A/N Thank you for reading! Here is the third and probably last chapter...unless you want more, then that's a whole another thing.

Rated: M

Warning: this is Yaoi, BOY X BOY don't like, don't read. Sexual intercourse in chapters. Its England so we know their might be foul language and down right adorableness! X3

Pairing: England x world (main focus) Finland x England, Norway x England, a little Female countries x England

Disclaimer: I do not or ever will, own Hetalia or its characters. All belong to their rightful owners. I only own the plot and this story.

Pit: Nope! The author does not own me either.




England's Innocent Habit


To say England was nervous was an understatement. It was more towards the point of terrified. Why?

The tension. The awful bloody tension that was around everyone in the meeting room, thickening each second that passed by.

Everyone was glaring at one another with such menace that the poor Brit wondered if World War III was really going to happen. Even his possessive brothers were among the ones glaring, their postures stiff and cold. Their animal partners loomed behind them, unmoving, waiting for the ok to destroy the nations around them. It was that reason nobody was seated next to England.

Do you realize how terrifying it is to have nations crowded around an enormous table, shooting lightning at one another with their menacing glares as he sat alone in a corner, watching the whole thing with increasing confusion.

It was even more nerve racking when he notice the usual polite nation, Lichtenstein, also shooting daggers at everyone, even Switzerland.

'Is this some type of glaring contest?' With that in mind, England tried glaring as well, which wasn't very hard since his usual scowl was already set on his face. It helped that his eyebrows made the creases on his eyes even more intimidating. Though that only stopped the nations from their 'glaring contest', giving England an apologetic look, thinking that the Englishman was scowling at them disapprovingly. They seemed much calmer after that, but the tension was still in the air, slowly chipping away England's image of calmness.

He was not ashamed to say he almost screamed in happiness when the meeting was over, watching the other nations slowly leave the room, the tension leaving along with them. His mood didn't even dampen when Scotland's prehistoric animal and Wale's dragon obliterated half of the building due to some comment that might have been about him. Not that he cared, there was always something about him that someone had to complain about. Wankers.

England gathered his things in the still intact room, swirling his finger in circles as a green glowing dust pulsed out, engulfing various rubble from the half destroyed building, making the material float in the air and move towards the Englishman. He maneuvered them effortlessly, using the hanging parts of the building as stepping stones, making his way down the almost burned building with ease.

From all the damage and constant chaos in his life, it was fortunate for him to learn skills that a normal human nor a nation should not even know, even less heard of said skills. It helps to have chaotic nations as brothers in your life. (Though it still a pain in the arse to have them cause too much trouble.)

He stopped by a cafe nearby, a small smile formed on his lips when various smells hit him once he opened the door, delighted that the shop was not crowded. England sat down near the window, ordering a small pastry and a tea once the waiter moved to his table. The Englishman needed a quiet and comfortable place like this, especially since what just happened. Though he wondered if he really should be worried about the matter, there had been worse cases than this in the past.

The most recent one was when Russia went even more power crazy than he usually was, snapping dog collars on almost every nation, claiming they are now part of Mother Russia. It was only when England played along, clasping his own dog collar onto Russia that got the scary nation to snap out of it. It was almost worth it to see Russia panic, scared by the fact that the Englishman technically ruled the whole world now. England had to reassure him that that was not the case by taking off every collar, including Russia's. The Brit was not even surprised that after that was done, Russia smiled that child like smile he had, saying in a dark tone that England always got in his way, going completely back to normal.

"Um, Mr. England? Can we join you?" A voice spoke, startling England out of his musing. He blinked, recognizing the two who stood in front of him, one of them staring down at him uncertainly while the other gazed back blankly.

"Ah, Finland, Norway. Sorry, I was out of it for a while. What did you just asked?"

"Its ok! We were wondering if we can join you. Norway and I ran into this cafe as a place to hide from the...animals that are attacking us."

Said blank nations snorted at that, England noticed that his giant did the same thing, as if they were saying, 'we could have taken them on.' "Ah, yes, of course. Please sit."

Norway scoffed once he sat down, popping his elbow on the table with little care, "Even after seeing those creatures, they still don't believe in the unknown. How sad."

England nodded in agreement, running his finger on the rim of the tea cup. Those idiots just refuse to believe in the magical arts or mythical creatures that are around them. It was a relief that Finland actually accepted it, must be from hanging around Norway a lot, though then he was to question about Denmark since the git doesn't believe in it either...and that drunk (Though still his lovable drinking buddy) hung around Norway like pest.

"Mr. England? Can I ask you something?"

"Hmm? Ah, sure, go ahead."

"It's been bothering the both of us since the moment we entered the meeting room. Why is everyone glaring at each other?"

England almost smiled, he was glad that not everyone was apart of that nonsense. "Honestly? I have no idea. The gits were like that the moment I entered the bloody room. It's truly odd." The Englishman answered, scrunching his eyebrows in irritation and confusion.

Norway raised an eyebrow, thinking over the events and information he learned. Finland and himself were absent at the last meeting, having to deal with sudden problems from their government. Though, they were informed on what happened by Denmark, who had most of his closed burned off, (After covering the innocent's nations eyes, Sweden tried to kill Denmark afterwords to avenge Finland from almost being scarred.)

Of course they knew that everyone had a somewhat attraction to the Brit, some larger than others, he and Finland included. They just didn't understand why the countries went into a love war all of a sudden. It was a mutual agreement to keep their feelings a secret unless England showed signs of liking them back. Now, that was thrown out the window, leaving behind a war that is not even known to the people themselves, even less England.

Norway shrugged off the thought, realizing that the Englishman was in his own musing as well, who was currently thinking about the strange acting countries.

England nipped at his finger, nervous that he might really had to call this event World War III, and with a straight face too. He ran his tongue along the tip, lapping up the part he bitten before sucking on it lightly. 'If those gits cause a war over a childish dispute, I'll kill them.'

A small moan escaped his mouth, but he never noticed, too lost in his frustration.

'Well, it must be something if a few of the more quiet nations like Latvia and Lichtenstein were one of the ones to glare as well. Even more since the Baltic states actually glared at Russia!'

Another lick.

'Canada didn't glare, but his aura was horrifying, not something I expected from him. Does this dispute even involve the innocent nations? Hm, Italy and Romano sure did fit the Mafia image perfectly in there.'

His mouth left his finger at that point, a small trail of saliva still connected them together.

'It's a relief that Norway and Finland are not apart of it.'

He paused when he heard two loud gulps in front of him, finding the two Nordic nation staring at him. Norway nodded after some time, his unnaturally floating curl following the movement. "Now I understand."

"Me too..."

England didn't even have time to questioned their behavior, having already been yanked from his seat and being dragged out of the cafe. "H-Hey, wait! What the hell are you doing?!"

They didn't answer, pulling the Brit into the hotel they were staying at, heading straight for the stairs instead of the elevators. It didn't take long for them to go into their room and thrust the irritated and confused Englishman on the bed.

"What..." He felt cornered when the two started to slowly crawl on top of him, making him realize his situation. He felt like crying when his hands were pinned onto the bed's bed post by Norway, his shirt slowly began to unbutton itself as the Norwegian uttered a few words under his breath. Finland caressed the now bare stomach, giggling as he trailed one finger towards the Brit's navel.

England gasped at the feeling, damning the gods above him for this to happen to him, again. "Nnngh! No...n-not you guys too...!"

Norway shrugged, licking the shell of England's ear, keeping the hands pinned above the Brit's head. "We actually were not going to, but now that the American and Europe got the hold of you, is it not fair for us to get our turn now?" England mewled when Norway pinched roughly on one of his nipples, trying desperately hard to fight off that wonder urge to give in.

He froze once he felt his pants slowly fall down his ankles, inhaling deeply when the Finnish nation began to rub each other together, making him yank his hand from Norway's grasp to cover his mouth, trying to stop himself from groaning.

But once his hand made contact with his mouth, it was over.

He felt his fingers enter his mouth out of reflex, and he couldn't stop himself from sucking on them as he felt his entrance being played with. He was too out of it to wonder when his boxers were taken off or when the other two got naked as well. All he knew was that someone was inside him and another was on top of him, sucking his member as he sucked theirs.

England moaned, feeling himself move with the powerful thrusts, trying to get the member in front of him inside his mouth as much as possible, his cravings getting too out of hand to control. He opened his emerald eyes, catching the glimpse of Norway panting as moved, feeling those hands grip his waist, pulling him along with the fast thrusts.

Finland didn't seemed bothered at all, gasping every few seconds each time England moved his mouth. England felt Finland stiff before tasting the salty liquid, finding himself greedily sucking and licking it all, mewling when Norway also came.

The two Nordics then attacked him again, Norway sucking and pinching his nipples while Finland continued to work him, making England grip the bed sheets in desperation. He screamed their names loudly when he came, his body convulsed before completely falling on the bed, panting heavily to catch his breath.

He tried glaring at the two smirking males, but he was too tired to care, enjoying the warmth and security when Finland draped them with the blanket, the two scooting closer to the Englishman with a content sigh.

England wondered briefly before succumbing to sleep, 'This got to stop...'


England needed to know whats going on. He was sure he did not have a 'Fuck Me' sign on his back, (He actually checked), it didn't make sense at all.

That is the reason why he was sitting on a couch in Hungary's house, being watched by Ukraine, Lichtenstein, and of course Hungary, with big and hopeful eyes. He felt himself sweat a little from the intense stares, but he steeled himself together, knowing that they will be the only nations out there that might actually explain to him what was going on.

"Um, Miss Hungary, do you by any chance know why everyone is acting...strange? And why do nations keep on c-cornering me?" He felt himself pink at the last question, ashamed to be asking such a thing. He shouldn't even have to! Damn fucking nations...

He expected the fiery country to just tell him.

That did not happen.

"Oh? Does that mean it's our turn now ?"

A strange glint filled their eyes, making England immediately backed away, swinging his arms back and forth comically. "N-No! No! Definitely not!"

Hungary pouted, her little group following her movement. "Why not! The guys got to have you, why not us?"

"Because! In your case, it will be considered my fault. My Ra, everyone wants to rape me..." He pinched his nose, not believing what is going on, (While at the same time cursing Egypt, he's been around him way too much...).

Hungary pouted some more, before she smiled, huddling the two other girls as she whispered her idea. With a nod, they cornered the still muttering Brit, (Hah, England doesn't get a break.), Lichtenstein grabbed him from the collar and slammed their lips together.

England choked in surprise, feeling a sly tongue (How does she know this anyways?) dart into his mouth. Before he could even blink, the suppose shy nation let go of him, Ukraine quickly taking her place. Her rather large chest, unfortunately creepily, held him in place as she captured his lips, delighted by how soft they were.

England struggled, gasping for breath once he was let go and away from the death trap. "W-What the he-" Hungary forcibly tugged the poor Brit to her, licking the bottom lip before pressing their lips together, giving a small moan once she let go. They had a satisfied smirk once England backed far away from them, a scowl in place while his face was bright red, now noting them down as dangerous and also in his list of 'People who are after my arse'. The list is getting way too long for his liking.

"There! Now we're good!" Hungary happily sat down, turning serious. "I hate to say this England, really I do, since I can't have you for my self, but," She took a deep breath, " The world is in love with you."

England blinked.



Then blinked again.



And again.



"Are you bloody serious?!" Was his final reply, not believing a single word the crazy woman was saying.

"One, that is not possible. How can all the nations, who many of them hate me, like the same person? Two, some of their laws and morals go against male and male relationships, why would they just ignore that over me? And three, that is bloody insane. There is nothing really appealing to me nor have I gave any reason to receive any attraction towards myself. Why would anybody like me?" England finished, shocking the group of females.

His whole facial, voice, and posture told them that he truly believed every word he just said. Even though he was dead wrong. Especially the last part. "Um, Mr. England, it's true though. Even Belarius who is so obsessed with Russia likes you, but she hides it very well by becoming more aggressive towards her brother. And besides, what else would be the reason for so many nations want to have you." Lichtenstein blushed at the last part but she kept firm, trying to get the stubborn Brit to believe them.

"Well, that..." He pondered over that. What other reason is there? The nations are possessed? Likely, but he doesn't see how that has to do with then trying to jump him. Maybe they are charmed? No, not that either, he would have sensed the energy if it were that. They're just horny bastards? He wished that was the reason, but it didn't seem likely, seeing as they could have had anyone else, not just him.

…...They loved him then? Maybe that is the...

"Hahahahah! Like that is possibly the reason!" England cackled to himself, not noticing the odd but still blushing looks he was getting. The female nations sighed. Nope, England just threw the idea away.

England calmed himself down, sitting himself onto the couch once again, (farther away from the dangerous women.) crossing his arms in a stiff manner. "Alright, can you please just tell me the real reason so I can get the gits to leave my arse alone."

"I've got it..."

"Bloody hell!" The Englishman jumped off the couch, arms out defensively once he saw Belarius right in front of his face, her serious killer mode turned on. He almost had a heart attack by the sudden appearance. 'My Ra that woman has silent feet...' (He cursed Egypt again, the bastard must be having a good laugh behind his covered face.)

"What is your idea, sis?" Ukraine asked excitedly, ignoring how she was startled as well by her sisters appearance. She pitied her brother silently, picturing the surprise attacks he countlessly had to face.

Belarius zoned her serious face at Ukraine having a quick minute silence before answering, "...If you want proof that everyone likes you, ask this proposal to everyone at the next meeting which is in three minutes. If they agree, including us, then you got your answer..." Her voice was stone cold, but a uncharacteristic blush dusted her cheeks as she said it, making everyone wonder what she just thought.

England pondered about it, hesitantly asking the question he hopes would not be his downfall. "...And what is this proposal that I'm suppose to give everyone?"

Belarius turned to him, a wide creepy grin already set onto her face, and it stayed there the whole time they dragged the confused and -admittedly- scared Englishman out the door, and to the building where the meeting was held.

The crazy nation already knew what the answer will be, and she is beyond pleased on what is going to happen next.


The sun's rays peaked out of the closed curtains, bathing England in its bright glow as it slowly awoke the drowsy nations. He fluttered his eyes open, stretching his arms upwards as a soft yawned escaped his lips. He sleepily glanced at the clock above him, (Yup, a clock on the ceiling.) the numbers 5:00 blazed at him.

Flying mint bunny flew on top of his head, ruffling the already messy hair in a cute good morning gesture. Of course even though England agreed it was a beautiful day, (A miracle, seeing as England's weather is just plain insane.), he sorrowfully knew he would never have a good morning ever again. Why you asked? Its because he has a rather large problem.

He shifted his leg to get more comfortable, moving limps and heads in the processed. Groans were heard before it quieted down, the shifts of blankets were heard before audible sighs echoed through the room.

England pinched his nose.

He had a very large problem. And that problem is right on his bed. He had a tremendously large bed ... with the whole Fucking World sleeping and cuddling with him.

Hong Kong was curled comfortably on his stomach, his brothers and Australia not too far ahead, their bodies draped on the Brit's legs with a strong grip on his ankles. Spain, the Italian brothers, and Japan slept at his left side, somehow finding a way to grab a handful of his shirt while still sleeping peacefully. America, Prussia, and the Nordics were on his right, Finland nuzzling right on his neck while the others, amazingly, grabbed a hold of his shirt as well. Hungary, Lichtenstein, and Belarius cuddled near his head, grabbing softly on his collar. The rest either draped, curled, or cuddled near him, their limps and bodies covered every inch of the bed (While surprisingly still enough room to move around without kicking people off.)

How it got to this? Well...

/"Hey, I got something to say." Belarius said, sending shivers down Russia's spine. Its not about him, right? The other nations in the room stopped their little glare game, giving the crazy nation their attention, especially when they saw a adorably confused and frustrated Englishman behind her.

Belarius cleared her throat, crossing her arms in an uncaring manner. "England has a proposal for all of you, one that will stop this pathetic fighting and we all can have him."

"What?!" England squeaked from behind her, noticing the sudden gleam and interest that glowed in everyone's eyes.

"So what is it?"

She grinned, the one that had England paling and regretting ever coming to the female nations for answer.

"The answer is this, what does a Pharaoh have the privilege of having and has to do with a bed?"

Her remarked caused the only nations that knew and understand the answer to smirk, liking the idea greatly. That nation happened to be Egypt. "I agree to it."

The others slowly nodded, grinning madly once it sunk in.

England cursed in every language he knew (which was a lot, mind you) to the god's above, asking in almost tears why he deserved this. It had to be that./

England sighed, it had to be the proposal of him being like the Pharaoh, having a harem of men and women on his bed. He pinched his nose again, letting go of it to pet flying mint bunny on his head.

With that, he decided to start his day, gently prying off hands, arms, and bodies, quietly climbing over limbs and bodies to the end of the bed. But once he thought he was free, someone grabbed a hold of his ankle, dragging him back over the bodies of the nations and back to his original spot. The hands and arms returned to their rightful places on him, Hong Kong drowsily draping himself back on top of England's stomach.

"Go back to sleep, Inglaterra."

"I don't want to go back to sleep, I want to bloody leave my bed and-" England choked back a moan once he felt nimble fingers rub his crotch.

A few voices chuckled in response, earning them a glare. "If you don't, it gives us the excuse to jump you. Go back to sleep, its still too early Inglaterra."

England grumbled, shifting himself to a more comfortable position. Flying mint bunny landed on his head again, "You will be ok England! At least they are not assaulting you."

"...Not yet."

England wasn't even ashamed to admit that he cried silently in frustration, chanting "I want to die, I want to die, I want to die..." in his pillow cursing with every fiber of his being.

At least the rest of the world was in heaven, right?

…... Poor England.

And to think.

It all started with him acidentally showing his little, innocent habit.


A/N Thank you for reading! If it seems rushed or you want more, tell me in a review! Hopefully you liked how this turned out.

Pit: Thank you and Review!