
I was watching Nolan Gerard Funk's song 'Break My Heart' from Spectacular! and it inspired me to write this for some reason if you have watched, isn't good! And if you haven't you should, he looks really hot in it (that's my opinion anyway ;).

Anyway on with the story but first, I don't own Glee (even though I wish I owned Hunter and Sebastian ;)

Adrian's POV

As I walked through the halls of Dalton, I could hear singing coming through a door in the hallway. Confused, I walked up to the door and pressed my ear against it and could hear harmonising voices singing a song I didn't know.

"That's the Warblers" said a voice behind me. Startled, I turned around and came face-to-face with somebody I've never seen.

"You scared me" I told him, my heart still racing. "Sorry. My name is Trent, I'm supposed to show you around the school but looks like you beat me to it" He told me, smiling.

"You were taking a bit long, so I figured I would just show myself around" I said, smirking at him. "Yeah, sorry I was at Warbler's practice and lost track of time. You still need to be shown around?" he asked me.

"You're in the Warblers?" I said, ignoring his last question. "Yeah, can you sing?" he asked me. "Sort of, do you think they'll let me join?" I asked.

"Maybe, you'll have ask our leader, Hunter, just to warn you though he can be a bit tough on you at first, but the more you get to know him he'll be a good friend to have" He told me. "So, do want to see the rest of the school or would you prefer to keep your ear pressed against the door? " He said, with his own smirk on his face.

"Sure, can you introduce me to the Warblers later?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll introduce you at lunch but right now, I have to show you around the school so let's go" He said pulling me along with him. "I have a question to ask you first, before we begin the tour" He said.

"Ok, go ahead, ask away" I told him, suddenly curious. "Ok then, are you gay?" He asked me. Shocked at his question, I answered him, "Yes I am, is that going to be a problem?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"No, half the guys here are gay, including me" He told me. (I don't know if Trent is gay so I made him gay). "Now that's out of the way, let's begin our tour".

Hunter's POV

"Ok guys finished for today, I'll see all tomorrow" I told everyone, feeling tired after this practice. "You OK, Hunt?" asked my boyfriend. I turned around to see him looking at me, concerned.

"I'm fine Seb, just a little tired after this practice that's all", I reassured him and grabbed his hand in mine.

"We can go back to the dorm if you're feeling tired" he told me, pressing his forehead to mine. "No, I'm more hungry than tired, but I do need to go back to the dorm to get something. I'll meet you at the cafeteria, OK?"

"Ok, I'll see you then" He told me. He tried to give me a quick goodbye kiss but like always I wanted more. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly, trying to get as close to him as possible and making sure he couldn't pull away.

"I thought you had to get something from the dorm, Hunt" Seb mumbled against my lips. I sighed and quickly let go of him before I do something that the public eye should not see. "Yes, I do but I'd much rather stay with you" I said, smirking at him.

He smirked back at me "Later. Love you" He said and turned around to walk out the door.

"Love you too"

Just as he was about to walk out the door I lightly smacked him on the ass. He yelped, and turned to glare at me playfully. I smiled back at him. He turned back around and headed to the Cafeteria.

I went to my dorm and grabbed my textbook and headed out the door towards the Cafeteria.

Adrian's POV

"Here is the Cafeteria and this concludes our tour" Trent said. We lined up and I started to fill my tray up. After we got our food, he showed me to a table at the far end of the Cafeteria and told me that this is where the Warblers sit and that they would be here soon.

"Here they come" Trent told me. I turned around to see a group of guys coming towards us and in front of them the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen. He had perfectly coiffed brown hair, bright green eyes, a lean and muscular body and features like a male model.

"Who is that?" I asked mesmerized by this person. "That's Sebastian, I see that look on your face, he gets that look from everyone but no one ever gets a chance to talk to him", Trent said.

"Why is that?" I asked him, curious as to why guys stare at him but not act upon their feelings.

"Because, the last time someone approached Sebastian they ended up with a black eye and broken jaw" He told me.

"Poor guy, who did that to him?" I asked, curiously still watching Sebastian.

"Sebastian's Boyfriend, Hunter" Trent said. "Really, is this the same Hunter that is the leader of the Warblers?" I wondered.

"Yeah, when Hunter first got here, he said that he wasn't 'even remotely bi-curious' but Sebastian's speciality is turning even the straightest guy gay, It's what he does best. He used to have guys fighting over him, but now thanks to Hunter, most guys, except for us Warblers, are afraid to even glance or talk to him. They're all scared that Hunter will put them in Hospital" Trent said.

I hope he wasn't expecting his little speech to stop me from going after Sebastian. "He can't be that possessive of Sebastian, can he?" I asked.

"Oh he is, and he is willingly to prove that to anyone who doesn't believe him".

We'll see. I stood up and began walking over to Sebastian, ignoring Trent's yells telling me to come back.

"Hi there, I'm Adrian, you must be Sebastian. Nice to meet you" I said, putting on my best smile and my hand for him to shake. "That's me. Are you new here?" He asked after shaking my hand and smiling back at me.

"Yeah, I came from West Virginia. I was going to audition for the Warblers and I heard you were in the Warblers so I was wondering if you were willing to give me some pointers?" I asked him.

"Sure, I could help you out. Are you sitting with us today?"

"Yeah, Trent let me I hope that's OK"

"It's fine, has he introduced you to the other guys yet"

"No, not yet"

"Well, let me then"

We sat back down and somehow Trent ended up next to me instead of in front.

"Guys, I'd like you'd to meet Adrian. Adrian meet the Warblers". A chorus of 'heys' and 'hellos' was heard around the table.

"Hey, nice to meet you all"

"So, what would you like to know?" Sebastian asked me. "Well" I said placing my hand on his thigh firmly. He looked down at my hand on his leg. "Is something wrong?" I asked, my hand going further up his leg.

"Yes, there is" said an unfamiliar voice behind me. I turned my head up to look at the boy who had answered my question.

Hunter's POV

When I got to the cafeteria, everyone looked at me as I entered. I looked back at them confused until one of the guys on the Lacrosse team nodded his head towards the thing that had everyone attention captured.

My eyes zeroed in on Sebastian and some unknown boy seating next to each other. But that's not what caught my attention what did was that this boy had his hand on My Boyfriend. Mine I thought to myself. I immediately walked up to them.

"Is something wrong?" Unknown boy, asked Sebastian.

"Yes, there is" I answered his question instead.

"Hunter, it's not what you think" Sebastian reassured me.

"You were touching My boyfriend" I growled at him.

"Were, I think I still am. If he doesn't want me to all he to do was ask" Unknown and soon dead boy said while moving his hand even further up Sebastian's leg getting closer to place he should be avoiding if he wanted to stay alive.

Sebastian stood up next to me. I immediately wrapped my arm around his waist and glared down at the boy, who thought that he could touch what's mine, if only looks could kill.

"You're lucky Sebastian is here he is the only thing stopping me from killing you myself with my own two hands" I growled louder while tightening my grip on Sebastian.

"Hunt come on let's go, he's not worth it" Sebastian said, untangling my arm from his waist and started pulling on my hand. I turned around and re-wrapped my arm around his waist and started walking away.

"If you get tired of that possessive freak you call a boyfriend give me a call, Sebastian" I froze and Sebastian's body started to tense up.

"Hunter, don't do anything you'll regret" Sebastian said, as if sensing I was going to do something.

"Trust me Seb, I will not regret this" I whispered to him. He closed his eyes as I turned back around and headed towards the soon to be dead boy.

He smirked at as I came up to him. I smirked back.

His smirk disappeared as he saw my fist pull back hit its target. He immediately fell to floor but I wasn't done.

I jumped on him and punched anywhere I could get. He started punching me back very sloppily but he got a few good hits in. I could distinctly hear yelling in the background and Sebastian calling my name out telling me to stop.

Suddenly, I was pulled off of him by someone but I still tried to get out of whoever's grip it was my arms and legs failing about.


"Bring it on, you know he'll drop your insecure ass as soon as someone better comes along, like me" he yelled.

I screamed and finally was free of my capturers and charged at him. I was so close but then I was pulled back again then Sebastian appeared in front of me.

He placed his hands on either sides of my face "Hunter, you have to calm down, OK? Breathe slowly" He said, calming me down. I closed my eyes and slowed down my breathing just like he said.

"Good, you're doing well. Now come on, let's get outta here, OK?"

I breathed out through my nose "OK"

"Bye Sebastian" the boy said. I froze up again and so did Sebastian

"Ignore him" He said and turned around to face Adrian.

"By the way Adrian, I will never leave Hunter. Ever"

Sebastian's POV

After I said that to Adrian, Hunter wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked out of the cafeteria. I took him to our dorm and sat him down on my bed while I went to find the first aid kit in the bathroom.

When I came back Hunter was lying down on my bed with his arm over his arm.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worriedly. He sat back up and sighed but kept his face hidden from me.

"I'm sorry, I keep losing my temper" He whispered to me. "I just can't help it. Whenever I see a guy hanging around you I just think you're going choose him over me, and lose it". I sat down next to him and tried to pry his hands off his face.

"Hunter look at me" He still kept his face hidden.

"Please, I want to see your face". Finally, he took his hands off his face, where I could see a black eye starting to form and a cut on his upper lip.

I sighed, and started pulling all the things I needed. "Hunter, I don't care that you're a little possessive and get jealous easily, if anything I find it a little hot" I said, smirking at him.

He smiled at that, laughed a little and looked back at me "Of course, you do. Since when did we have a first aid kit?" He asked.

"Since you decided to get into fights with guys twice your size and can scratch up you pretty little face" I answered him.

"He was asking for it. He knew we were together, I mean, he stared at us half the night and he still hit on you"

I rolled my eyes "Hold still, this may sting a little". I started to use the disinfectant on his lip. He winced a little but otherwise, never reacted to the sting.

After I finished disinfecting it I grabbed a bandage and placed on his lip. ( I don't know what those little strips are called) and give him an ice pack from the mini freezer we kept in our room and he took off his blazer and shoes before lying down.

"Are you in any pain?" I asked.

"No I'm good". I laid down next to him after also taking my shoes and blazer off.

"Did you mean what you said? What you told Adrian in the Cafeteria? How you would never leave me? He asked looking at me with fear and pain in his eyes.

I placed my hand on his cheek and pressed my forehead against his. "Of course, I did. You know I never say anything that isn't true. I will never leave you, Hunter. I promise. I love you not him."

"You promise?"

"I do" I kissed him assuredly.

Hunter's POV

After lying there for who knows how long Sebastian stood up put his shoes and blazer back and said "I'm going to get us something to eat. You want anything specific?"

"No. I'm fine with anything"

"Ok, see you when I get back"


He opened the door after I said that. I lay back down on the bed, and closed my eyes but then I remembered something.

'Adrian' I thought to myself.

"Sebastian, wait" I called out after him. I quickly ran through the door and found him halfway down the hallway.

"Sebastian!" I called out to him. He turned around when he heard his name. I jogged over to him.

"I'll go get something, why don't you go wait in the room until I get back?"

"Or we could together?"

"No. you go wait in room and I'll get the food"

"No. Because you might get into a brawl with Adrian again if he's there and I don't want you come back with any broken bones or for him to either. Don't want you get kicked out of school. So you go wait in the room and I'll be back soon"

"But what if he…"

"No! You're not going anywhere except back to the room. Now go."



"Fine. But I expect you back in 20 minutes. No more, no less"

"Fine. Now go back to the room" I turned around and headed back down the hall

"20 minutes, Seb"

I turned back around; rolling my eyes "I know "

-20 minutes later-

"Hunty, I'm home!" yelled out Sebastian.

I ran back into the room from the bathroom "You're back. Was he there? Did he hit on you? Do I need to kill someone? Please say yes!" I exclaimed.

I saw him roll his eyes as he placed our dinner on my desk "No Hunter, he was not there, so you cannot kill anyone, Ok?" I pouted and he turned around just in time to see me.

"You're actually pouting?" He said, surprised.

"No. Now what did you get me?"

"I got you a sweet chilli chicken sandwich and a turkey one for me, along with some water to drink and cookies".

"Yum" We dug into our meals, I didn't even realise how hungry I was. Once we finished we pushed our beds together so we weren't squished together on Seb's bed.

We lay down, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes until I remember something. I turned my whole body to face Sebastian.

"Seb do you know what time it is?" He turned his head towards then looked at his watch.

"It's 9:00pm, why?"

I ran my hand down his front and stopped just at the top of his pants and looped two fingers into his belt loops and pulled him closer.

"It's Later" I reminded him, smirking.

"It is, isn't? Well, let's not waste time" He replied with a smirk of his own on his face.

I rolled us over so that I was on top and pressed my lips to his.

I don't think there will be any more possessive Hunter for a while. Maybe chapter 3 there'll be a little but I am considering continuing this story. Just tell me what you think in the reviews and I apologise for any mistakes I made. I haven't really written a story this is a first.