but at that moment she didn't care what happened. All she wanted was for the the pain to go away.
By the time they got home Hilda had calmed down to only sniffling and quivering in his arms. He was glad his parents weren't home. He didn't really feel like having to explain Beels absence and Hilda state of despair at that moment. He made his way to his room and went to lay Hilda down on the bed but her grip on his shirt tightened and she mumbled incoherently. Not wanting to upset her any further, he laid himself down on the bed with Hilda curled up on his chest.
It was a hour before she finally calmed down enough to fall asleep. He made sure that she was fast asleep bofore he aloud sleep to take hold of him. As he was falling asleep, he unconsciously clutched Hilda a little tighter, making a promise to himself and her that he would whatever it takes to help her through this.
Well theirs the first chapter. I'll have the second one up in a couple of days or so. Anyways thanks for reading. Reviews will be greatly appreciated.
Till next time.