The smell of cognac flooded out the door as Alfred opened the door to the Wayne Manor's study – it was already difficult for the man who had seen so much death, so much pain in this house have to witness more.

Bruce was sitting behind his desk, pointer fingers pressed tightly to his lips – staring intently at the photograph at the edge, next to the almost empty bottle. The bottle was lifted and the rest of the amber liquid poured into the glass directly in front of him.

Dick was sitting next to the window, glass still half-full of cognac tightly grasped in his right hand his eyes haven't moved from the newly placed headstone. His eyes still red from crying, it was obvious to the grey haired man that it was taking everything the oldest Robin had not to sob in front of everyone here.

Barbara sat in front of Dick, looking absolutely helpless as the man that she grew up with fell into pieces in front of the people that loved him the most.

Jason looked the most haunted of everyone gathered, beer bottle almost falling from his grasp as his head hung, shoulders hunched as he tried to hide the tears that he only let fall in front of his family.

Tim stood still, staring above the family portrait painted not a month ago. Lifting the glass of cognac to his lips he drank. His stare hollow and broken, trying hard not to let the tears of both Jason and Dick move him to tears as well.

Stephanie and Cas sat together on the sofa at the far end of the study, both of them staring into their glasses of wine, hoping for some answer as to why this happened and were of course met with silence.

Titus was sitting by the front door, patiently waiting for his master to come home – realizing that everyone was in the study he padded into the room, making Alfred step to one side. Looking at all of the faces, he curled up in the center of the room and began to howl realizing the boy would never return.

Walking into the center towards the desk Alfred graciously takes the glass offered to him by Bruce.

"Drink with me to days gone by" Everyone looked up, tears evident in everyone's eyes. Alfred urged them to join in. Slowly, one by one they all joined, "To the life that used to be. At the shrine of friendship never die. Let the wine of friendship never run dry. Here's to you, and here's to me."

Damian wouldn't be forgotten – and as they continued to sing that single verse again and again, they all began to sob because even though Damian wasn't always the little brother that they wanted he changed them all, for the better even if they didn't want to admit it and now he was gone.