A/N: Well let's just say that I tried putting one of my ideas down.


Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts, just the plot of this Fic

The room was filled with chatter as everyone waited impatiently for the large wooden doors to open.

All the young ladies were trembling with excitement, their personal maids might have done the same, but they were too occupied in keeping the perfect appearance of their mistress' long overly elaborated dresses.

Other servants were also busy serving drinks and small appetizers to every young nobleman who attended the prince's sixteen birthday ceremony.

Standing by the door the young prince sighed, he didn't need to take a glance inside the room to know what was happening in there, after all it was always the same: the high society members in their late twenties or thirties were surely gambling, drinking or plotting the next political moves, on the other hand the ladies were probably gossiping over the latest fashion, gathered in small reserved groups, possibly complimenting each other over dresses and accessories with a fake smile on their faces.

And, just like their parents, the youngsters of each gender were discussing in groups, trying to please or impress the rest of the society with elegant manners and interesting speeches.

In the end it's all just a charade, they only care about impression

the prince sadly reminded to himself as a few guards readied themselves to escort him in the throne room and two servant bowed at him, hands already on the handles.

Then the moment came, and the young boy stepped in.

"Welcome his highness, Prince Isa", one of the ambassadors declared, as a few trumpets added glory, or in Isa's opinion excessive attention, to his entry.

Every person in the room bowed instantly, daring to glance at the blunette only after he had passed, just to be rewarded by a "flawless beauty",as the ladies called it.

Indeed it must be said that the prince was beautiful: the back of his blue silky locks was styled in upward spikes, the rest of it framed his face perfectly, falling gently on the back of his neck slightly below jaw-length; the crimson long-sleeved shirt he wore, adorned with small emeralds and golden embroidery along the edge, contrasted perfectly with his black pants and the silver belt that held them in place, the picture was completed by a pair of black boots and of course by Isa's favourite earrings, which were shaped as crescent moons.

But, what left everyone breathless weren't the simple yet perfect outfit he wore and his perfect manners.

Sure they both were important since, one day, the boy was gonna be their ruler, but they paled if compared to the prince sea-green eyes, so expressive and yet unreadable to almost everyone in that room, sometimes even the queen, or the king himself.

King Saïx was a tall, well-build man in his thirties; like his son he wore his hair spiked up, so that his long blue locks would stay in place resting behind his back just a little below the shoulders, in deep contrast with the black robes he constantly wore.

Although they looked alike, there were two differences between father and son.

The first one were the eyes: instead of Isa's green the king's eyes were a deep gold, something that made the white X-shaped scar on his face almost disappear from sight, if you ever dared to look at him in the eye of course.

The other one was the attitude: although Isa's gaze was always distant, he cared for his people in his own ways. On the contrary the king never showed his concern for anyone.

Whenever he was needed, Saïx simply gave the crowd and the nobles a cold look, a trait that allowed his majesty to radiate his power over everyone without words.

"My lord", said the boy as he politely bowed in front of his father, whose gold orbs seemed ready to judge him without a second thought.

King Saïx stayed still for a moment before finally hailing in his son's direction, giving him permission to sit on the smaller throne next to him. The boy smiled at his mother as he quickly took his place, mentally readying himself for the endless hours of his birthday party.

After a few second the king stood and his deep powerful voice filled the room.

"I officially welcome you all to this joyous celebration", Isa felt his father's hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly, just to remind him, as always, that he had to behave perfectly even if he didn't want to.

The gesture didn't go unnoticed to the servants and the few councillors that his highness trusted, and they all shivered at the thought of what was in storage for them if anything went wrong, luckily the king didn't seem to notice, as he continued his speech, drawing everyone's attention back on the young heir to the throne.

"…And now let us all celebrate without further delay the prince's birthday", that was all Isa's mind had registered of his father's words.

He mentally cursed himself for losing his mind, yet again, to some childish desires like, for example, set a foot out of the castle at least once, since his "duties" had kept him confined in this golden prison for as long as he could remember.

He never fully understood why he was kept captive, but that, along with his way too serious attitude, had been enough to prevent him from making friends, if you don't consider the young nobles who tried to constantly gain his favors.

Lost in his own thoughts the boy didn't even noticed that, after one of his father's finger-snap, at least a thousand servants started moving to guide all of his guests to the dining room.

Just like the rest of the castle the dining room was huge.

Seven long laden tables, enlightened by an equal number of chandeliers, welcomed both the nobility and the commoners of the kingdom as they took their seats, after the king and his family did so.

Isa nearly gritted his teeth as he noticed that his people, unlike the nobles, had to wait for his arrival in the gardens.

Are we really that different?

he asked himself not daring to glance at their tables.

As the meal was served the blunette's eyes followed the dishes destined to the peasants; he couldn't help but notice how simple they were if compared to the ones served to him.

If he had deer and berries, they were probably eating some pork with fried or roasted potatoes, even their drinks were different.

His goblet was filled with wine, but there were no goblets in front of his people only beer mugs and glasses of water.

Even if we are all here our class difference is shown in everything we do, wear, eat and drink I bet even our thoughts are different…and to make things worse the servants are probably starving right now

Isa nearly sighed as his sea-green orbs scanned the area allowing the boy to glance at the maids that were carrying the dishes and at the other personal servants who stayed quietly behind their masters ready to fulfil every single one of their whims.

With all those things in his mind, trying to keep up his own fake small smile was hard, but the heir was already used to it, so his birthday party went fair well, if you don't count the endless conversation with the elderly nobles, the daydreaming sighing of every single lady in the room and the brat like behaviour of practically every young nobleman that introduced himself to the prince for the first time that day.

As the dessert arrived Isa wasn't surprised to see that there were no candles to blow for him.

"That's a thing only peasants do", his father had told him when at the age of six he dared to ask for a proper birthday cake.

Needless to say, even the desserts marked the class difference of the attendants.

Not even bothering to look at it, the blunette pushed his cake aside letting his mind take him away once again.

NG: ok here is the first chapter. I'm still a newbie here so if you see errors or want to help me improve be my guests.

Lea: please R&R or I'll never be in the story *makes puppy eyes*

NG & Isa: Lea!? How long have you been there?

Lea: since the beginning of course, after all this is my story too

Isa: he IS early *turns to NG* alright what did you do to make him leave his PS2?

NG & Lea: *grinning* that's a secret *they both turn to the readers* thanks for your time and remember flames will be used for our personal entertainment

Isa:*looking at their shared agenda* weren't you two supposed to be studying today? *crosses arms over chest*

NG & Lea: he caught us, run for it *start escaping*

Isa: get back here and do your homework