That was then, this is now

Percy's POV

I fell down on the carpet floor crying out in pain. Gabe, my stepfather was standing above me getting ready to beat me up with a…belt. He then smacked me on the back with it. I started to cry from the top of my lungs. I tried to get away, but he had me down every second I tried. The more I cried out, the more he started to hit me harder and harder. He didn't stop until there was a knock on the front door. He picked me up and carried me on his back. He took me into my room and threw me across my bed.

"Be quit or I'll come back for you." He whispered. I nodded. He walked away cursing under his breath. I then wiped the hot tears that were falling from my cheek. Slowly, I touched my back with my hand.

"AHHHHHHH!" I cried out. My hand was bloody red from the beating. I took a deep breath to calm me down. The door then flew open. Gabe came in with an angry face.

"Don't come out until I say so." He whispered. Before I could reply he threw some clothes on the bed next to me.

"Tomorrow you will wake up and go to work at 6:00am" he shrugged.

"I have the day off at work though." I explained. He just started at me in shock. His black dark eyes were giving me the creeps. His face was as ugly as always.

"Don't worry, I called your boss at work and told him that you will be going to work tomorrow." He smiled at me evilly. He then left without a word. I slowly checked the time…5:36p.m. I then heard music coming from the living room. I then realized that Gabe was having a party with some of his friends. I then started to think to myself "why can't you just run away? I mean, he isn't your real father. I decided not to though. If I did where would I live? Who is going to take care of me? When am I going to find an education? All these other questions came to me rapidly. I then fell asleep.

The next morning I found myself covered in blood. My room smelled like the dead and I almost wanted to throw up. I went into the bathroom to take a quick bath. When I got in the tub, my back started to burn like hell. When finished I took a good long look at me at the mirror. I had some bruises that covered my whole entire left side of my cheek. I had a deep cut on my arm that was still gushing out blood. Things just can't get any worse. I picked up the covers of my bed, they all had blood stains. I slowly put on my work uniform. Then I picked up my phone and went out the room. As I walked down the stairs the smell of alcohol filled the room. I saw Gabe on the couch in a weird position with this other girl I don't even know. I walked towards the kitchen to grab something to eat. I took out leftover spaghetti and heated it up in the microwave. I then caught something on the table. A wallet. And guess who it belonged to….none other than Gabe. I snatched it up and hid it in my pocket. I ignore the rest of the people in the room and hopped into my car. My phone started to ring. I picked it up.

"Hello?"I whispered.

"Percy, where are you?" It was Nico.

"I'm heading to work." I responded.

"Perce, Rachel has been asking for you! Oh, and I thought you had the day of today."

"No, I was just lying about it."

"Okkaaayyy...but really, go to Rachel's house she was waiting for you since last night!" I then remembered that I had promised my friends that I was going to meet them at the movie theater.

"I'm sorry that I turn you guys down. I was busy yesterday; I had to catch up on some things."

"Percy, let me tell you something. Ever since your mom passed away, you've been acting a little strange. Is everything okay? Because if something is wrong, you could tell us were your friends." I knew better then to tell them about Gabe. He would kill me if I ever told anyone especially the cops.

"Nico, I'm alright. I just had to help Gabe on something." I lied. There was a silence on the line.

"Okay, then see you later today?" he said.

"Sure." I declared.

When I got to Rachel's house I saw her waiting for me on the steps of her house. She was wearing a hot pink shirt with some dark jeans. Her hair was in curls and she had away toooo much makeup! When she saw me pull up, her face was in shock. She ran up to me.

"Percy, what in hell happen to you?" she touched my cheek.

"Nothing, I just got hit in the face with some rock." I lied. She started at me for a few moments deciding whether to believe my story.

"Okay, but who hit you?" she questioned. My heart started to beat faster and faster. I was speechless.

"People…Kids…ummm….I…mean." I couldn't think on what else to say. Then out of nowhere I said…

"There were these kids playing hit Bob with a rock." Rachel looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Hit Bob with a rock?" she snorted. "What kind of a game is that?" she added.

"Welll, it's like tag, but the person that is it….is named Bob…and the other players get to hit Bob with a rock. I was walking to a neighbor's house to ask for butter then all of the sudden I got hit with a rock." I explained. I just made that up, but I still hope that she falls for it.

"Okay, but please be careful next time." She leaned up and kissed me. We were like that for the last 3 minutes. I then pulled away and whispered in her ear…

"I have to go to work now." She smiled at me and nodded. I went towards my car. I waved at her goodbye then lift.

Line Break….


No answer.


Still no answer.


No answer.

Great, he's asleep. I walked over to him and pushed him off his bed. He got up very fast.

"Dude, Percy what was that for?" he went up to me and smacked me on my back. I cried out when he did. Grover looked at me awkwardly…

"Percy, you okay? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you that hard." I sat on his bed trying not to shout at him. My back still hurt and wouldn't get cured.

"Ummmm, Percy…" he whispered. I looked at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Ummm…were getting late." I nodded and told him to go ahead without me.

"I'll catch up, I promise." He tried to protest, but just nodded. We were going to a party this night. When my back started to cure I called Rachel. No answer. I tried again. And still no answer. I then started to worry. I got up and drove to her house.

20 minutes later….

When I got there I saw lots of people on the front yard….a party? I asked myself. I got out and saw no sign of Rachel. I then asked one of her friends. They all said that she was upstairs in her room. When I lift I heard one of them say…

"Rachel can't run from trouble, there ain't no place that far." What did that mean? I asked myself. As I walked upstairs this girl younger than me tried to kiss me full lip! Guess she is drunk. When I got to her front door I turned the knob and saw her with….Nico. I dropped instantly. They were kissing and touching each other. Nico was only in his boxers and as for Rachael..she had nothing! Nico then saw me. He stopped, Rachel looked at him in concern then turned towards me. Their eyes were wide open like mine. Rachel then hid her body with a blanket.

"Nico?" I whispered.

"Percy….this- " I cut him of.

"Why is my best friend and girlfriend making out?"-my voice stared to rise-" Nico why are you doing this to me?!"

"Percy, it's not Nico's fault!" Rachel said.

"You know what?" I walked towards Nico and punched him in the face. He fell on the ground. I started to kick him on his chest as hard as I can. Rachel then threw something behind my head. I cried out in pain. Rachel wrapped the blanket around her body and helped Nico out.

"I hate two faced people. It's hard to decide which face to slap first." I yelled.

Nico then punched me. That's when we lost our friendship. We kept on hitting and punching each other. I then started to choke him. I then stopped myself…he is my friend…I'm not a killer. I then set him free then whispered…

"I don't have time for you stupid people." I then left.

I decided to go home and steal Gabe's famous drinks. I didn't take my car….I walked home instead. When I got there I went down the basement and took a whole box of alcohol. I know that I'm young, but I always drink when I have stress problems. I walked to the park. It was dark so dark that I couldn't even see anything. I sat on a porch and popped open a bottle. I took a sip. Not enough, my mind told me. So then I started to gulp the whole thing. I then started to cough and choke, but did I care? No! Why would I care? I mean nobody wants me around except Grover!

"Somethin up kid?" I jumped and saw a tall man with a blue suit. He had brown hair and his face was bruised up like mine.

"Nothin up." I whispered. He sat next to me and asked…

"Could I have a bottle?" I nodded. He took one and chunked the whole entire liquid. I wonder if he has problems.

"Why is a kid like you, out here all alone?" he questioned.

"I had a problem. My so called girlfriend cheated on me with a friend of mine." I took another sip.

"Kids these days….they never learns do they?" he spoke out. I looked at him. He looked like a nice guy.

"How old are you anyways?" he added.

"I'm 13." He just shook his head.

"You know it's illegal for kids your age to be drinkin." I just ignored him.

"Why, are you here?" I asked.

"Well, I guess the same as you. Today was my friend's birthday…and I found out that my wife cheated on me for my brother." I felt bad for him. He took another sip.

"I mean, don't you just wish that you could just run away and make start a new life?" he added. I looked at him and just nodded.

"Yes, I always think about that." He was about to say something else, but then a car came driving right at the corner of the park.

"It's the cops." I whispered. I looked beside me and saw him nowhere in sight. Strange. I picked up the box and ran.

I was walking into the streets with a box full of alcohol. I was about to through the box into the garbage can…

"Stop!" I then stopped I turned around and saw the police. How do they do that?

"Drop the box and put your hands up!" do they think that I was a criminal? I mean, I'm a kid, But I did what I was told.

"Who are your parents?" the man said.

"I only have a stepfather." He nodded and handcuffed me.

"Get in the car." He added.

Line break.

"I told you if you ever get in trouble with the cops I'll kill you!" screamed Gabe. I was prepared for the worst. He took hold of me and started to choke me. I couldn't stand it anymore, I then bit him very hard on his arm that I even tasted blood in my mouth. He let go and I went to the front door. I ran away. I went running to Gabe's car and drove off.

Not as good, but i tried, Review! PM for any questions. I'll try to make the next chapter better! My second! And no flames! Sorrry for the grammer and spelling!

-140 out.