The team was worried about Danny. After the deal with Justin, they had decided to stay out of school for awhile. Danny hadn't been seen in awhile, and there were scattered reports of bodies turning up in rivers or just on the street, soaked in blood. Even SHEILD had no idea what was happening. Whoever it was just vanished, there was even one witness testimony to the person just disintegrating.

Then one day Danny just walked back in. He brushed aside their questions. And because he was Danny they assumed that if anything was wrong he would tell them. Danny stopped having headaches, and the strangers that had appeared a little to close to home for comfort were gone. Two bad guys, one friend, and one person in the middle. Two bodies and one disappearing murderer. Even with all of this, things just went back to normal, fading in their minds like a bad dream.

Ok, I know I cheated and didn't wrap this up quite right, and if you actually read the rest of this and wanted a proper ending, I'm sorry. I just had no idea what to do…