" I d-don't like it when you l-look at other girls that way.", she said as she played with the seam of her school shirt. He turned around and stared at her. Her head was cast down.
"What?" She looked up, eyes meeting his.
"I don't like it when you look at other girls that way.", she said in the innocent, soft, quiet voice of hers, "It makes me feel-"
"Jealous?", he asked with a smirk. "Angry?"
"Yes...", she stared at her hands.
"Hinata,", he sighed, "why would you be jealous? I glared at her."
"B-because...W-When you glare I...", she paused and took a deep breath, "I like it when you glare at m-me, and I wish you'd do it more often."
She gave him a brilliant smile.
He stared at her, baffled.
" When you glare you look r-really s-s-sexy," Her pointer fingers began to touch, "and r-really hot, like some handsome god of the underworld. You look like a bad boy and I think it's really...", she tapped her finger on her chin as if in deep thought, "really...-"
He grabbed her arm and yanked her forward before she could finish, dragging her behind him like a rag doll. He entered the janitor's supply room and pulled her in.
"I don't like it when you look at other guys that way."
"E-excuse me?"
"The whole blushing and kind smiling thing.", he said calmly as he folded his arms, "It makes boys fantasize of doing extremely perverted things to you."
Blood rushed to her face.
"Y-you want to d-do p-p-perv-verted th-things to m-m-me?"
"Well...", he scratched his head, "Yes?"
"Oh...W-well, me t-too..."
He took a step toward her and grabbed her face with recently moisturized hands (Hmm?), shoved her against the shelves, and attacked her soft lips.
Everyone stared in shock as they walked into the cafeteria. Fan girls died (literally)while perverts and teacher's who were pedophiles committed suicide.
Naruto choked on his food and Sakura fainted as a blushing Sasuke and a glaring Hinata sat at the table.