
Rest & Relaxation

By Insane Baka

Gundam Wing does not belong to me (sniffle). You know who they belong to…yadda yadda and so forth. Without further ado, here goes my first fic. ^_~

It is the year A.C 198 (which makes it A.C 199) and peace was restored to its old state. All was well except at the Peacecraft mansion where the atmosphere was thick. Relena Peacecraft, the now 19 year old young lady, stormed into her room and piled clothing and other necessities into a suitcase. Her friends, the Gundam pilots and co. called her up and requested that they all head to Japan where they could enjoy a vacation at a spa. Relena happily agreed but Milliardo said no.

They argued and argued but no luckily Noin stepped in and persuaded him to let her go. He was a bit hesitant but still agreed to let her go under one condition: he goes too. This angered Relena but it was the only way she could meet up with her old friends again, especially the mysterious pilot of Zero, Heero Yuy.

The three of them caught a flight to Japan and flew there in a few hours. When they got there, everyone one was there. Hilde, Catherine, Sally, and Dorothy were conversing about certain matters while Trowa and Quatre practiced there instruments and Wufei sat in a corner meditating. Finally, Heero. He leaned against the wall with his arm crossed against his chest. He had grown considerably taller but his disheveled hair still remained the same. (drool…^_^)

Everyone stopped what they were doing and happily greeted them, well most of them anyway.

"Relena!!!" all the girls screamed. They ran over and smothered her with hugs.

"Hello, Relena. Good to see you after such a long time." Said Quatre.

Heero and Trowa stood there silently as Wufei muttered something about weak onnas.(AN heheheh….) Heero was secretly eyeing Relena but Milliardo caught on and glared at him. He only smirked and turned away only to see the annoying American pilot, Duo, in front of him.

"What are ya lookin' at Heero….." Duo teased.

"Omae o korosu, you braided baka," said Heero.

"Sheesh, I guess old habits die hard."

After everyone settled down, they called for two taxis and piled in. They all headed for Japan's beautiful rural areas, where the spa was. After a few hours drive, the all arrived at the spa. Duo jumped out and headed directly for the food bar and Hilde followed. When everyone checked in, they all went to their rooms. It just o happens that Relena's was right next to Heero's.

Milliardo was enraged (literally) by this and kept having glaring contests with Heero. After some oolong tea, Relena was tired so she took a shower and went to bed. She

woke up late the next morning.

I hope you liked it! Pleeze send me your comments at [email protected]

(and easy on the flames *_*) And always, arigato and ja ne! ^_~