Sorry again I am two weeks late, new job keeps me pretty busy. I really do appreciate all of your reviews it helps me to keep writing

I hope you all like this chapter I am kind of afraid it is a little rushed. Well I will let you all be the judge of that.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, DC does. However if I did I could guarantee that a story arc like this would've already happened.

"I miss how things used to be as a team. I miss our friendship…I just couldn't love him the way he deserved to be…What about you? Do you miss, Starfire?" her soft spoken voice seemed to echo throughout the room.

With that explanation my jealousy fell at ease and a strange feeling of hope elated within me. "Rachel, I miss being a team too… so much. I miss her in the same way I will always miss, Beast Boy, and Cyborg.", I spoke calmly while I looked towards the window, the night darkening my small apartment. Not as much as I missed you though. Suddenly a familiar sound hummed in the night. I moved myself out from under her and walked towards the window, to see a motor cycle on below my apartment. My motor cycle actually, I had left it at Wayne manor, out of a desire to not use anything he had given me. It looked a lot different though; the whole frame was given a sleek new design with a red V on it. "Hop on my back, Rachel", I grinned pulling her up off the bed her look of surprise evident. Those beautiful eyes I will never be able to get enough of them.

"What why?", she pulled her hand up to her chest. "Someone just left me something", with that stated I turned around and got down on one knee so it would be easier for her to get on my back. She stepped towards me slowly she bent down wrapping her arms around my neck, her breasts pushing up against my back. Her thighs wrapped tight around my waist. I couldn't help but fantasize if she was in front of me instead of behind me. I held tight to her arms and gripped her soft hands.

I chuckled to myself at that thought as I walked to the window and jumped out, careful to stay within the shadows. I couldn't help but admire my bike; I had worked hard to keep it running at top condition. It looked a lot different, its' body was thinner and sleek and instead of an R on it there was a dark red V that replaced it. Why would he bring this to me now though? I ran over to the running bike on the side walk and found a note attached to the key in the ignition.

I should've had more faith in you, I am sorry for that.

You're bikes missed you…The League wants to meet with you both

In two days.

"Was that Batman?", her question made this seem unreal… I have her, my bike and, maybe I could forgive him… "It was. Don't worry we will be together when we go face them ok? For tonight let's just go for a ride", I said as I set her down and threw her hood over my head grinning. She slid off my back slowly her body rubbing against my back in a tantalizing almost seductive way.

"You will never understand how much I missed these moments", she replied almost too quiet for me to hear as her hips swayed slowly towards my bike. I had to shake the blood that threatened to slow to a different area. I took the front seat, my hands gripping the handle bars without missing a beat; she took the seat behind me her arms curling around me gripping me tight as though I would leave without her. The bike shook with excitement under me, I could relate to its' seemed enthusiasm. I smiled remembering these times in the past, I revved the engine loud as I savored her touch and grinned as she laughed. "I think I have a better idea than you might think" I almost had to shout over the roar of the engine.

The night seemed to welcome us with open arms as we rode along the outskirts of the city, the stars bright above us and the crescent slice in the sky shinning. Her head laid against my back No words seemed to be needed with the wind rushing around us, as the ride took us to the front of my cathedral. Secluded as it was the empty space seemed to make it feel crowded with the stars taking the space. It loomed over us as if promising sanctuary from the past and the present leaving only her and me.

"It's beautiful, Richard." her voice breaking through as I shut my engine down. Our feet tapping through the soft grass in tune, I flipped my hood back and grabbed her hand to help her off my bike. "It's my spot…on a slow night of crime to just breathe and look back, which is kind of rare." I stood back admiring the building I called my own. Its gothic appearance seemed perfect for us both, with her hand in mine we walked up to the church doors. "Want to take us up to the top, I usually just climb, buuut I don't want to let go of your hand."

She laughed and quickly let go of my hand, "I have a better idea first one to the top gets to ask the loser any question they want", mid-way through her sentence her body glowed with a black light as she floated up. She truly was stunning with that glow surrounding her body at that moment I could've honestly believed she was a dark angel sent to be my down fall. I chuckled at that thought, still slightly disappointed our hands weren't touching any more.

"You're on" I retorted back jumping up ascending to the roof with ease and grace flipping here and there. Within twenty seconds I reached the roof, unfortunately she did it in ten. She sat off on the side of the roof looking up at the sky with a sly smile "You're late I had started to worry you weren't coming."

"I will always come for you." I chuckled taking a seat next to her. Her hair blew with the wind tickling my nose, it smelled so good. I put my arm around her and stroked her hair as though not doing it would make this moment disappear, and that is so very far from what I wanted right now.

"Will you always come? Even after all that I've done….After coming back like this? This is my question so please do not lie to me." Her fear worn on each word she spoke had my heart aching for her pain… the pain that I had caused.

Without any hesitation, without a second thought I gently lifted her chin in my hand and pressed my forehead against hers, "Know right now that nothing in this life time will ever let me even think or dream of letting you go again. I have you here with me now; this…this moment is everything I could've asked for, Rachel. With you here I am happier than I have ever been." I let my words sink in as she slowly wrapped her arms around me.

We stayed like that for what felt like hours just enjoying each other's presence, the silence being a comfortable one. I felt her shiver after the wind picked up and our breaths left evidence in the air. Grabbing her cape that I was wearing I pulled it off and wrapped it around her.

"You know I was starting to get used to seeing it on you." She chuckled wrapping it around herself; I stood up and stretched my arms while I walked to the edge of the roof. "I liked it…it smelled like you." I whispered the last part as I did a handstand and started walking on my hands along the edge.

"Richard!" She jumped up at my display of apparent recklessness, but to me this felt natural with every move made timed to perfection because with one wrong move made death is inevitable. I kept doing slips along the edge till I stood facing her grinning as I teetered between the roof and falling. "Richard cut it out" She frowned as her hands flew up and a force pushed me up against her. I couldn't help but grin, my hands pressing against her waist at the hem of her shirt. "I miss them you know…We used to do things like that all the time as a family.", I smiled knowing that it wasn't as wide as it could've been. "I know Richard, I can't pretend to understand, but I am sure they loved you…", She brought her hand up to my hair and stroked it whispering her words in my ear.

"Ready to go?", I took her hand and she nodded a black light surrounding us both as we descended to the ground. It almost felt like an elevator however the descent was a lot faster. We finally touched the ground and the frigid air caused us to run towards my bike in a hurry.

We arrived back at my apartment in no time leaving the bike parked outside, I pointed the key at it from the window and squeezed the remote programed in; it started up and drove back to the cave, courtesy of Bruce. He always did know how to rig up the most amazing things.

"Hey I'm going to change and shower ok?", she walked into the bathroom and closed the door taking one last glance at me. I chuckled as I heard the shower start and started stripping off my armor quickly jumping into some black sweat pants. I laid down in the bed smiling. I felt like I had everything I could ever want here right now. I had changed a lot and I know she did too, in time we will get to know each other. Yet I still feel a closeness that hasn't seemed to fade even after all these years apart. The door finally opened and the sight of her left me breathless, her blue tank top clung tight to her body along with her matching boy shorts that showed pale long soft legs, and her long wet hair clinging to her neck.


Walking out of the bathroom I saw him lying on the bed with no shirt on, showing off the strong chest and abs I so desperately desired to run my hands down, and a pair of sweat pants looking comfortable as I'd ever seen him. The Robin I used to know would've never taken off his costume; he used to always be ready at the drop of a hat for something to go wrong.

This strong powerful man that lay before my eyes seemed so calm and serene yet ready for anything at the same time. He truly was an amazing man, yet I still found myself unable to say what I came back to say. What my darkness had more courage to come back to say than I did…

"Come here", his voice so inviting, his hand held out to me looking sexier with every passing second. I walked to him slowly, feeling apprehensive setting one knee on the bed. His shaggy hair covering his eyes that still managed to pierce into mine. I held my hand out that he quickly grabbed and pulled me into him, my face pressed against his hot chest. "You asked me if I would always come to you and I will, but will you come for me too?" he stroked my hair waiting patiently for an answer that required no thought to answer.

"I will always come for you, through everything and anything. I will become anything I have to protect you. I love you, Richard, that's what I needed to badly to come back and tell you" my heart nearly stopped as I realized what I had let slip from my mouth. MY GOD. What's wrong with me…? I couldn't help but imagine the next words out of his mouth would be "get out" or "I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same". He pulled me up our bodies rubbing against each other, my face inches from his face. "I love you too, Rachel, I wish I had told you back then too, I was a coward. This right here, you with me is all I will ever need. I will become all that I have to keep you safe. Stay with me.", his lips crashed against mine, fire coursing through my veins as I couldn't help but respond with fervor. His hands running up and down my body squeezing my thighs crushing my body against his, I couldn't think straight, I just knew I couldn't get enough of him, of this moment. Our tongues moving as if this was the most natural thing ever, this was what I had always wanted. I let my hands run slowly down to the beginning of his sweats, nervous about what might come next as I wasn't naïve enough to not know what was pressing against my stomach.

"Rachel-", I kept kissing him leaving him no time to talk between hot, deep kisses. He grabbed me and flipped me under him. He pushed himself up grinning "Rachel wait, we need to stop ok please, if we go any farther I won't be able to resist any longer." He kissed the top of my head where my gem was. "We have all the time in the world, let's take our time?"

I couldn't help but frown slightly disappointed, however his words meant everything to me. "Promise…?" I asked apprehensive of the answer, what If he didn't find me as attractive as Starfire…

"Trust me, Rachel, I want you more than anything right now, but there isn't any need to rush. I promise I will be here for you forever ok?" His words came fluidly almost as if he could read my mind. "I love you" I whispered believing in all his words hoping I wasn't dreaming and all this was real. "I love you as well my dark angel" his words sent shivers through me; giving me one last slow kiss he moved off to the side and wrapped his arms around me. I drew the covers around us. "This is real right?" I mumbled feeling the day catch up with me, sleep threatening to take hold of me. "As real as it gets. Sleep my dear. Tomorrow we'll be going on a date. ", His lips pressed against my neck, his words making the blood rush to my head.

This surely had to be heaven all that I wanted happened in what felt like seconds. Sleep came without much trouble with his steady breathes acting as my personal lullaby and his warm body pressed tight against mine.

Soft lips pressed against mine, my eyes opening to see Richard lying next to me smiling sleepily.

Well that was chapter 7 please let me know your thoughts and feelings on it. I have a basic idea as to the general direction in which I am wanting to take this story. All of your input on this story is very important to me still and is much appreciated. I also would like to thank krostovikraven1 for reviewing so often, I find myself looking forward to them after i post a chapter, so thank you.

Well I will be looking forward to reading your thoughts on this chapter.

till then

Yours Truly BroodingSkies