Kittens Gx!
Sakura: Okay, well for this fic, I'm turning Jaden and Aster into girls and… KITTIES!
Aster and Jaden: WHAT?!
Sakura: Oh come on! You know I love gender bending! And now turning people into animals. ^_^
Aster: Yeah, but why on us?!
Jaden: Yeah?! Usually it's just him!
Aster: *glares at Jaden*
Sakura: I own nothing in this fic.
Kittens talking "…"
Thoughts '…'
Chapter 1: What happened?
It was a peaceful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and a lovely young lady by the name of Cinderella (Yami Sakura: THIS ISN'T A FAIRY TALE!) Oops… I meant to say Jaden, was sleeping peacefully in her bed. Or at least trying to…
"COME ON SARGE! IT'S TIME TO GET OUT OF BED!" Tyranno Hassleberry said. He, Syrus Truesdale, Chazz Princeton and Aster Phoenix were all trying to pry the brunette from her bed. But Jaden had a strong grip on the headrest.
"BUT I'M TIRED!" She whined.
"AND I'M DATING ZANE TRUESDALE! NOBODY CARES IF YOU'RE TIRED! BUT IF I GET DETENTION BECAUSE OF YOU, I SWEAR JADEN I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" Aster snapped. Finally, and I mean FINALLY, they managed to pry Jaden's hands of her bed. The brunette whined as they headed to chemistry. Hassleberry left them there as he went to P.E.
"Sorry we're late Mr. Aono," Chazz said. He and Syrus walked into the room. Chazz went to get their ingredients, as did Aster and Jaden, and a certain tealed haired boy with emerald eyes.
"No problem, just don't so it again. I'm letting you off with a warning this time, but I don't want this to become a habit." The trio nodded. Jesse Anderson looked at them as they all got their things. His eyes asked 'what-was-that-about?' Aster sighed as they headed to their table.
"Somebody took too long to wake up," as she said this she glared at Jaden who in turn pouted. She was about to retort when something happened. Two guys, a redhead by the name of Israel Gomez and a dirty blond by the name of Jordan Edwards were arguing over something. What, I don't know… nor do I want to know. Anyways, they both had two test tubes full of a light blue green liquid. As they fought, the four glasses flew into the air, and…
…landed right on Aster, Jesse, Chazz and Jaden. Smoke filled the air as they coughed. Mr. Aono ran up to them as soon as it started to clear up. He looked around and saw no one.
"Mr. Aono? What's wrong?" Jaden asked. Everyone looked at the source of the sound and gasped when they saw the four. Jaden confused leaned into Jesse, "what's wrong with them?"
"I don't know…" he said. Aster walked up to them.
"Me either… and why am I craving tuna right now?" She wondered. Chazz looked at them all like they were idiots.
"Well, I'm going to get back to work," he started to walk back to his desk when a hand stopped him. He growled, literally, at Mr. Aono. Alexis walked up to them, and kneeled down on her knees.
'What happened to them?' She wondered as Jim and Syrus brought over a basket and a mirror. Aster gasped when she saw what happened. Right there, where her reflection should be, was a small silver Tabby kitten. The others looked and also gasped. Jaden looked like a Ragamuffin; Chazz was almost a Siamese, and Jesse, well he looked like an American Shorthair. It was shocking. They had turned into kittens. Alexis started to pick up Aster, but dropped the Tabby kitten when she scratched her. Alexis glared at the small cat as she tilted her head and jumped onto Jim's head, with what appeared to be a grin on her face. Jim let her stay up there as long as her claws didn't sink into his scalp. Jaden seemed to want to curl up in the basket and jumped right in. Chazz was being stubborn, and wouldn't get his paws off Alexis. Jesse joined Jaden in the basket and both fell asleep soundly. Everyone stared at the four kittens. Seriously…. What happened?
Sakura: Review! MEOW!