Authors Note: Sorry for the delay darlings, this is the last chapter though. For now. Unless I decide to carry on with it, but I need to cut down on my fics that I have to update. But I'll close this one off :)

"Alec? How does this look?" Isabelle was in the door way, mouth falling open as she took in the sight. A very disheveled Alec laying on the bed leaning up on his elbows, shirt pushed up, and Jace panicked and a little freaked out on the floor. "Nevermind. Please lock the door behind me." Then she promptly slammed the door shut.

The golden-haired boy scrambled up to his feet, back hitting the wall in his panic, he leaned forward hand on his knees. "Jace?" A shiver went through his body and he fell back to the floor.

"Alec I- I don't know why I did that." Alec's breathing was still rapid, and his mind was reeling.

"Jace Lightwood, do you like me?" He forced himself to speak braver, to sound more adult that he was even though he was the oldest. He was on his feet now, and slowly walking forward.

"Of course I like you, I love you." He answered instantly, head raising quickly to meet Alec's blue eyes. Alec's heart ached, he already knew that, he was his Parabatai.

"But are you attracted to me? Or did my kissing skills just push you over the edge?" He laughed awkwardly and looked down at his socked feet. He wore a pair of faded jeans, that were nearly falling apart, and a black sweater with nearly as many holes. His dark hair was getting long again, and fell over his eyes just slightly.

Alec had always been imperfect about his clothing, his hair. But Jace always knew he was the most handsome boy he had ever seen. Everytime a stray thought would come into his mind, he would beat it down and find a girl some where. He just wasn't raised that way, there was no other way than woman and man. Valentine had pressed this along with his hatred of downworlders.

Jace though, right now, and with this boy, couldn't find it in him to care of what anyone thought about him any longer. With a speed only he possessed, Jace was up and taking handfuls of the black hair as he kissed him.

Magnus held Clary's hand, as she explained to her mother that she was in love with a warlock. He had looked at her with pride as she explained the unity ruin, the ruin she drew on him and her, to show that it worked. Binding them in a way they never had before. And in the hall, with all the shadowhunter, and downworlders, Clary had kissed him, not caring who saw them, or what they thought. It all caused a bit of gossip, all, intriguingly, on their side.

Some how it made the shadow hunters think that Clary was nothing like her father, because of his hatred towards downworlders. Making them have a little more faith in her. The downworlders earned a bit of respect for her. Magnus wasn't exactly nice to everyone, he had been around for a very long time, and he knew what he was doing. If she was with Magnus, then she was good enough not to glare at.

Magnus smiled as he strolled down the street, it had been a four months since the war. Everything had calmed down. Clarissa was training at the institute, and he was teaching her runes. When he really shouldn't have been, but was anyway. He had meant to talk to Maryse about it, but frankly he just didn't like that woman. He was on his way to the institute now. Clary would be down training for the day, then they would head over to the bridal shop where Jocelyn wanted her to get a dress.

Lucian and Jocelyn were finnally getting married. She had been his friend for a very long time, and was happy for her. It was a little awkward dating her daughter, but she wasn't stopping her from it. She had warned Clary, that he was sure of. He was immortal, most Warlocks chose to be, and of course when his time came he jumped at the idea. Nephelium weren't. In fact their life span was much less than normal humans. It was just the job. He also couldn't give her any kids. Not while he was immortal at least.

Magnus had been researching, and looking in his newly acquired book for a certain spell. A reversal spell of sorts. He had wanted it before, for when the time came to settle down in his life. But now he wanted it for many more reasons. He wouldn't be immortal any longer by the time the spell was over, but it wouldn't matter, for her had Clarissa.

He would wait until she caught up to his human age, which was roughly around twenty. It was rarely down, and something you couldn't take back. But then he could give her everything. He was having so many feelings, so many urges that he never had before. They were frightening, and exciting, and he liked it. He couldn't help but day dream about her wearing a wedding gown.

Clary balanced herself gracefully on beam, the beam that happened to be twenty feet in the air. She had wires on her, yet she still thought she was going to die at any moment. "You must learn to be brisk!" Maryse shouted from below her. Clary let out a huge breath before she quick stepped the entire length of the beam, holding on to the wall for death life once she reached it. "That was better, only teetered once. Now jump to the other beam."

"Do you want me to die?" She shouted down at her.

"Don't sass me girl. Now do it." Clary grumbled to her self before gathering her inner anime warrior, and pushing her self as hard as she could from the beam. Her hands caught the other beam, that had been ten feet from her, she twirled on it, swinging a leg over it. Thank god her mother let her take gymnastics when she was eight. unfortunately, she stopped once she was twelve.

"How do I stand up now?" She asked honestly, peering down at Maryse. Which turned out to be the wrong thing to do, because she instantly got light-headed.

"That's all for now. It's later than I thought. Jump down." Clary was beginning to think this woman hated her. She liked training with Isabelle or Jace, or heck even Alec. Maryse was harsh, and never was an once of gentle. She sighed as she watched the woman walk out, not even caring if she found a way down.

"Need help Claire?" Jace asked, poking his head in the door. She sighed with happiness. Her brother and her had done so much better. He had even given her a nickname. He was fitting in much better now with Jocelyn, with Luke helping greatly. She finally knew that he wasn't like Valentine. He wasn't Clary's blood, like they thought, instead of them being over joyed, they were.. Well, Clary didn't really care. She still felt like he was her brother, and it didn't matter that he was a Herondale by blood, to her he was Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern, her older brother. Well now I guess there last name would be Greymark.

"Please." He smiled his cocky smile, and gave it a running start before he launched himself upward, every bit like an angel to her. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her down, landing soundless to the floor. He let her slide down him to her feet, and instead of being made nervous by this action, it was normal. "Thanks bro." Clary smiled at him. He didn't really notice though, Alec was walking in.

"You ready to go?" Alec asked him.

"Born ready." He answered, walking towards him and giving him a light peck on the mouth. Clary blushed scarlet and looked down.

"You guys hunting tonight?"

"Yeah, then we're going to Taki's. Wanna join us?"

"He doesn't mean that." Alec said, making Clary laugh.

"No, I'm good. I've got to pick a dress, then Magnus and I are going out." They nodded, before walking out together holding hands. They had only recently came out to everyone, although Clary and Isabelle knew before anyone. Really they only meant to tell Clary, Isabelle just happened to have really bad luck on walking in on them. Four times. Pour thing. Clary had once, and that was enough to scar her permanently. She shuddered, and finished unclasping her ropes, and putting away everything.

Not that Isabelle was any better. Seeing her and Simon had nearly gave her a heart attack. It was just way to much for even Clary to handle. But she had to admit they looked perfect together. Isabelle was a little softer, some how, and Simon was a little harsher. The leveled eachother out very well, and she was glad that Simon wasn't alone.

She showered quickly, only putting on jeans, a tank top, and a hoodie. She would change into something nicer later. Magnus was more than likly waiting for her. Sure enough, waiting just outside the gate was Magnus bane in all his flamboyant glory. He may be straight now, well at least bi, because they both shared a crush on that Twilight guy. He didn't instantly start dressing like a lumberjack.

He wore nice black pants, and a button up shirt. Over it was a deep maroon colored velvet jacket, and a black and white scarf that had skulls all over it. With of course, his jewelery. He had multiple piercings on his ears, and his eyebrow. Which Clary had only two on each side, and just last week, her belly button. He was a terrible influence on her, but she liked it.

Without even a hello, he kissed her, pulling her to his body. He pulled away to only kiss her gently once more. She wrapped her arm around his, cuddled into him. "Ya know. I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to Jace and Alec."

She laughed, shaking her head. "Why?"

"It's beyond strange, and I nearly fainted from what I saw- do- do they have no boundaries?"

"Oh no, you've been exposed to. It's mentally scaring. I think it's a Lightwood thing. Izzy does it too." I shuddered again, and he laughed.

"Well, we'll just have to get back at them, now won't we?" He grinned evilly at her, and her stomach tightened, and her cheeks grew warmer.

"I guess we will."

Magnus smiled happily, he still loved what he could do to her. He loved they way he embarrassed her, the way he excited her. He loved the fire that was around his heart for the girl. He was very right when he had thought how much more exciting things would be. He didn't regret a single thing of what they had done or how anything had went.

Clary still saw Magnus as a fallen angel, with his cat eyes, and devilish good looks. He was her Magnus, her Maggy, and she couldn't have been happier to be with him. She didn't know what the future would bring them, but she knew that she could handle anything if she had him with her.

AN: I'll possibly update this again, with Magnus telling her he's going to not be immortal anymore, and maybe a flash forward. But not for a while, and only if you want it! I hope you guys liked this fic! If you like more risky pairings like this, follow me, because I'll be pairing up more from TMI. :) I love you all sooo much! Thank you for liking my first TMI fic. :) :) :)