A/N: In order to understand this, it will be helpful to know that Lex is one of Spencer's personalities. But I guess you could probably figure that out if you read the summary. Happy readings!

Spencer Reid was very nervous. Derek Morgan was in his apartment, sitting on his couch. Spencer was always nervous around Morgan. He couldn't help it. The man was intimidating. It wasn't just his good looks; it was his confidence that he was always the coolest person in the room. And Spencer adored him. Not that he'd ever admit it.

"You okay, kid?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah, fine," Spencer said nervously playing with his hands. He was sitting on the opposite end of the couch that Morgan was. Of all things they were watching Star Trek.

A voice in Spencer's head popped up. He's watching Star Trek with you for God's sake. He wants to fuck you, Spencer.

"You know," Spencer said, trying to distract himself. "This isn't the original pilot. The original one was called 'The Cage' and it featured Jeffrey Hunter as Captain Christopher Pike. They remade it after he withdrew from the role."

"You don't say," Morgan said. "Does this ever get more interesting?"

"You don't like it," Spencer said. "We can watch something else."

"No, it's okay," Morgan said.

Come on. Kiss him.

"It's getting late," Spencer said, hoping Morgan would just leave him alone. Part of him thought maybe, just maybe the voice was right and that Morgan was interested in him. But that didn't matter. It wasn't going to happen.

"Yeah, I should probably get going…" Morgan said.

Lex couldn't let Spencer throw this opportunity away. The poor kid was terrified of Morgan, but Lex didn't have to be. He wasn't afraid of making the first move. He moved closer to Morgan on the couch.

"You don't have to go," he said. He made sure to make his voice sound innocent. Morgan had to believe it was Spencer.

"I can stay for a bit," Morgan said.

Lex leaned in closer to Morgan their faces just inches apart. Lex put a tentative handon Morgan's face (he was really a very good actor). For a moment Morgan's eyes were wide with surprise. But then Lex moved his lips closer, and closer, until they were touching. Morgan's lips were softer than Lex expected and he was caught off guard by the way his heart started racing. A sense of adrenaline rushed through him, and he found he wanted this just as much as Spencer did. He slid his tongue into Morgan's mouth slowly and Derek didn't resist. Their tongues brushed up against each other and Lex was aware he was using more tongue than necessary, but it was too heated for him to care.

He could tell Morgan didn't know where to put his hands, so he lifted his hand from Morgan's face and found his hands to hold. That's what Spencer would do, Lex thought. If he were brave enough to do anything at all.

Lex pulled his mouth away from Morgan's and headed towards his neck biting gently into the soft flesh.

"Spence?" Morgan said.

This was going to be hard, Lex realized. Morgan had too much respect for Spencer. It was really very annoying because it got in the way. Morgan wouldn't be roped in for a one night stand. Not when he cared about Spencer so much. "Morgan?"

"What are we doing?" Morgan asked.

Lex tried to do his very best Spencer impression, but it was hard when he was doing something Spencer would never do. "I know you like me, Morgan. I like you, too."

Morgan was still clutching onto his hands. "You do?"

"I do," Lex said proceeding to nibble on Morgan's neck.

"Spence, maybe we should take it easy…" Morgan said.

Then Lex knew he had to bring out the big guns and pray it was the right choice. If he took one wrong step, then everything would be ruined. But he was willing to take a bet. Take a chance that he was right.

"Morgan, I love you," he whispered in Morgan's ear.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short, but I really wanted to leave it there! Next chapter will be longer and it will be up tomorrow. Please consider reviewing.