Chapter 1
Tom was in the basement thinking of something to catch Jerry as always. "Okay Today I got the perfect Thing!"
He grinned evilly to his self. As for Jerry he always watches Tom make a complete fool of his self. "Silly Tom. He thinks of the best of plans but they never get done. Silly cat." He said while eating the last little of cheese he save from his last quest. (About 3 days ago)
"I Guess I'm out of cheese. Let me see how Tom plans to get me and I'll outwit him then get my Great Cheese." Smile Jerry.
Outside, near a Dog house. Spike was just telling his Pup son about the life of being a man's best friend.
"That is how we Dogs got the name My Son." He smiles.
Spike Smile to little Tyke who just wagged his tail and bark to his father proudly.
"Bark, Bark!" said little Tyke as he wag happily. Spike chuckled and picked his son up and kissed his Cheek.
"Haha, that's my Boy!"
Little Tyke hugged his father back with his little paw that could barely get a good hold onto his father's cubby face.
The father and son moment was cut shortly due to them….As always.
Tom ran out the house with a weapon after his plan backfired on him, Jerry ran from Tom with a huge piece of cheese. Spike and Tyke looked and jump out the way. Tom aim for Jerry and each time he hit , he misses each time.
"Damn it! You Fucking Mouse! WHY THE HELL WON'T YOU JUST FUCKING DIE!"
Yelled the Cat. Jerry just laugh with the piece of cheese in his hand. Spike and Tyke watch the Cat and Mouse Chase.
"Ooo! That Pussy-Cat & Mouse are starting to get on my Nerves!" mumble Spike. Tyke looked up at his Father. "Arf?" he said to Spike. Spike looked at Tyke. "No my Son…how about we go out for a while." he said. Tyke barks happily and was getting ready for a Day out.
10 Minutes later,
Tom was tired and hot. He mumbles from what just happen with Jerry. Tom decided to leave for a while. With Jerry. He just sat in his little mouse hole happily eating his lunch he won over.
In the Street, (Bar).
Tom order him some wine. He sipped and looked at his reflection. When, his ex-girlfriend came near him. With her new Boyfriend and Tom's former Friend. Butch. Tom looked at them. He curses under his breath. "Shit…"Tom thought to his self, This bitch is trying to test me. Is she…I mean my fucking former friend is just teasing. I bet they going to try to act like they didn't see me.
Soon as Tom thought about it. Nothing more happen, but exactly how he knew it was coming to be ended. Toodles and Butch walked right pass Tom then backing up to see who he was.
"Oh my Gosh! Thomas, I didn't see you here." She looked clam. Tom sipped on his wine and had a stern look at Toodles and Butch. Tom thought so his self again. Hot Damn, I knew it. I might as well act like I didn't see them too.
"Oh Hey, Toodles? Butch?" He had a fake smile upon his face. Toodles was hugging on to Butch like he was about to fall back without her support.
"Hey, Thomas old boy." Said Butch. Tom just felt the hate boiled his blood. That ass, trying to talk to me. Heh, that Dick. I hope she and him just breakup. Or Another cat to take her away so I can just laugh at him for breaking me and Toodles up….what a bastard. Tom replied back. "Hey Butch, nothing much. I just came in. So how are you to?" Butch smirk and squeeze Toodles' left cheek of her ass. "Oh, Were okay, we just celebrating our 6 month anniversary." Said Butch proudly. Toodles giggled at Butch from his sexual action in front of Tom. Tom growled in his head. That should've been me! I should be with Toodles not him!
Tom just grin. "Wow, that's great." Butch looked. "Hey, do you like to hang with us to celebrate with us from our Anniversary?" Tom looked piss as ever. "Oh…..Me? I don't know man…" He felt like beating the shit out of Butch. Telling him to hang out this his ex-Girlfriend.
Tom was about to exploded with Anger. No respect what so ever! I hated him anyway. How I even let him take my Girl like this. I need to go so I can get things straighten out. Tom shook his head no. "No, but thank you. But I should get going. I need to get some activity done. Heh, so I see if I can meet you guys later." Tom said with a sudden of Depress. "And oh, um, congratulate for your anniversary okay." Tom heard the way how he said it. Butch looked at Tom. Toodles didn't mind what Tom had about her. She just liked Butch from his manly ways. But what she didn't know about Butch that he had something that she didn't know about.
Tom turns and headed back home. That he always fight, planning, fail, get killed or have guilt with, is one thing that make Tom feel better. But thing time, after seeing Toddles and Butch after they broke up and friendship ended, Tom feel that his life the like nothing like water in a Cup. Once your drink it. It half way gone. And once it's completely gone, you can't doing nothing but get another Glass for water. But, Tom was the water and Butch was the person that was drinking him for the fun of it.