Disclaimer: This is absolute fluff that deviates during/after HKT. All characters and places belong to Kristen Britain. For those who are going thru Green Rider withdrawal . . . let this feed the fluff monster and sigh with longing for the subplot that never seems to develop fast enough. I appreciate reviews greatly but am realistic with the small fan world that is GR.
'Oh no no NO, absolutely not,' Karigan stated firmly, crossing her arms across her chest in what she hoped was a no nonsense attitude.
'It'll be fun,' Estora said dismissively, lifting the lid of yet another trunk that overflowed with rich fabrics.
'Not my definition of fun,' Karigan sniffed indelicately. She eyed the trunk with distaste and edged closer towards the heavy oak door.
Earlier that day, Estora had sent a Green Foot to the rider's barracks, citing a request for Karigan's company. Grudgingly she had gone, for try as she might; she could not find it in her to dislike the golden haired beauty that she had come to respect and admire. The little messenger indicated that she would lead Sir Rider G'ladheon, per the Lady Estora's instructions. Karigan slipped her cloak over her shoulders and stepped out into the hallway after the small green-clad figure.
As they walked briskly, they passed scores of servants bustling through the corridors. The entire castle was preparing for a seasonal masquerade ball, and it was rumored, that King Zachary would announce his betrothal to Lady Estora of Coutre Province. Karigan had maintained a blank and neutral façade when presented with the gossip in the common room and returned to her ledgers, dully adding numbers in her head.
But the pain hovered at the edges of her periphery. The ever looming despair of knowing exactly what was to come but utterly incapable of preventing its culmination. For is this not what was always expected? She could dream and she could hold her hopes close to her heart but that is what they would always be. Empty hopes and dreams that would never be fulfilled.
Never mind that though, she certainly knew her duty and what it entailed. Life needed to be grounded firmly in reality and not in the expectation of fairy tale endings.
Her heart clenched painfully in her chest as she numbly followed the Green Foot.
Zachary would marry Estora and produce an heir. Such was the natural way of things. She would continue in service until released and then return to Corsca to live the life she always intended within the clan.
Shaking her head briskly to quell the gathering tears, she glanced around her surroundings to see that the girl had led her to a suite of guest quarters and not to the previously held Queen's chambers.
Puzzled, Karigan had knocked lightly on the door and entered tentatively when she heard Estora's clear voice call, "Come!"
Karigan visibly started when she saw the vast amounts of glittering gowns thrown carelessly over pieces of furniture and over the lids of the trunks that lay open haphazardly. Estora was in the thick of it all, clad only in her thin chemise and corset, directing a pair of harried maids who bustled in and out of the dressing room. Upon seeing Karigan, Estora beamed and gracefully skirted around the trunks to pull Karigan in by the hand. Glancing around to the young girl still hovering by the door frame, she asked her kindly to summon Fastion before shutting the door firmly.
Turning around to grin mischievously at Karigan, Estora clasped her heads together and studied her with a focus that slightly unnerved her. 'I think that ivory or gold would suit you very well."
Karigan's eyebrow raised a fraction, 'Pardon?'
'A gown in one of those colors, would suit you very well,' Estora repeated, her smile growing wider.
'I do not have the pleasure of understanding you,' Karigan replied slowly, unconsciously leaning back.
Estora gave a small chuckle and turned towards one of the maids, whispering into her ear. Nodding, the maid disappeared back into the dressing room. Turning back to Karigan, she shrugged, 'It is simple. You are coming to the ball tonight with me.'
'Am I now?' Karigan replied dryly, regarding her skeptically.
'Indeed you are. A special invitation from the King himself,' Estora replied, striding forward to unclasp the cloak amidst Karigan's protests. Balling the heavy fabric, she threw the bundle into the corner and surveyed Karigan's form with a critical eye. 'You've a good figure and lovely skin despite being exposed to the elements.'
Karigan in turn, hunched her shoulders and glared at her, 'A rider has no business at a masquerade ball!'
'Your captain will be attending,' Estora replied a bit impatiently, her hands going to her hips. 'And certainly Rider Sir G'ladheon will be welcomed at any castle function. The nobles are in fact expecting you,' she said matter-of-factly.
'Dressed up like a peacock no less? An exhibit for them to mock?'
Estora waved a hand carelessly, 'No one will dare mock you when I am done with you. More likely they will be picking their jaws up from the polished marble floor.'
Karigan scowled and opened her mouth to retort but a knock sounded at the door, startling them both from the heated conversation. Quickly, Estora donned a robe and called for them to enter, tying the sash while giving Karigan a warning look.
Fastion entered quietly and bowed at the waist, 'You called for me, my lady?'
Estora smiled pleasantly, 'Indeed, I wish for you to repeat the King's instructions in regards to Rider Sir G'ladheon.'
'The king stated, "Make sure she is present and in suitable attire. Tell her no uniform and no saber. If she refuses, use whatever means necessary", Fastion replied dutifully, but gave a sly wink towards Karigan.
'Oh no no NO, absolutely not,' Karigan stated firmly, crossing her arms across her chest in what she hoped was a no nonsense attitude.
'It'll be fun,' Estora said dismissively, lifting the lid of yet another trunk that overflowed with rich fabrics.
'Not my definition of fun,' Karigan sniffed indelicately. She eyed the trunk with distaste and edged closer towards the heavy oak door. Fastion blocked the way and gave her a shove towards Estora, 'Little sister, you will go and you will enjoy yourself. Think of it as an exercise in training. Observe, watch, and do not partake of the punch.'
Karigan only shook her head and resolutely walked towards the door once more. Undeterred, Fastion picked her up by the waist and slung her over his shoulder. She squawked indignantly and pummeled what she could reach with her fists. Her blows landed across heavy bands of muscle that did not even flinch as he regarded Estora calmly, 'Where would you like me to put her, my lady?'
Karigan hissed and moved to land a low punch to his kidney, but he anticipated her actions as he reached up with his free hand and slapped her soundly on the bottom. Mortified, her head shot up and her cheeks flamed with embarrassment as she now hung limply over the man's shoulder, momentarily defeated. Fastion did not even look a tad remorseful as he continued to look at Estora expectantly.
Estora stifled her laughter and regarded Karigan with only a smidgeon of sympathy, 'Would you like to walk to your bath willingly or shall Fastion drop you in?'
Karigan's eyes narrowed into suspicious slits, 'Why is it so important that I attend?'
Laren Mapstone emerged from the dressing room, in her own shift and robe, and remarked dryly, 'Because if I have to be dressed by the Lady Estora like a doll, then so do you. And Karigan? We have some things to discuss before we commit our body and souls to the machinations of Estora's maids.'
The two maids in question reappeared, one with a set sinister looking curling tongs and the other with a devilish looking corset with intricate ties.
Fastion gently placed Karigan back on her feet and patted her back consolingly, 'For king and country, now chin up Rider!'
Fluffy fanfics need to have the troublesome plotlines disappear and thus I have a plan . . .