The stories here contain spoilers for the following Star Wars novels/short stories/comics (in roughly in-universe chronological order):

The Truce at Bakura; The Courtship of Princess Leia; Heir to the Empire; Dark Force Rising; The Last Command; Dark Empire; Dark Empire II: Empire's End; I, Jedi; Jedi Search; Dark Apprentice; Champions of the Force; Darksaber; Planet of Twilight; Before the Storm; Shield of Lies; Tyrant's Test; The New Rebellion; Ambush at Corellia; Assault at Selonia; Showdown at Centerpoint; Specter of the Past; Vision of the Future; Union; Judge's Call; Survivor's Quest; Junior Jedi Knights 1-6; Young Jedi Knights 1-6; Vector Prime; Edge of Victory I: Conquest; Dark Tide I: Onslaught; Dark Tide II: Ruin; Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial; Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse; Balance Point; Edge of Victory I: Conquest; Edge of Victory II: Rebirth; Star by Star; Dark Journey; Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream; Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand; Traitor; Destiny's Way; Force Heretic I: Remnant; Force Heretic II: Refugee; Force Heretic III: Reunion; The Final Prophecy; The Unifying Force.


11.0 ABY - Jade Apprentice - Mara speaks to Luke after returning to Yavin IV briefly to deliver news of Mirax to Corran. (During I, Jedi).

13.0 ABY - Jade Recovery - Luke wrestles with Callista's departure. Mara visits. (One week after Planet of Twilight).

17.0 ABY - Jade Waltz - Talon Karrde and Mara Jade attend a formal dance commemorating Leia's return to power. (2 weeks after The New Rebellion).

18.0 ABY - Jade Evolution - Luke is upset after the death of Gaeriel. Mara tries to cheer him up. (Immediately after Showdown at Centerpoint).

19.0 ABY - Jade Revelation - Luke and Mara are getting married. First, they have to tell everyone. (During Vision of the Future).

19.5 ABY - Jade Sabre - Luke gives his new wife a present. (One month after Union).

20.0 ABY - Jade Reflection - Mara, Mirax, and Leia share drinks and stories. (Six months after Union).

23.0 ABY - Jade Attachment - Luke wrestles with the issue of Jedi marriage. (One year after Survivor's Quest).

24.0 ABY - Jade Reminiscence - Luke and Mara celebrate the Festival of Life. (A few weeks after The Crystal).

26.0 ABY - Jade Rebirth - Mara's final battle with her disease, and the subsequent birth of her son Ben. (During Edge of Victory II: Rebirth).

27.0 ABY - Jade Despair - Mara and Luke react to Anakin Solo's death. (During the beginning of Dark Journey). New 1/18/2016!

27.0 ABY - Jade Dilemma - Mara has to decide whether to accompany Luke to Coruscant or stay behind with Ben. (During Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream).

29.0 ABY - Jade Anniversary - Luke and Mara celebrate their tenth anniversary. (Immediately after The Unifying Force).

For many (including me), the progression of Luke's and Mara's relationship during the Hand of Thrawn duology was somewhat jarring. Very little effort was made by the authors to expand on the relationship between the two during the Bantam era. Blame this on whomever you'd like, but at this point fans of this pairing are unlikely to get any new official stories featuring these two prior to their marriage, as the New Republic era is all-but-dead as far as major plotlines are concerned.

There have been a number of fan fiction authors that have taken to attempting to fill in the gaps in the story of Luke and Mara. The following stories are my attempt. There are many other excellent stories out there which do likewise. Any similarities between my stories and those of other fan fiction authors are purely coincidence, as I studiously avoid reading fanfic stories set in time periods in which I'm working until my stories are finished.

The stories here are intended to fit into the existing canon as much as possible. There are some aspects that can be considered "internal canon", which simply means that some of my (chronologically) later stories make reference to earlier stories.

I hope you enjoy the stories.