A/N First I need to say a huge thanks to my beta, twilightaddict71484, and my pre-readers sinfulroad69, and Angelvnzl. Without them this story wouldn't be worth reading. Hope you enjoy this chapter, even though I feel I must warn you that you probably will NOT like Jasper in this chapter.

I still do not own Twilight or any of the characters.

Bella's POV

Right now I'm not sure who I hate more. Myself for allowing them to force me into this fucked up situation or the Cullen's. Well maybe hate is too strong of a word for Esme, but she did go along with everyone else...so yeah I hate her too.

Then there's that fucking bastard, Jasper. It's his fault that I'm sitting here, in his bedroom, completely fucking naked! He's ripped my clothes off twice now.

The first time was because I disobeyed him by going downstairs. I was hungry, so I left the room to go find the kitchen so I could fix myself something to eat. The next thing I know he throws me over his shoulder, runs to his bedroom, and drops me on the floor. He told me I wasn't allowed to leave the room for any reason. Then the fucking asshole ripped all of my clothes off, so there I was naked.

He yelled, "Now, maybe you'll fucking stay in this room like I fucking told you to, you stupid bitch."

"I. . .I was hungry and I haven't had anything to eat since last night. I just wanted something to eat." I whispered, knowing he would hear me because of his vampire hearing.

The bastard brought me some water, and stale crackers. He threw the bottle at me. He then told me that whores like me didn't get to eat good food. I was lucky to get what I did.

None of the others came to the room. Just the asshole. He came only to make sure I was staying in the room, and that I didn't have anything on in the way of clothes, he had shredded all of my clothes. I did eventually go through the drawers in the dresser and found some of his boxers, and a t-shirt. But I wasn't about to fucking leave the room again.

I figured that as long as I stayed in my little corner of the room he would let me keep the clothes on. The only problem was... They were HIS fucking clothes.

It's been almost three weeks now, and nothing has changed. There have been a couple of times that he came in and yelled at me, saying that I stunk and that I was fucking stinking up his room. He told me that I smelled like a whore, then he grabbed me and threw me into the shower. The water was ice cold. He snarled at me when I complained that it was too cold. He poured almost a whole bottle of what I guess was his soap, on me and demanded that I wash my body.

I did as I was told, but I was shivering so fucking bad that I could hardly do anything. When I was rinsed off he turned the water off, but never gave me a towel. He just left the room grumbling about the stink in the room.

I think the worst part of all of that is that he fucking stood there while I was in the shower. I tried to turn on the hot water, but he fucking told me I had to do it his fucking way, period. I was a whore that was a threat to his family, therefore, I got no special treatment.

It was hours before I warmed up. The room is not warm to where I can be comfortable, but enough to keep me from freezing my fucking ass off. It seems that they want to keep me as uncomfortable as they can.

At least they didn't take my cell phone away from me, until last night that is. I had kept it hidden, since the mind reader couldn't read my mind it was easy. I just put it under the mattress. Why in the fuck does a fucking single vampire need a bed for beats the shit out of me!

I had to keep it in case I needed to call. Which I finally did last night. They have decided that I needed to only eat once a day now, so I decided it was time to call for help.

I didn't get past saying,"Mom" before the phone was ripped out of my hand and crushed. I thought that maybe Jasper was going to kill me, he was so angry. I myself was just about at the end of my fucking rope, so I did the stupidest thing ever.

I yelled at him to "just fucking get it over with!"

He thought I was telling him to just do what I was brought here to do, which is get pregnant. So he picked me up, threw me on the bed, then he fucking ripped his clothes off of me; pinned my arms above my head, and then started to grope me. He wasn't gentle, and he sure as fuck didn't care if he hurt me. Two of his coven members came to the rescue though and stopped him before he had a chance to actually rape me. The one they call Carlisle, and I believe the other one was Rosalie, who came in and pulled him off of me.

Unfortunately, some damage was done. I had bruises all over where he had grabbed me, and I found out later that he had broken my wrist when he held my hands up over my head. I also had a nasty bruise on my cheek where he grabbed me, forcing me to look at him when he told me that he hated me and that I was forcing him to do this.

Something has changed. He came back a few minutes ago with clothes for me to put on. He seemed to be almost remorseful. When he brought me the clothes, he never said a word. He just turned his head like he was suddenly going to be a gentleman, and handed the clothes to me. Then he walked out. I have no fucking clue what is going on but I have a feeling that today is about to get very interesting. I wonder if he found out the truth?

The Truth is the Volturi got bored and decided that in order to liven things up they would start conducting experiments. I'm the result of one of those experiments.

They started out by having vampires have sex with humans. A true test of their control; They wanted to find out just how many could have sex without draining their partner. It was an accident that they found out that male vampires could get human women pregnant. My mom was the first one born of a human mother, and vampire father. My grandmother died giving birth if you want to call, ripping your way out, a birth.

Once they knew that this could happen they started doing other experiments. My mother was forced to be with a human male, that's how I was born. After my birth, they killed my father as he was no longer needed. It also forced my mom to doing whatever the Volturi wanted her to do, or else they would kill me.

By the time I was an adult they had done a multitude of combinations with vampires and humans. They started going after male vampires with gifts; forcing them to have sex with either completely human girls, or hybrids to see if the gift would transfer. When they realized it did, the men were forced in whatever way would work, to not only have sex, but to impregnate their female partner. They have found some extremely useful gifts that way.

They want a hybrid with Jasper's gift, as well as the one that I have, at least the one they knew of. I have two, both shields, but one is mental, while the other is physical. So far I'm the only one with a shield, and since they want a hybrid that can mess with emotions, and has a shield that means I get to be the fucking bitch that has to put up with Jasper's ass.

I had been told that the Cullens were nice and different than most vampires, as they were animal drinkers. I had been told that Jasper would be willing to do what was necessary to get me pregnant. I was also told that I would be treated with kindness by all of them. What a crock of shit. I'm seriously doubting that there is any good in any of them. Yeah, you see, Jasper was led to believe certain things about me; which he did apparently pass that information on to the others. Which is why I'm guessing they have been treating me the way they have or at least allowed Jasper to treat me the way he has been.

Aro let Jasper believe that I was doing this as a favor to them. That I have had many vampire lovers, and that I was happy to "trap" Jasper into being with me. They also believed that I didn't really care about the family, as long as I had served the Volturi well, and got pregnant, that's all I cared about. The fucking bastards also made Jasper marry me. They told him some fucked up shit that if we weren't married that I would try to leave and if I left, his family would be killed.

I overheard what the leader said after Jasper informed him of what was going on, and what he thought he knew about me. He wanted me to stay away from the rest of the family, and if he had his way, I would have been removed from the house all together. Jasper actually discussed with him taking me out in the woods and having me disappear permanently. Telling the Volturi that I ran away, and they found me dead in the woods. The leader said that it would be better to just get me pregnant as fast as possible and send me back to Italy. The sooner that Jasper fulfilled his part the better, as far as Carlisle was concerned. But, I think that being married is why the leader told Jasper it was up to him to decide how I should be treated. He actually fucking told him, "I'm sorry but I just can't handle being around her so please keep her out of my sight."

They probably would have been nicer to me, and even treated me respectfully if it hadn't been for the assholes who wanted to do another fucking experiment. The only difference with this one is that they made a bet on who was right about what would happen. Sadly, I'm the one who has to pay for their fucking curiosity. I'm the one who has been hurt the most, and if what I've heard about the Cullens is true, they'll end up being hurt as well.

That was the experiment that some of them made a bet on. They wanted to see how the compassionate, loving Cullens would treat someone who was trying to destroy their family. Aro, and Caius said that they would become more like vampires, Marcus said that they would still treat me with compassion. He lost.

If it hadn't been for the fact that they themselves would be killed if Jasper didn't fulfill his part, they would have made me leave. They said so, and that's how I was made to stay in this fucking room.

I decided that I had, like I said before reached the end of my rope. The jerk had ripped my clothes off twice now, I sure as fucking hell wasn't going to let him do it a third time. He had already gotten a good look, so why in the fuck should I fucking obey him and get dressed? I think that part of me was thinking that maybe if I didn't get dressed, then he would fuck me, and then send me on my way. Which would have made me completely fucking happy, except for the fact that I really needed to get pregnant before going back to Italy.

Even though at this point, I don't want this fucking asshole to touch me. There's really no way around this fucked up shit. At some point, I'm going to have to let this bastard not only touch me, but take my virginity. Of course at this moment they may or may not know that I am actually a virgin. They probably still fucking think that I'm a fucking whore, that fucks every vampire she can.

Of course what none of them knew, at least until possibly now, is that I too was being forced to cooperate. If I didn't, they would kill my mother. I knew for a fact that they would. I couldn't even tell Jasper or any of them that I too was being forced. If I had, my mother would have been killed. I have lived long enough around the Volturi to know they never make empty threats. If I didn't allow them to continue their treatment of me, and keep my mouth shut, I would have lost the most important person to me. I just couldn't allow that to happen, no matter what Jasper did to me. She's my mother, and she's all I have in this world. If I ever become a vampire, the first fucking thing I'm doing is killing Aro with my bare hands. . .

A/N Please review and let me know if this story is worth continuing. I really need to know if you liked it and want to read more. As you can see Jasper is acting like a jerk, jackass, and bastard. Next chapter if you want it, we'll hear from Jasper, and more of what took place with Aro, Caius, and Marcus.